Monday, January 25, 2016

Civil unions, Bagnasco: “Children are not a right and must have a father and a mother” – The Messenger

“Children are not a right and must have a father and a mother.” The CEI president Angelo Bagnasco, does not mince words last exit on the issue of civil unions. The family is a “treasure chest of relationships, generations and genres, of humanism and of grace” in which “there is a jewel in the crown: the children. But never a right, “he says, adding that” their true good must prevail over any other, since they are the weakest and most exposed: they are never right, as there are things to be produced; They are entitled to respect and above all, security and stability. They need a complete microcosm, in its essentials, to breathe a definite breath: ‘Children have a right to grow – it has found the president of the CEI citing words of the Pope – with a father and a mother. The family is an anthropological fact, not ideological. ”

On the issue of civil unions, said Bagnasco, there is no division among the bishops. “The bishops – said the president of the CEI, Cardinal. Angelo Bagnasco – are united and compact in sharing the difficulties and trials of family and reaffirm the beauty, the centrality and uniqueness: insinuate conflicts and divisions means not love neither the Church nor the family. ” “We dream of a country – he added – to family size, where respect for all is lifestyle, and the rights of everyone are guaranteed on different levels according to justice.”

” Believers have the duty and the right to participate in the common good with serenity of heart and constructive spirit ‘, he adds the president of the CEI, but did not explicitly mention the Family Day on Saturday. The archbishop reiterated, however, that belongs to the laity, as indicated by the Second Vatican Council, “to include the divine law in the life of the earthly city. Shoulder their responsibilities in the light of Christian wisdom and with eager attention to the teaching of the Magisterium. “

” We feel the duty to raise the voice of the family, inexhaustible treasure and world heritage, because it is protected, promoted and supported by policies truly incisive and consistent. ” And the family as provided by the Constitution “is the foundation and center of the social fabric,” said the archbishop of Genoa. “For this reason – he added – each State assumes the duties and charges to the family based on marriage, because she recognizes not only their future, but also its stability and prosperity. We hope that the collective consciousness will never lack the identity and unique to this institution. ” “The founding fathers gave us a treasure precise, we all have to appreciate and cherish as the dearest and most precious heritage, aware that – said Bagnasco citing the words of Pope Francis – ‘there can be no confusion between the family willed by God and any other type of union. “


             Monday, 25 January 2016 17:21 – Last Updated: 19:31


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