Sunday, January 24, 2016

Civil unions, Italy rainbow fills the squares – The Republic

“One million people in 100 Italian cities in favor of the law on civil unions.” It estimates Arcigay. “A historic day for this country, a massive mobilization that has nourished the desire and enthusiasm of so many who care about the value of equality.” So Gabriel Piazzoni, secretary of Arcigay, said the outcome of the event #Svegliatitalia today filled nearly a hundred squares.

The rainbow world took to the streets in favor of the bill Cirinnà (and against the family day to be held in Rome on 30 January). In forty cities they have marched thousands of people together for rainbow families ‘SvegliatiItalia’, the day organized by Arcigay and other associations LGBT (ArciLesbica, Mario Mieli, Agedol, Rainbow Families and Mit) in favor of civil unions. Events in Rome , in Piazza del Pantheon, Parma , Genova , in Milan, in Florence . Also “Sicily rainbow” to the streets. and Naples appears in square Charity (“Time to be civilians”). In Udine there is “a lot of people in the streets to support the law,” tweets Debora Serracchiani, deputy secretary of the Democratic Party. Events “#SvegliaItalia” even in the historical centers of the two provincial capitals of Basilicata, Potenza and Matera.

In Milan, the event was preceded by controversy over the decision of the Lombardy Region Roberto Maroni of the Northern League to enlighten Pirelli with the neon “Family Day” . Mika has responded with a “Love = Family”. And the deputy secretary of the Democratic Party, Lorenzo Guerini, “Maroni thinks the Pirelli Tower is his stuff. You’re wrong. It’s all Lombard and can not be used for purposes of part. Dependable.”

To give life to this meeting, in view of the the Senate of the bill on civil unions , there is above all a myriad of associations, unions, political parties, businesses, individual citizens and citizens “who have taken the ‘importance of siding, at this particular time, on the right side of history. “

Rome, Piazza Pantheon. Rome #Svegliatitalia takes place in Piazza del Pantheon , full of participants. “Our symbol – the organizers explain – is a heart with the same, because we believe that every love should have the same rights and the same duties. For this we will continue to fight until we reach full equality, namely the egalitarian marriage “:” All love is recognized and simultaneously to all the children and all must be protected. ” “It is time to be civil and to make a first step towards full equality.” Symbol of the event, an alarm clock. “The show for ringing at the same time all we have, beating time with his fingers on the hands to make it clear to our government that time is really up.” “Today is a beautiful square and reminds us that Italy is late, but the Democratic Party is personally committed to fill it.” Said the president of the Democratic Party Orfini Matthew, according to which “along with many other people are here to recover a wealth of rights that must be returned to many Italians”.

Milan, Piazza della Scala . There are thousands of people who found themselves in Piazza della Scala . Even here many protesters have hung around his neck an alarm clock, drawn on a sign reading ‘Wake up Italy! Take the first step towards equality. “In the square in addition to citizens also the mayoral candidate in the primaries of the center, Francesca Balzani, Joseph Hall and Pier Francesco Majorino. Present Mayor Giuliano Pisapia .” The Country He is with us – he said – in this square, not the other side where the lights to turn off rights “.

Turin, Piazza Carignano. Turin appointment in Piazza Carignano , seven protesters with the Mayor Piero Fassino and other mayoral candidates: Giorgio Airaudo for Left and Italian Roberto Rosso for the center. Available only with the thought the candidate 5stars Chiara hanger, not yet out of the hospital after giving birth to daughter Sara.

An ovation for Cirinnà. It was greeted by a standing ovation the Parliamentary Assembly of the Democratic Party Monica Cirinnà, when increased on stage the demonstration in the square of the Pantheon in Rome. In thousands applauded the words of the signatory of the bill on civil unions, which assured: “We are here to rights, not against someone. This law will show that when the Democratic Party has joined no one stops him. “To whom then she asked if the Pope’s words could change something, Cirinnà responded:” No, not at all. The Pope’s words are beautiful words, but the law is clear that civil unions are based on Article. 2 and not Article. 29 on marriage, and then the law is fully constitutional “.

Martina, Minister in the square. A law on” is a step that has long missing in our country ” said Agriculture Minister Maurizio Martina, taking part in the sit-in in Piazza Scala in Milan. “We almost got to the point.” Martina has also commented on the initiative of the Region of illuminating the Pirelli Tower that says Family Day . “It is wrong – he said – everyone is free to express their ideas, but the institutions are the home of all”. “The parliamentary debate is free to make any changes it deems appropriate, but remember Cirinnà that the bill is already the result of mediation, so I personally have to support it as it stands. “
Even in London the sit-in. At least 200 people with placards , alarm clocks and banners calling for “equal rights.” In conjunction with the Italian and other events abroad, in London you are holding a silent protest in front of the Italian embassy in the UK, in the heart of the British capital in short walk from Mayfair and the shopping streets. Organized by association spontaneous born a few days ago and headed by Roberto Claudio Sormani.

The Church’s position. For the Church, “there can be no confusion between the family willed by God and any other type of union. ” This was said yesterday Pope Francis, adding that those who live in other forms of unions is the subject of the “mercy” of the Church. Position reiterated by the bishops of the 15 dioceses in the Northeast. Emotional ties to people living different from that of “the family founded on marriage between man and woman,” said the prelates, must be recognized “the individual rights of the person. But the other thing is the proper rights institution of marriage”.

The position of prime minister. Matteo Renzi insisted yesterday that the law on civil unions for the Democratic Party “is irrinviabile”. Speaking of the event, he said. “Where there is a people there is always to have a great respect.” “Ministers are free to go to all the events they want, I do not see why we should be angry if one or more ministers will participate in the family day or if others will go to other events.” “The law on civil unions takes, the vast majority understood that the law should be done.” Then he adds: “I believe that unless we find a point of balance, we must go to vote in Parliament ballot with free conscience vote. Total respect for Parliament.”

The position of the M5S . Luigi Di Maio, vice president of the Chamber, 5stars leader: “We have already voted on the law on civil unions in committee and will continue to vote. But there are things to explain to the Italians.”

Democratic Party, a party, double. A (big) piece of pd, a (small) part of the government. The Democratic Party is in no particular order in the face of two events born from the discussion on civil unions: the family day in the program on January 30 and ‘Wake up Italy’. The bill Cirinnà will come in the Senate on January 28 and now has a majority. The stepchild adoption that is creating divisions not only in the government majority (with the centrists of Ncd against), but even among dem.
Centrists and Catholics of the Democratic Party are still opposed to the adoption of her son’s partner, despite the amendments of Senator Giuseppe Lumia seeking a compromise, distinguishing civil unions from marriage. If you do not reach an agreement, the Democratic Party will leave a free vote.

“sentinels standing”. In three cities – Turin (photo), Milan and Siena – in simultaneously with the demonstrations they were held sit-ins of the “Sentinels standing”, a few hundred traditionalists who quietly and reading a book demonstrated to support the rights of the traditional family.

Giovanardi , Catholic ultras. Carlo Giovanardi (the Catholic ultras targeted in the posters of the demonstrators in Turin), comments: “The hundred squares LGBT – he said – despite the sponsorship of the Democratic Party and the government, have become a resounding flop. Also good for taking the data of the organizers regarding small squares where small numbers have swelled to the flash mob throughout Italy does not go beyond the 20 / 30.000. Next Saturday at the Circus Maximus in Rome you will see which side is really the Italian people. “


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