“It is the hour of rights: wake up Italy”. At 15.40 precise in Rome in a packed Piazza del Pantheon in rainbow flags, balloons, posters with a big red heart and a similar center and slogan (“Rights are not whims”, “30 years and still do not acknowledge”) They are played hundreds and hundreds of alarms because “this country to wake up and to adopt a law” that recognizes equal rights for same-sex couples. It is the flash mob, organized by Arcigay and other associations LGBT (ArciLesbica, Agedo, Rainbow Families and MIT), which is staged in conjunction with the similar street demonstration in Milan, in favor of civil unions and in view of the discussion in the Senate Cirinnà the bill next Thursday. A flashmob that the Roman square again three times, interspersed by comments coming from the stage of the supporters to the event. There is Vladimir Luxuria, Scialpi the singer and her husband, the Democratic Party Senator Luigi Manconi, who presented the first draft law on civil unions in 1995, there is Stefano Fassina, deputy of the Italian Left and candidate for mayor of Rome many other representatives of civil society. When to go on stage is Monica Cirinnà, Senator dem first signatory of the law on civil unions, a huge round of applause greets her. “We want Italy to become civil. And this is the square of all families. No one stop us.” “We will reach half a million presences throughout Italy”, say the organizers from the stage even before the flash mob to start.
parade rainbow families, marches in 98 cities Today was manifested for civil unions in 100 Italian squares. “Today is an event that cuts across the whole country – said the spokesman of Gay Center Fabrizio Marrazzo – From Dawn to Ragusa through small towns and large cities such as Rome, Milan, Bologna and Naples, we are present in 100 Italian cities . Seven are abroad, including Brussels, Berlin and New York. It is definitely the most widespread event that the gay community has ever made, because it has the support of those outside our community. ” Then stressed the sense of the initiative: “Giving rights to those who do not. This place you do not want to oppose any place: we are amazed by those who do not is pursuing initiatives to give rights to the families but to ask to remove them,” he added Marrazzo pointing the finger at the Family Day on 30 January next, arguing instead that “we see an opening in the Catholic world.” Finally the hope: “We hope that Matteo Renzi wants to do like Barack Obama, leading Italy to a world of full rights. And then more civilized.” Then in procession from Rome to Milan. In Milan the event started in Piazza della Scala. From the stage the Mayor Pisapia shouted that Milan “is the capital of rights. It ‘s time to say enough discrimination – said – There are more citizens of series A and series B”. To the streets with protesters fell also the Minister of Agriculture Martina who tweeted on Twitter
The minister also stressed that a “law on this issue is a step that has long lacking in our country. Now we’re almost to the point”. Then on the initiative taken by the Lombardy Region to illuminate the Pirellone that read “Family Day” he countered: “It is a mistake, everyone is free to express their ideas, but the institutions are the home of all.” In Rome, the former lawmaker Vladimir Luxuria spoke of “Square of Hope.” “The hope – he said – that finally Italy falls within the spread, which is not economic policy but on civil rights. It ‘s time – he said – to have a law that recognizes the sacrosanct right to be able to love and who we want to be able to have a life project to two with who we want. “
The bill Cirinnà land in the Senate on January 28 Meanwhile the political point of view in a few days from the landing Cirinnà of the bill in the Senate debate continues over heated and the opposition line up cleanly: the League says no without hesitation; Forza Italy despite being contrary to the provision, allows freedom of conscience to its senators; M5S, however, aims to support the measure, which regulates civil unions “provided that – says the senator grillino Alberto Airola – the text is not depleted.” If it remains as it is, the 5-star will vote. But if you were to change in order to undermine the rights guaranteed, is explained, then it serves an additional assessment to decide what to do. The examination of the bill Cirinnà will start on Thursday 28 in the Senate with the votes of some rulings made by the opposition that would scuttle right now the measure. If the rock rulings will be exceeded, it will start the actual exam. 6 thousand well are the amendments which affect the text – more than 5 thousand of the League, 300 FI and zero M5S – although, according to reports, the files are not yet available. Meanwhile Prime Minister Renzi looks to double and the two souls of the Democratic Party (both make references to him) with one warning: “Find your mediation, but the law is not longer be postponed”.
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