“The bishops are united and compact in sharing the difficulties and trials of family and reaffirm the beauty, the centrality and uniqueness “. In short, the bishops not only believe that the “ family is’ the Constitution of the Church ”, but also dream” a ‘country family size’ , where respect for all is lifestyle, and the rights of everyone are guaranteed on different levels according to justice. “
The archbishop reiterated, however, that it is up to the laity As already indicated by the Vatican II “to include the divine law in the life of the earthly city”. In family , he continued, “there is a spearhead: children “. And again: “We hope that the collective consciousness will never lack the identity and unique to this institution, as’ titular subject of inviolable rights and finds its legitimization in human nature and not in recognition of the State”. And on sensitive issues mentions Pope Francis: “There can be no confusion between the family willed by God and every other type of union” and “Children have the right of growing up with a father and a mother . They should take their own responsibility in the light of the Christian wisdom and eager attention to the teaching of the Magisterium ‘. ” “In addition to this extensive plan proximity – possible thanks to eight per thousand that Italians devote to the Catholic Church – has been underway for several years – said Bagnasco – a ‘Alliance against poverty “” It involves over thirty organizations in the world church, social, trade union, to promote – inter alia – the “income inclusion of” social, in order to combat extreme poverty through the integration of individual income support, and through an appropriate policy services such as work, education, health. “
That’s family is an item to” revive “adds Bagnasco , because “inexhaustible treasure and universal heritage”, asking whether “protected, promoted and supported by policies truly incisive and consistent”.
“Every state assumes the duties and charges to the family founded marriage , because she recognizes not only their future, but also its own Stability and prosperity “. At this time, “Europe and the UN must take responsibility to identify and consolidate solutions that go to the root of situations, which cast a heavy shadow on the same civilization.”
He stressed Cardinal specifying that “ children are entitled to respect and above all, security and stability.” Starting point of his argument: reaffirm the duty of the bishops – defined pastors and citizens – to express “some thoughtful comments on the historical moment that our society is going through.” Bagnasco therefore closed on the possible confrontation with Msgr. Finally, “last but not least,” “the chair of the poor”: “In Florence drew us to the preferential option for the poor, the Pope , with the task to keep alive the dialogue and discussion with the different cultures present on our territory. ” “And ‘necessary to seek a new migration policy in Europe, that the EU countries do not close, limiting the free movement and reducing the shared commitment of welcome”.
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