civil unions
Milan , January 28, 2016 – 22:51
Not be long now to the Family Day of the Circus Maximus in Rome and his promoter, Massimo Gandolfini , it fell Thursday by Brescia in the capital to organize the ranks. The first stage has done studies of #Corrierelive, the air calm, but the tone that does not allow replies: “We do not like anything about the law Cirinnà, one on sex civil unions.”
It was said in the TV studios of Corriere , but the Prime Minister Matteo Renzi who addressed: “There will be many voters of the Democratic Party in our square, and many of these have It announced that if Renzi will make them a snub on civil unions, when there will be a constitutional referendum, will remember it and will vote accordingly. ” It had been said that Gandolfini considered homosexuality a disease, but he wanted to #Corrierelive rectify his thoughts: “I think that homosexuals who are comfortable with themselves do not need treatment, you have to help those who have problems.”
In relation to the Church Gandolfini has no doubts: “The Church has understood who we are, we talk to the families and we have lobbies behind. We have no intention to found a party. ” To echo the words of Massimo Gandolfini thinks the archbishop of Milan, Cardinal Angelo Scola: “scandalized because of citizens protest is deeply wrong,” he said Ambrose interviewed by the Diocese responding to a question on Family Day. He added: “The family is stable and open to life between a man and a woman who takes care of the education of children, it generates life and takes care of two fundamental differences, sexual difference and the difference between generations. ”
Contrary to the rights of gay couples , Gandolfini does not even want to hear talk about the “stepchild adoption”, the adoption of the child’s partner, he with his wife has adopted seven children. He says: “Homosexual couples in Italy are few, at the 7000 and 500, which means it’s not really an emergency, on the beauty of 14 million Italian families.” And remember that the family is that stated in Article 29 of the constitution, based on marriage between man and woman, as they said clearly the founding fathers and the fact that our Constitution was written just after the Second World War for him change at things.
January 28, 2016 (modified January 28, 2016 | 23:11)
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