Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Government, that the reshuffle: Delrio Infrastructure. Popeye … – The Republic

Rome – It will be today or tomorrow at the latest, but the Minister of Infrastructure, what will replace Maurizio Lupi, already exists: it will Graziano Delrio, current undersecretary at Palazzo Chigi. Matteo Renzi has decided to speed up, to close this match by placing a Porta Pia a loyalist to restore order in a structure that seems to go out of control. But here the certainty ends.

Not even an afternoon meeting between the prime minister and Angelino Alfano (also Maurizio Lupi) was enough to untie the knot of political affair. That is, what will be the compensation for the centrists? Renzi and Alfano agreement have not yet found. “We – said Minister of the Interior to the Prime Minister – we offer Quagliariello for a ministry of the South. A new ministry that brings together Regional Affairs and the delegation on territorial cohesion”.

The answer was evasive. “I would prefer a woman, also to respect gender equality”, replied Renzi. And the thing is over there. In environments renziani circulate the names more welcome for that role. Welcome at Palazzo Chigi, of course: by Erminia Mazzoni Rosanna Scopelliti, daughter of the magistrate Antonino murdered by the ‘Ndrangheta, by Senator Federica Chiavaroli Valentina Castaldini, spokesman Ncd. But Alfano and Wolves insist on Quagliariello. And especially do not accept the other idea that Renzi seems to have in mind. To give the centrists only Regional Affairs, appointing a fer doc instead that will be vacated by Secretary Delrio (with the power on EU funds).


http://www.repstatic.it/cless/main/nazionale/2013-v1/include/common/box-facepile-content.html-- -->

Government Renzi
cabinet reshuffle
Graziano of rio
Maurizio Lupi
luca lots
Erminia Mazzoni
Rosanna Scopelliti
Federica Chiavaroli
Valentina Castaldini
matthew Richetti


Pd, Zambuto resigned as president in Sicily Controversy after … – MeridioNews – Edition Sicily

The application to the primary center at Agrigento Silvio Alessi would be decided by Mark Zambuto , President the Democratic Party in Sicily, with the former premier Silvio Berlusconi . A news, that reported by the newspaper The Republic , which led to Zambuto resignation as the party . “I step back,” said the now former chairman of the Democratic Party swept up in a few hours by controversy. “No one, if not outright fraud, can doubt my linearity policy towards the Democratic Party and its plan to change the country – said – I am ready to bear the weight of the media who want to exploit what happened, but nevertheless aware time civil and political barbarism that we are experiencing, in which no longer able to distinguish the gestures and their meanings, are ready to take a step back and put my mandate the Regional Assembly of the Democratic Party. ” A gesture made “so that it is not just the Democratic Party today courageously guide Italy with Prime Minister Matteo Renzi, having to endure a shameful and disgraceful machine mud . “

At the center of the story trying to help what Marco Zambuto calls” an old friend with whom today’s political paths are totally and absolutely diversified away, “the parliamentarian of Agrigento Forza Italian Richard Antonio Gallo Plagued . “Plagued Gallo was in trouble because some media had raised the statements of a repentant according to which the deputy in 1988 would have contributed to a murder of mafia – has reconstructed Zambuto – I asked him, in short, to testify before Berlusconi on his honesty . And he asked me because, as an opponent, could be credible. ” This, then, the subject matter in the meeting between the leaders of the center and the former chairman of the Democratic Party isolate.

Talk in which the political argument, ensures Zambuto, would not be touched. “On that date, the primary coalition Ag 2020 had already been called to the table and constituent had participated all the representatives of the Democratic Party including President of the Sicilian Region Rosario Crocetta .” For the politician, “if you really blame me is to be assigned in this story, is that of being in solidarity with those who were humanely in difficulty. But I must apologize for this not just with anyone. ”

“I take note of the resignation of Marco Zambuto, which I consider a step towards the Democratic Party had to Sicily and its members, activists and voters,” said the regional secretary Fausto Raciti . “On the case of administrative Agrigento – he added – the choice to overcome the primaries, which were in danger of becoming something else than what our people want and expect, was the only way forward.” He added: “In Sicily will not allow anyone to consider the Democratic Party a bus on which to climb close to the elections, the use and consumption of its calculations.” In terms of Agrigento, in the meantime, yesterday was given the green light to the proposal to nominate the national deputy Angelo Capodicasa.

The resignation of Marco Zambuto were invoked loudly by many members of the same Pd, beginning the former regional secretary and member of the national leadership Mila Spicule : “I do not recognize Zambuto as president of the Democratic Party and Sicily will ask for the resignation. I repeat nothing personal, but of all political. The Democratic Party is of the citizens of its members, of its militants, no one can make meat slaughter and insult making use of it and using it for other purposes or personal. ” The same content of the message launched by regional members Fabrizio Ferrandelli and Marika Cirone Mark and Baldo Gucciardi , president of the group Ars. “When you hold positions of responsibility within the Democratic Party must always have respect for members and supporters.” On Twitter Antonello Cracolici wrote: “I hope that the president of the Democratic Party Sicilian Zambuto, after reading the newspapers, apologize to the militants of the party and resign.”


