History Article
This article was published on 27 January 2016 at 06:38.
There is still a week appointment with the secret votes on the most controversial issues of the bill Cirinnà, first of all adoptions for gay couples. Meanwhile the Senate abacus works at full speed. And as the individual groups or individual senators from each group announce their position for the yes or no, the machine numbers is updated in one direction or another. At the moment, the majority of senators have come out for no adoptions. But everything is still possible. Indeed mediation within the Democratic Party could recover the vote of those who now says firmly opposed to stepchild adoption (many Catholics dem). This mediation, however, could in turn take away votes in the draft bill in its entirety as the Five Star and Sel threatening to withdraw their yes if the text on adoptions will be modified.
But let’s see the numbers: in favor of the stepchild remain deployed 84 Democratic senators (28 in fact, have expressed their dissent in proposing an alternative form of foster care strengthened). To these must be added 12 belonging to the group Autonomy, 2 life senators and 14 of mixed among them are former M5S and former Sel. It should be counted also some contribution by the center: from Fi and Gal should get ten votes in favor , more and more confident especially after that Silvio Berlusconi left the freedom of conscience and has said personally also conducive to adoptions. We are thus in a total of 121 votes. But there’s more. After Denis Verdini, many senators have come out of Ala ensuring their yes. Among them, yesterday was deployed for a positive vote Iurlaro, but is likely yes even Repetti and Bondi and the parent Barani. The three senators Tosiani, who voted with the government on the reform of the Senate, also yesterday instead have made it known that they will take the distances from Renzi in the case of adoption by homosexual couples. The bar stops then to about 130 senators. That if they could count on Five Star (theoretically favorable to the current text) would arrive at an altitude of 165.
At this point, abacus in hand, the Democratic Party will agree to change the current text with the risk of the pulped rating of Sel and grillini? One thing is certain: both the original text and with what could exit the mediation inside the Democratic Party will lose and gain votes. The final bill (and the outcome of the vote) therefore remain unknown until the end. With a warning: do not need the absolute majority (ie 161) but just a simple majority of those present. So even absences will have their value.
But a rehearsal will today, when voting on the no-confidence motion filed by the League for the case Fi and banks. Well both the 18 senators verdiniani Ala, that 3 Tosiani anticipate that they will vote against the confidence in the Government. A further sign of approaching the majority, despite Senator Ala Manuela Repetti stresses that “vote against the no-confidence, it is not a vote of confidence ‘or not is the entry into the majority. That explanation, however, does not convince the minority Democratic Party. Roberto hope calls for a “political clarification” because “whenever Verdini & amp; co. we vote with the Democratic Party loses. “

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