BRUSSELS – Schengen is not in question. And above all there is “no suspension of Schengen on the table” of the European Commission. He clarified spokeswoman Natasha Bertaud referring to rumors in the Italian press about a possible modification of the code on the European area of free movement of persons, which would allow a maximum of two years of internal border controls.
Italy and Germany had already reiterated today, through the words of Prime Minister Matteo Renzi and the German Finance Minister Wolfgang Schauble, their firm no to the questioning of the Treaty: “We have to be the strongest to recall the value of the European Union,” said Renzi in RTL 102.5 , “you do not block the terrorists by suspending Schengen. Some terrorists are born in our city – said Renzi- there is a mixture of fear and lack of vision in this case. I think it’s making risk the very idea of Europe. I hope that does not happen, but it depends on the Italian government. We are for strengthening the controls, but without suspending the agreement of free movement. If you will, we will draw our consequences, “he added the president Council.
“The characteristic of Europe is that taking the car did not see a border to Portugal or Estonia, never feel foreign. This was the great dream that is now being challenged. We must be very serious about the fears of terrorism and the attacks. But we must be the strongest to recall the value of the EU. Blocking borders do not stop the terrorists, some are grown by us. There is a lack of vision in this case to close the Schengen “added the prime minister.
On the same wavelength also Schauble, interviewed by Spiegel online:” If The Schengen system is destroyed, Europe is in danger dramatically, in terms of political and economic “.
Obama-Merkel. Schengen also spoke German Chancellor Angela Merkel and US President Barack Obama during a phone call that followed the request by Schauble of “billions of euro” in new funds to be transferred to the States bordering Syria. According to the German Minister, Europe have realized that solving the crisis would cost “much more” than previously expected. “The president promised that the US government will contribute significantly”, has said the German government spokesman Steffen Seibert.
France. In the debate was also attended by French Prime Minister Manuel Valls, who supports the urgent need to implement “urgent measures to control its external borders. If Europe is not able to protect its borders, is the very idea of Europe, which will be called into question. “And when asked about the border controls within Europe that many fear could put Schengen danger, Valls said that “to be risk is the very concept of Europe.”
Austria. Meanwhile Austria, one of the hotspots of the influx of migrants, has reiterated its position on the decision to put a ceiling on asylum seekers in 2016: “Our national initiative is primarily an alarm in Brussels,” he told the Bild the Austrian Foreign Minister Sebastian Kurz, ” I think in the long term is a European solution. But until it is reached, we have to protect ourselves. Now the pressure will grow to find a common solution. “From 90 thousand applications arrive in the year just ended the intention of the Austrian government is down to 37,500.
Belgium. ” We do not we want to call into question the Schengen said Belgian Interior Minister, Jan Jambon, in an interview with Le Figaro – the free movement has advantages that worldwide catches. The real problem is the control at the external borders of the EU, where there are holes, particularly in Greece and Italy. “
Mogherini. According to the High Representative European foreign policy and security, Federica Mogherini, cost estimates for a stop to the Schengen treaty, which would put an end to the free movement of people and goods in Europe, are “impressive”, especially as Europe is in a difficult phase of economic recovery.
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