Sunday, January 24, 2016

Civil unions, Cirinnà: the words of Pope Francis? Beautiful –

The “supercanguro”, so to speak: a regulatory amendment that contains precepts that are in fact already the law on civil unions (including the stepchild adoption ) and you need to bypass the debate on many other amendments. I feel sorry for. We go on our way, which is the right one: “recognize the rights of all, of course, but to protect the natural family by guaranteeing (as we do in Lombardy) all those right that our Republican Constitution Article 29 states: “ ‘The Republic recognize right family as a natural society founded on marriage’”.

In Ferrara, the event – organized by the associations and Circomassimo Arcigay Arcilesbica, Family Rainbow and Agedo – will be held at 16 square Hall. About 200 people who fell square in the gardens of Corso Cavour where we held the event #svegliatitalia, one in favor of the civil union. 2, not on.

Paola Binetti, deputy Ncd-UDC: “Strong, clear-cut was raised yesterday the Pope’s voice about what is meant by family and of what constitutes a very different reality.”

Even the bishops of Piedmont were clear: “Adults can not and must not turn wishes into right and require the less what they consider beautiful and just for themselves. “

In fact, Italy on July 21 was condemned by the court for Human Rights which held that” the protection Legal currently available “in our country” for homosexual couples not only fails to provide for the needs of two key people involved in a stable relationship, but it is not reliable enough “. And the senator does not fit the hypothesis of solutions patched on stepchild adoption: if Article 5 of the bill jump completely under the blows of the secret ballot, “we at least played the battle”.

“For the Church,” there can be no confusion between the family willed by God and every other type of union “, says the Pontiff explained, however, that those who live in other forms of unions is the subject of the “mercy” of the Church “.

Corriere Della Sera headline” Unions civilians , calling the Pope “and eyelet gives account of the words of the Matteo Renzi , who stressed the urgency of this read .

Among the movements in the field without hesitation the Neocatechumenal Way, Renewal in the Spirit, the Pope John XXIII Community, Mcl, but support, although more timid, as well as Catholic Action. The minister claimed to approve the recognition of right to unmarried couples but “do not have to twist the focus of the company, that is, the family “. It is the inevitable consequence of the bill legally Cirinnà on Civil Unions . “This is a read that should be made the subject of a major effort of deliberateness, precision and balance. * We hope very strongly that the Parliament gives time and the necessary means to do so, with the necessary effort to listen to the demands of the country. “


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