Friday, January 29, 2016

Final Communiqué Final communiqué of the Permanent Council of the CEI in January 2016 –

The identity of its own and unique institution of marriage, the demand for consistent and effective family policies, sharing the humiliation of young people excluded from work and adults who have lost it, the conditions of poverty and loneliness experienced by many people, the persecution of Christians and other minorities, the plight of migrants and the reduction of a shared commitment of hospitality: around the themes of the inaugural lecture of Card. Angelo Bagnasco – Archbishop of Genoa and President of CEI – developed work the Permanent Council of Bishops, meeting in Rome 25 to 27 January 2016.

In the words of the bishops has been reaffirmed their commitment to continue a pastoral proximity to those who are in difficulty, in addition to the encouragement may not fail the trust . In the wake of the spiritual heritage of the Ecclesial Convention of Florence – and, in particular, the speech of the Holy Father and of the synodal experience – the comparison helped to focus on some priority in view of a shared agenda: family, school and poor soil that missionary education is its purpose.

The desire to promote the guidelines contained in Evangelii Gaudium has also emerged in the face of the ongoing process of secularization, to get identification and the hiring of new forms of presence and testimony of pastoral action. In this spirit, the Permanent Council discussed the proposals for a relaunch of the cultural project.

A specific communication was offered on the reform process of the double canon, with respect to which the Bishops have expressed full support for the reasons that inspired the Motu Proprio Mitis iudex Dominus Iesus of Pope Francis.

The Permanent Council approved the new parameters for the building of worship for the period 2016-2018 and examined the Statutes of associations of the faithful.
 Finally, it also provided some appointments, including that of members of the Episcopal Commissions and the President and members of the Scientific Committee and organizer of the Social Weeks of Italian Catholics.

Family, measure civilizations

 The difficulties and trials of family – and with its beauty, uniqueness and centrality – have been widely underlined by the bishops, in resumption and deepening of the content offered in the opening address of Card. Bagnasco. Interventions has expressed awareness of the Church’s mission of having to proclaim the Gospel of marriage and the family, defending the identity of its natural shape, whose features are incorporated into the Constitution itself. Equating underway between marriage and civil unions – with the introduction of an alternative to the family – it has been addressed within the larger concern for the cultural change that runs through the West.

 In terms of the new poverty, the Permanent Council has expressed a church closer to the people, which did not hesitate to raise their voice here families struggling to make ends meet, many of which are not able to meet even basic needs; here is the scourge of unemployment, which are not enough to deal with the calls for solidarity, but we need a new, strong entrepreneurship and community welfare; here is the concern for the demographic winter, the call for greater support for the rights of children – from conception – and the complaint for lack of family policies effective.

At the level of “geographical” two underscores background: the need to bridge the gap between North and South with an investment does not care, but strategic in the South – a prerequisite for the country’s economic recovery – ensuring even greater presence of Sato and support to those fighting for legality; the enhancement of the Mediterranean, is part of the development from a European, is – on the face of migration – as a bridge to enter into dialogue with the Churches of North Africa, in view of a culture not of the emergency, but the welcome.

 Florence, a gathering that continues

The comparison allowed the bishops to focus on some guidelines aiming to continue the journey of faith on the basis of experience of Ecclesial Convention of Florence. Choir echoed the thanks for the warm welcome that the Church and the city have become interpreters, from generous service of volunteers.

 In the wake of the pastoral guidelines of the decade, the attention of the Permanent Council has focused on the conditions to create a new humanism, in a proclamation of faith that does not stop at the level of formulas, but comes to illuminate questions of meaning through human existence.
In Florence – he was remembered by everyone – Pope Francis entrusted to the Italian Church for the years to the task of “start, so Synod, a deepening of Evangelii Gaudium, to draw from it practical criteria and implementing provisions , especially on three or four priorities “. At least in part, these priorities have already emerged in the words of the Holy Father, about the primacy of charity and the Church’s public presence. In order for a shared agenda, the Permanent Council stressed the centrality of the poor first, then the commitment to a family that is more political subject, careful to build alliances with the school and the community. The missionary – the horizon of educational challenge – has been named as the heart of a dynamic and foundation of humanism made.

