Rome – No confusion between civil unions and marriage. So changes to Articles 2 and 3, after concerns leaked from the Quirinale. If the civil union is broken, you lose the name of the partner. If we leave, divorce is immediate. But above all the adoption of the child’s partner in a gay couple, the stepchild adoption remains, though with some “stakes” reinforcing the protection of the child, entrusting everything in the hands of the juvenile court. Twelve amendments designed, arranged and presented yesterday by the Democratic Party with the “bollinatura” group leader Luigi Zanda, the first signatory of the text and Monica Cirinnà Minister Maria Elena Boschi. None of the three names appears below. It fell to Beppe Lumia bear the authorship, with some other dem. But the tide (6104) and among the 67 amendments of the Democratic Party, is this a dozen that you rewrite the law, believing they have the numbers to arrive at the port in the parliamentary difficult navigation. “We have taken away rights,” he said immediately Cirinnà. The changes were also shown to 5stars, Italian Left, the liberal Forza Italy and verdiniani. On paper the law so redrawn, despite opposition from 24 captive dem, should count on at least 165 yes in the Senate. The accounts, however, it is best to get them in the end. The text on civil unions will be prey to ambushes in secret votes and an underlying uncertainty, because the line of Renzi to dem is freedom of conscience. The text, updated, delete generic references to the Civil Code that seemed to equate the unions at the wedding. The stepchild is stated that “there is no automatic”. And it invokes the procedure for which will be “exclusively” the judge to assess whether the benefits are paramount to the child. Then there is an addition. If the two partners split up have the same obligations to the adopted child. There are references to the ban on surrogacy, if not an agenda.
- Arguments:
- civil unions
- stepchild adoption
- surrogate
- Starring:
- Beppe lumia
- Monica Cirinnà
- Maria Elena Boschi
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