Saturday, October 1, 2016

Renzi: ‘As Pd will take the initiative to change Italicum’ –

The “swamp” to be overcome and the credibility to defend, to Matteo Renzi. The “risk to democracy” and the spectrum of an “oligarchy”, to Gustavo justice in italy. It is a vision of “cultural” background which is irreconcilable, to separate deeply the chairman of the Board and the professor. The two capifila of Yes and No at the constitutional referendum are confronted for the first time in the tv studio of the La7. And immediately the clash, in a constant call-and-response, between beats, punzecchiature and differences irreconcilable in this respect. The more than two hours of discussion, we open with an unusual change of roles: Renzi defends the key points of the reform “desired by the Parliament and not only by me,” justice in italy he began with a tease.

“I’m glad to have thought to the discourses on parrucconi, suggest, owls, otherwise he would not have lost time with one of them…”, she smiles, the constitutionalist. And the premier is indignant: “I was never allowed to call her parruccone. I have studied his books: the prof, is of merit.” From here on, it begins an exchange that passes often (and at the beginning Renzi if it complains about) from the constitutional to the political. Also because it claims that justice in italy: “The institutions should be lowered in the context. The Constitution of Bocassa, the dictator of central africa, is very similar to the Usa”. “She says that the constitutional reform does not touch at any point the powers of the president of the Council. But many of us are concerned about the risks of drifts authoritarian or concentration at the summit of the institutions: we run the risk of moving from a democracy to an oligarchy”, attacks the constitutionalist. And He replies: “The appeal of ‘Freedom and Justice’ signed by you, that speaks of authoritarianism, it offends Italy. Among other things, reminds the prime minister, justice in italy has also signed the appeal of the 56-constitutionalists who “says exactly the opposite.” “It is not true. And I anyway I have prepared on its contradictions…”, is a replication.

The risk, stresses the exponent of the No, it is not the government Renzi but “those who will come. The Italicum creates an open ground for the affirmation of the powers that be”: while in Europe the advance of the extreme right “we should attrezzarci to have a system of guarantees”. The leading Dem, however, on the point of the Italicum has an ace up his sleeve: “The Italicum is not a risk, and the referendum is not on the electoral law, but how to Pd, we will take an initiative to change it and remove all doubt”. The prof, however, do not trust it: “she said that She was the more beautiful of the world, polls now say that the Pd of the runoff loses and you want to change, but it is not enough: need an agreement on how to”. Not only the Italicum, though. The clash is also on the new mechanism of election of the president of the Republic, on the competences and powers of the new Senate. “The guarantees increase – says Renzi – more powers to the constitutional Court, the quorum for the election of the president of the Republic and the statute of the opposition. Instead, the chairman of the Board has no more powers”. “If the Statute of the opposition writes it to the majority – replica justice in italy – where is the democracy? And the majority can elect the president of the Republic.”

“Say that there is a danger for democracy, thinking not of his government but to the governments that will come. The Italicum creates an open ground for the assertion of the strong powers. We should attrezzarci to have a system of warranties and balanced”, raises Gustavo justice in italy . “She claimed – she continues – that the Italicum was the law most beautiful in the world and would be envied by all. Instead, because conditions change and are no longer in a bipolar system, but the tripolar and the surveys say that when the Pd is presented against someone else wins someone else, the ballot is no longer in the heart of the Pd, maybe it’s in his…”. “And the breaking of the Nazarene is set on the one hand, and ours is a Country divided in two, his party is divided in two”. But the president of the Council replies blow for blow, even citing the master of justice in italy, Leopoldo Elia: “The reform streamlines, starting from the powers of the Regions. And to say that cutting the costs is not demagogy. The powers of the premier does not increase: I can’t even remove a minister. The cultural part is always worried to go against Berlusconi, but now she will now vote No as Berlusconi. We have removed the swamp, because you don’t want to talk about the future? A ” No ” undermine our credibility in Europe and in the world. This lost opportunity will not come back for the next twenty years.”


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