 In the perspective of Bishops, these areas need to be recruited starting from the needs of the territory, to initiate processes that contribute to answers in the daily fabric. In the wake of the Congress – and the same ecclesial tradition – means look at the style and practice of collegiality, which method with which to renew the structures of participation, making them more and more places of communion, discernment and pastoral planning, open to dialogue with the different souls of the company.

 The General Secretariat is preparing a subsidy that, in light of the Convention, allows to deepen the theological significance and the ecclesial value.

yeast culture and society
The importance of appreciating the directions contained in the Evangelii Gaudium has also emerged from the close examination that the Permanent Council made the cultural and ethical change underway in the country. Without indulging in complaints or defeatism, the Bishops are left questioning by the persistence of a diffuse religiosity, but that often does not express itself in a sense of Church and does not lead to a real Christian life. Culture handed down yesterday – which outlined the features of a Christianity of the people – you are to confront the challenge to offer the experience of faith in unprecedented circumstances of the present time. In times where the same vision of man and the ethical practice no longer have a common form and shared, there is the inability to settle for a pastoral of conservation, to help them identify – following the teaching of the Pope – new forms of witnessing presence and action.

 In this perspective, the Permanent Council discussed the proposals for a relaunch of the Project-oriented cultural Christian, according to formulas which prevent any self. In this regard, it stressed the need for a connection between the core academic and pastoral, so that search results can be shared intellectual and the internal and external dialogue is cultivated in view of the mission of the Church and the life of faith .

The reform process of the double canon

 Right simplicity and speed of processes, accessibility and physical proximity and moral ecclesiastical structures, gratuity – as far as possible – the procedures for parts and central office of the bishop: the aims of the reform law of the canonical process for the causes of declaration nullity of marriage, established by the Motu Proprio Mitis iudex Dominus Iesus of Pope Francis met with the steadfast commitment of all the Permanent Council.
 Its members, in particular, recognized the opportunities that the implementation of this reform are sought at the level of ecclesiastical region on solutions for use, and the possible relocation of the just remuneration of those engaged in the ecclesiastical courts.
 The Italian Episcopal Conference ensures the commitment to assess the extent and condition of their economic contribution because it has implemented the principle of justice and gratuity procedures. It will then be changed – in a General Meeting – the CEI on the regime of administrative and economic courts.

To the National Eucharistic Congress

 From 15 to September 18, 2016 will be held in Genoa on XXVI National Eucharistic Congress, whose theme is the Eucharist source of mission: “In your mercy to all you come to meet.” The appointment is part of the Jubilee Year that the Holy Father has called to invite to open up to the gift of the mercy of God, source of all personal and communal renewal.
 Members of the Permanent Council was presented a preliminary program of the days, together with a theological-pastoral document, which – on the basis of the text of the Eucharistic Prayer IV – helps us to contemplate the merciful holiness of God who comes to every man and rediscover the richness of the Eucharistic celebration for the life of the Church. It indicates, forwards, some aspects of the relationship between the Eucharist and missionary transformation of Christian communities, and identify the areas of social life in which the Eucharist commits a renewed witness.

They were, therefore, announced some pastoral aids which will offer – among other things – plans for the catechesis and worship as for the family prayer. While the diocese are completing the identification of delegates to be entrusted with the involvement of the particular Churches, there is the importance of sensitizing all the communities so that they feel involved in a renewed experience of God. For this purpose has been shared to the Bishops also draft of a message to the people of God, in the intention – once approved – to spread in a capillary.

New parameters for the building of worship

 The Permanent Council approved the parametric tables of costs for the construction of new places of worship. Valid for the period 2016-1018, were updated by applying a percentage increase of 1%, which is considered adequate to the average forecast of the ISTAT.
 On the instruction of the Congregation for Bishops, by the end of August 2016 the Regional Episcopal Conferences are invited to submit to the Secretariat General of the CEI the opinion about a proposed reorganization of the diocese. By 10 March, the congregation has asked to learn how to live the emeritato Bishops, as well as to be able to collect suggestions with a view to possible further reflection. Finally, the Presidents of the Regional Episcopal Conference are invited to send comments and proposals on the diocesan institutes for the support of the clergy.


