Tuesday, October 11, 2016

The Referendum, Renzi to Politics: “Minority Pd trust, on the Italicum? Then votes No” – Il fatto Quotidiano

"Yesterday, I made contronatura also a mediation proposal further" on'Italicum. But if in the minority ask for the agreement before December 4, and do not trust "do well to vote No. If you have changed your mind, you’ll have your reasons and I from secretary I will do everything to keep everyone in team. But we are a democratic party and less evil." the Matteo Renzi, host of Politics on RaiTre, the answers to the questions of White Movement, director of Paper Claudio Cerasa and deputy director of the Daily Fact Stephen Felts. Speaking of the electoral law and the referendum, minority Pd and Ignazio Marino. Defends the reform, because "we are the only Country to have fiducie" and remember, "if it wins the yes, there will be 730 persons with immunity" parliamentary, "if he wins the no will remain the 950 they are now. This is mathematics".

Then, the liquid in the internal polemics of the Pd – the only interesting to "insiders" and less "of the sheep" and back in the direction of the party Monday, the 10th of October, where he proposed a mediation on the election law. But not now: after the referendum. An opening that has not healed the risk division of the minority, sceptical and distrustful than in the case of the secretary. Minority returns in speaking of the consultation in December: "The vast majority of the democratic Party will vote Yes, some have doubts and I respect him. I think it is contradictory vote Yes in parliament, and now say No but I also think that a national home is able to get an idea in their head. Do not vote for the current".

The attacks, then, is continuing, and when he recalls what he had said to the Paper: "The minority – says during the broadcast of Gianluca Semprini – my party does not want the votes of the centre-right, I understand why it is called a minority". Words with which he had met with the former secretary Pierluigi Bersani. Would like to hunt it?, ask from the study. "No, of course not, by the decision of the voters of the Pd to those who give the leadership of the party with the congress. The Pd has every four years a conference, and you only have to do it ourselves. Others make private contracts with penalty and dinners at Arcore. In the 2017, by 8th December, there will be the new congress Pd. Who will have a vote in the most will win, who one the less will be the opposition. But the referendum nothing to do with it. Only you think that relates to the Pd". And make "a great new electoral law as the Pd" to Renzi "not enough". Because "to win the election, we want the votes, not the electoral laws. And since the Pd the last time the elections will not have won we want the votes, just do not have them in Parliament." Then, remember that "those who are now saying No to the conjunction with the electoral law – and I speak not only of Pd – but also some such as Woods, the reform was voted six times in the Parliament".

To those who question why he decided to put the trust on the ballot, and believes that the second round can be undemocratic, he explained that "it is a proposal historic for this country. Now I don’t understand how you can say that presidential is anti-democratic. Then Hanger, Merola, Hall are mayors undemocratic? But he said this – he continues – it’s good: we want to do with the first round, with the second. For me the most important thing is that at the end, are the citizens to decide who steers". And he insists: these are the themes that relate to the workers to work, because "the vast majority of the voters of the Pd is discussion internal" and "the electoral law is not the most important thing for the Country". More: "To the people it affects most sheep-farming that the current Pd", he continues by making reference to a comment on Facebook. Then, "you can all the saints continue to pass the hours, the weeks, to discuss things that are of interest only to insiders. To me the earthquake takes away the thought, and the sleep, not the election law".

the question about Ignazio Marino, the former mayor of Rome which he was acquitted from the accusation of bribery, scam, and fake. They ask you if you want to apologize. "Please? – says – Marine has resigned him, then withdrew the resignation and at that point the directors of the Pd retired trust. A mayor is judged on how you hold the roads, waste. I know: it is more difficult to make the mayor and the first citizen". His acquittal, he continues, "is good: it is valid for Match, Cota, it applies to all. We are not giustizialisti".

Speaking of the economy, expresses its closeness to the workers Almaviva that it is "an absolute priority" and speaks of the public debt. "It remained for 132% in the stable – he said – ” when I’m the president of the Council because it is proportional to the Gdp". Positive report of his government on taxes that, he adds, "continue to go down: l'Ires pass to 24%, l'Iri: to 25% and there is more money for the entrepreneurs that rather than keep money in the bank and give them to companies". Remember that "we approve the manoeuvre, Saturday October 15th" and specifies: "We have put 900 million for the fund guarantee" credit: "Maybe we put them before 2017. Are additional money". He says he cannot yet reveal the digit, but "the rise of the minimum pension will be worth less than 80 euro" and for those who "want to go in the board first, the penalty will be less than 5 percent." We get the theme banks: "The government has commissariate, has not made the appointments. I am the president of the Council that he did not put the nose in the nominations, to do so have been those before," he added, stressing that they have "chosen the chief executive officer of Mps", nor have "put the mouth on the appointment".

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