A grey sky, pouring rain, but, above all, an entire city is in mourning. So Milan has, since Saturday, the last hug by Dario Fo. In piazza Duomo packed – in the day of national mourning, with flags civic at half-mast was held in the funeral lay to pay tribute to the Nobel laureate, who died Thursday morning at the age of 90 years. To open up the funeral ceremony to the secular was a song: “hold me strong wrists”, (Leo Chiosso – Dario Fo), which he himself had helped to write and which was the theme song of Canzonissima in 1962. “That was the song that my father wrote for my mother. And he himself has willed that we put in this time,” he said with watery eyes Jacopo Fo. Also Carlo "Carlin" Petrini, gastronome, and writer, in his prayer at the opening ceremony, pointed out that Dario Fo had written her funeral. “He was the same to want to treat this last, directed to me in friendship, tap this last part. With all due respect to the man, I find myself in front of a prank by a priest – said Petrini -. Many sincere and earnest people have taken to stress the difference between the artist, the genius, the extraordinary and the political as if the two things were inseparable: I think that is impossible, and that’s not right: and well knew those subversive of the Swedish Academy that they gave the Nobel peace prize with a perfect synthesis “dileggia the power and restores dignity to the oppressed””.
shadow carousel
By Benni in Saviano, l?tribute to Dario Fo
“, Always happy…”
Petrini, then, to emphasize the ideals of the Nobel Prize. “In this day that we celebrate, it is better to be generous than stingy. We stapperemo the bottles, we will sing, we will, we will love, we will find the wonderful joy of calling us brothers and sisters not only because we share the bread, but also the joy, the fellowship, and this our mutual love, without malice, ” he said. Today we celebrate the greatest among us, which had the capacity of mockery of the powerful with a sneer”. The founder of Slowfood Carlin Petrini concluded his prayer with the words of Enzo Jannacci, a song written by Dario Fo: “Happy you should be that too much crying is not for us… And because too much crying does not make honor to our friends and why we celebrate the life”.
The memory of Jacopo Fo
Then came to his son Jacopo to remember the father and the mother Franca, who now “find themselves” next to each other at the memorial chapel: “in Spite of what they have done to them, they never bent the head”, he said in one of the steps in the most touching of his intervention on the parents to applause heats of the people in the square. “The scene there was their life, was not the simple capacity histrionic. People loved Dario and Franca for this, not because they were good actors, but because they have seen someone that there really was”. Then he added: “We are communists and atheists, but my father has never stopped speaking with my mother and ask her advice. We are also a bit animists, because you can’t really die. I’m sure that now they are together and do the big laughs”. Then the step after the controversy: “the person Who hit my parents had lost: they had an extraordinary life, have received so much love. In the mortuary, I greeted all the people who came up when I made it, ” he added, – I said, "your father did this for me". They were people who needed to be heard and he was able to stay hours to listen to a person who saw the black of the world”. Then he concluded his speech to the fist closed, saying: “Thanks, comrades, thanks!”. After that, the coffin of Dario Fo has left the Cathedral square, to the cheers of the crowd, and the cry of “Hello Dario”.
In the square to say farewell to Dario Fo, there was also the leader of the Movement 5 Stars, Beppe Grillo, who said the ceremony concluded: “Now we do a little bit of silence on the Dario”. On the morning of Saturday, in the early hours, many were the milanese, who had wanted to bring their greeting to Dario Fo at the mortuary of the Piccolo Teatro Strehler: to welcome friends and acquaintances there was the son of Jacopo. Among the many who arrived at the Strehler also the actor Paolo Rossi, actress Lella Costa and Paola Cortellesi, the writers Stefano Benni, Carlo Petrini and Roberto Saviano, the mayor of Rome Virginia-Rays and that of Turin Chiara Appendino, the leader of the Fiom Maurizio Landini and Oreste part ii by the founder of potere Operaio. The mortuary, at the Piccolo in Milan was closed, shortly before 11: and then the casket was moved to the piazza del Duomo, parading through the city centre. It was the Brass Band to blast to accompany the procession from the Strehler in piazza Duomo on the notes of “Bella Ciao”: the band is well known in Milan, and had already played at the funeral of Franca Rame and Enzo Jannacci.
The embrace
Roberto Saviano, came to the mortuary, Dario Fo, told reporters: “I Remember a person who has supported me in times of complicated and I omaggiarlo this above all, to recognize of having been there”. Then he added: “we are never trivial, simple, but at the same time has never been academic. When he won the Nobel prize the middle of the country, to envy or contempt, has tried to belittle him. It is a country ungrateful, he added, the writer, echoing also the accusations of his son Jacopo – . But there is also a genuine part that has always listened to and protected. To me it has taught me to never be courtier, and to have fun in being critical and not take themselves too seriously. He has always had the courage, this thing is precious and rare, take a position even when that position was wrong.” While Oreste part ii by remembered the last time he saw the Nobel prize for literature. “I saw him at the funeral of frank, he said: at that time I was spontaneous whistling the international.”
October 15, 2016 | 10:46

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