 During the work, the Permanent Episcopal Council has provided the following appointments:
– Member of the Episcopal Commission for the Doctrine of the Faith, the proclamation and catechesis: SE Msgr. William BORGHETTI (Albenga – Imperia).
– Member of the Episcopal Commission for the service of charity and health: SE Msgr. Francesco Savino (Cassano all’Jonio).
– Member of the Episcopal Commission for Ecumenism and Dialogue: SE Msgr. Gerardo Antonazzo (Sora – Cassino – Aquino – Pontercorvo).
– Scientific and Organizing Committee of the Social Weeks of Italian Catholics:

 IF. Msgr. Filippo SANTORO (Taranto), President;

 Prof. Mauro MAGATTI, Secretary;

 Members: S.E. Mons. Marco ARNOLFO (Vercelli); IF. Msgr. Angelo Spinillo (Aversa); Father Francesco Occhetta, SJ; Sr. Alessandra SMERILLI, FMA; Prof. Leonardo BECCHETTI, Prof. Flavio HAPPY, Dott. Sergio CATS, Drs. Claudio DEAR, Prof. Franco Miano, Prof. Giuseppe Notarstefano.
– National coordinator of the pastoral care of Catholic Albanians in Italy: Don Pasquale Ferraro (Rome).
– Chaplain of the National Movement of Educational Commitment of Catholic Action (MIEAC): Don Michael PACE (Andria).
– National Ecclesiastical Assistant Branch Scouts / Guides of Italian Catholic Guides and Scouts (AGESCI) Don Andrea MEREGALLI (Milan).
– Ecclesiastical Assistant National Training leaders of the Association of Italian Catholic Guides and Scouts (AGESCI): Don Paul GHERRI (Reggio Emilia – Guastalla).
– President of the Confederation of Confraternities of the Dioceses of Italy: Dr. Francesco ANTONETTI.

At its meeting of 25 January 2016, the Presidency has renewed the composition of the National Council of Catholic School, which is now well formed:

a) members appointed by their respective organizations :
– for CISM: Fr. Onorino ROTA, FMS;
– for USMI: Sr. Anna Monia Alfieri, FMA;
– for the IMF: Don Aldo LOW (Mantova); Dr. Biancamaria Girardi; Dr. Lucia WICKS; Dott. Antonio Trani; Prof. Sante Redi OF POL; Dr. Giannino ZANFISI;
– for the FIDAE: Father Francis BENEDUCE, SJ; Sister Maria Grazia TAGLIAVINI, ppff; Father Carlo Maria Vitangelo Denora, SJ; Prof. Francis Contessotto;
– for CONFAP: Sister Lauretta Valente;
– for AGESC: Dr. Giancarlo FRARE;

b) members of law :
– S.E. Mgr. Mariano CRUSADE, President of the Episcopal Commission for Catholic Education, the schools and universities;
– Ernesto DIACO, Director of the National Office for education, schools and universities;
– Prof. Sergio CICATELLI, Director of the Study Center for Catholic Schools;
– Dr. Luigi MORGANO, National Secretary of the IMF;
– Prof. Virginia KALADICH, National President FIDAE;
– Dr. Roberto Gontero, National President AGESC;
– Father Francis Ciccimarra, B, National President AGIDAE;
– Dott. Flavio Venturi, National President CONFAP;

c) free appointment of members :
– Don Philip MORLACCHI (Rome); Paola VACCHINA; Dott. Antonio QUONDAMSTEFANO; Avv. Marco MASI; Don Guglielmo MALIZIA, SDB.

The President of the CEI also provided the following appointments:

– the Board of Directors of the Foundation of Religion Saints Francis of Assisi and Catherine of Siena:
S.E. Msgr. Nunzio GALANTINO, Secretary General of the CEI, President;
Members: S.E. Msgr. Charles Ciattini, Bishop of Massa Marittima – Piombino; IF. Msgr. Maurizio GERVASONI, Bishop of Vigevano; IF. Msgr. Ernesto MANDARA, Bishop of Sabina – Poggio Mirteto; Don Rocco PENNACCHIO, Bursar of the CEI.

– Statutory auditors of the Foundation of Religion Saints Francis of Assisi and Catherine of Siena:
Prof. Guido Paolucci, President; Dott. Salvatore Miletta, regular member; Dott. Massimo Perini, regular member; Msgr. Joseph Baturi, CEI Secretary, alternate member.

– President of the National Film Rating (CNVF): Don David Milani (Milan).

Rome, January 29, 2016


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