P ellegrinaggio Ventotene with a dream: to update or regenerate the Manifesto by Altiero Spinelli. Matteo Renzi embarked on the island pontine after the meeting with Merkel. Perhaps in Berlin really he has had first hand the difficulties to export its way of European vision. Maybe he really measured its distance with the mechanism europeo.Così like to follow a path of personal catharsis, she decides to go back (never was) in the birthplace of the European idea. A kind of purification is ideal: a bath in the Ganges.
“There comes a time when – said the prime minister – when you’re in trouble, when something does not work, when there is something that seems to go wrong and in the life of every day, you feel the need to return to a safe location. After you’ve been around the world (but especially in Berlin, ed), returning home seems the act nicer, more natural. But also find shelter at home is the attitude of one who has experienced or is experiencing a difficult time. It is in this spirit that we today, in a time of great difficulty in Europe, we have chosen to return home, return to the place where it all started. “
The Manifesto of Spinelli, however, has 70 years. It changed the world, but especially Europe. So, it seems that Renzi has hinted to the party island, his idea of reviving a European Manifesto – starting with the Spinelli – interpreting it in key Mediterranean. The hypothesis could coincide with the ‘recovery’ of the island of Santo Stefano, the prison that housed during fascism Sandro Pertini. “From now until August 31, 2017 – Announces Renzi – we would like to do not only a project of architectural renovation of the prison of Santo Stefano, for which stanzieremo resources up to 80 million euro with the CIPE resolutions, but also a cultural and identity “. European identity that, according to the president of the Council, must return to “be a big dream, and not be reduced to a gray technical discussion on constraints. She was born to break down walls, not build them. “
But the debate on technical constraints, especially the budget, represent the Achilles heel of the government. And apparently, in Berlin Renzi it did not collect the commitments that he expected to get from Angela Merkel. So, with the pilgrimage to Ventotene, Premier tries to make us forget the meeting with the Chancellor and to stimulate European consciences on common ideals. In the island, he had never visited, remained little more than three hours. He has not had time to honor the table delicatessen of the Pontine.
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