Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Rome, the brother of Marra promoted to the Tourism. FdI: “conflict of interest” – Il fatto Quotidiano

The role of Raffaele Marra, the referee-player of the great risk of the leaders in the Capitol, with a lot of possible conflict of interest in the promotion of his brother Renato Tourism. But the lack of comparison of the curriculum, the violation of the presumption of innocence, various shortcomings in the new mechanism to the application. The rotation of the heads of department of the Municipality of Rome is now completed (or almost: there are still two-three checkers each key, including the confirmation of Diego Port to the Police, the legal profession and the new accountant-general in place of Stefano Stopping that will only arrive in De cember). But the controversy did not end. In fact, you may even have a queue law: from the oppositions to the unions, many are the malcontents of the last appointments of the mayor who are thinking of please contact theAnac to doubt the correctness of the procedure.

last week, Virginia Ray has signed the ordinance for the rotation of the leaders of the capitoline, which has seen the confirmation of the 25 directors of the structure 40, and the replacement of eleven executives. Immediately had not gone unnoticed renewal of Raffaele Marra as head of the Personnel, and even the relocation of his brother Renato from Department to Department for the tourism Promotion with a salary increase: "The pact of steel between the Spokes and the right of the Fat is reinforced through the Marra", he had said Lorenza Bonaccorsi, luogotente of the roman secretarial Pd.

More of a bad mood, there had been within the same 5-star Movement, especially at national level. Now, however, those that only seemed to skirmishes policies may become true and their claims: in the crosshairs of those who did not like the outcome of the spin is finished the signature of Raffaele Marra, e-mail (along with that of mayor) in the bottom of the document, which also decides the destination of the brother. According to some, the ordinance would violate the new code of conduct of public servants, which in article 7 provides for the "duty to abstain" from the "participate in the adoption of decisions or activities that may involve their own interests, or those of relatives, or relatives within the second degree".

Precisely what would have happened in this case. "Maybe it would have been better to make an order for the brother of Marra, signed by someone else – discuss Fabrizio Gera, the parent company in the Capitol of Fratelli d’italia – it was inappropriate, we’ll see if it was just a 'slip' policy or something more."

The opposition party is considering the possibility to apply to the National anti-Corruption department, as he had already done this summer, and the appointment of Carla Raineri and Salvatore Romeo. "In our view, the possible conflict of interest Marra is certainly not the only element of illegality," says Gera, who points the finger on the lack of comparison of the curriculum. The Municipality, in fact, has introduced a new system to tax, in which every officer could apply to the preferred position, but at the same time, has always claimed the competence at the end about the nomination. "The evaluation of the profiles, however, was the assumption of the application, and then of the same order", attacks the Brothers in Italy. Similar to the pendants of the leaders: "The administration has told us to have considered the ongoing investigations as one of the elements of the assessment, but this is contrary to the constituti onal principles. And then we have the evidence that he engraved only on some appointments, and not on the other. We want to understand who and how is decided, if leaders were chosen really on the basis of the curriculum or was only a staged" says Gera. For this early Brothers of Italy will present a complaint to the Anac, perhaps already by the end of the week.

On the foot of war and also the union of officers Dircom, the same that in mid-September it had signed a letter of fire against the delays of the administration’s Rays. Also because among the most penalized in the rotation there is Silvana Sari, member of the board of directors Dircom, which has been removed from the Commerce Department after his moves on the issue of street vendors and Bolkestein had been little appreciated by some of the directors of the Movement 5 stars: his office had begun work in the drafting of the new calls, despite the intention of the Town to get an extension until 2020.

Now the association wants to see us clear on the procedure: "we look forward to getting cards, which at a distance of days, the Capitol has not yet posted. We will then decide the steps official to accomplish". And who knows if the Rays, to hear about to be exposed to the Anac, is the course a thrill down the spine: at the beginning of September, the first great crisis of his cabinet was that was born from an opinion of the anti-Corruption on the task at Carla Raineri. Then, however, to claim it was the same mayor.

Twitter: @lVendemiale

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