Dl terrorism, targeted web and foreign fighters: tight against … – The Messenger

The National Anti-Mafia Prosecutor will assume the coordination of investigations on terrorism. This is one of the cornerstones of the decree Antiterrorism today approved at first reading by the House. Among other measures, the introduction of prison sentences for “foreign fighter” and the “lone wolves” planning attacks in Italy. As well as against those who make propaganda on the web.

FOREIGN FIGHTERS – From 5 to 8 years imprisonment for ‘foreing fighters’, ie those who enlist to go fight the terrorists abroad with Isis, as well as for those who organize, finance or propagandi traveling for the purpose of terrorism. For them snaps on remand in prison.

WOLVES SOLITARY – imprisonment from five to ten years to those who are trained in Italy alone to hit with terrorist acts in the Italian territory.

You AGGRAVATED WEB – The use of the Web and IT tools to perpetrate terrorist offenses (enrollment of foreign fighters, propaganda, etc.) becomes an aggravating factor that entails the obligation to ‘arrest. Eliminated the rule authorizing the police to use programs to acquire ‘remote’ communications and data in PCs. The providers will be obliged to obscure illegal content.

INTERCEPTION PREVENTIVE – It authorized the interception prior computer networks of suspects of crimes of international terrorism.

DATA TELEPHONE TRAFFIC – for Sun investigation of crimes of terrorism, traffic data, telephone and computer, as well as missed calls, made after the entry into force of the decree “are kept by the vendor until 31 December 2016.

CONTROL “REMOTE” OF PC – expunged the rule introduced by the Government during the examination in committee, which authorized the police to use control programs ‘remote’ for PC, Tablet and

smartphne of terror suspects. The government could present it again in the wiretapping law.

007 IN PRISONS – Services are allowed to infiltrate in Italian prisons, to prevent the recruitment of terrorists.

MILITARY TERRITORY – From June 30 this year the military contingent for the control of the territory will be increased by another 300 units (currently the roof is set at altitude 3000).

MEDITERRANEAN – Over 40 million euro for the ‘ Operation ‘Safe sea, to prevent terrorist attacks on fishing boats and commercial ships in the Mediterranean.

smugglers – Duty’ arrest for the smugglers.

             Tuesday, March 31, 2015, 22:51 – Last Updated: 23:02


Saw Berlusconi resigns president of the Democratic Party Sicilian Marco Zambuto – TGCOM

– “I step back.” With these words, Marco Zambuto resigned as chairman of the Democratic Party in Sicily. The decision has been taken to the controversy born after the revelation of a meeting in late February, between the same Zambuto and Silvio Berlusconi at Palazzo Grazioli to choose the candidacy of Silvio Alessi, revealed the winner of the primary center in Agrigento, then canceled .

He saw Berlusconi resigns president of the Democratic Party Sicilian Marco Zambuto

To invoke the resignation of Zambuto were several members of the Democratic Party as Mila Spicule and Undersecretary fer David Pharaoh. The first to doubt had been the secretary of the Democratic Party in Sicily, Fausto Raciti “Zambuto has an obligation to explain, and better, the reasons for a meeting inconvenient. Even this story confirms that we were right to cancel the primaries.”

“I do not recognize Zambuto as president of the Democratic Party Sicily and ask them to resign – said the member of the national leadership of the Democratic Party – Nothing personal again, but of all political. The Democratic Party is of the citizens, of its members, of its militants, no one can ‘make meat slaughter and insult making use of it and using it for other purposes or personal. “

Even the deputy regional Fabrizio Ferrandelli had attacked Zambuto:” Enough is enough – he said – will convene bodies and face the Pd Sicilian go the right way. “

On the same wavelength Marika Marco Cirone regional parliamentarian of the Democratic Party and Baldo Gucciardi, president of the group Pd Ars. “When you hold positions of responsibility ‘within the Democratic Party – they say – you should always have respect for members and supporters.”

This morning Antonello Cracolici regional parliamentarian of the Democratic Party, had written on

Twitter “I hope that the president of the Democratic Party Sicilian Zambuto, after reading the newspapers, apologize to the militants of the party and resign.”

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Silvio Berlusconi
Marco Zambuto

Renzi: “Landini as Salvini: phenomena are tv, ornaments from … – The Daily


It was to be the direction of the Democratic Party to certify, once and for all, the party line on the electoral law . But it has also become an opportunity to respond to the right and left, literally. Landini equates Renzi Berlusconi As for action on economic and labor? “ Salvini and Landini, in a very different way, are two phenomena television – responds Renzi – But if the policy has no relation to reality and stop being daily life produces characters which are only ornaments from TV talk. ” That said, Renzi admits that “it is very interesting the cultural challenge the social coalition” led by Typhoid “and the challenge of that world.” “The social coalition is a great cultural challenge: do not underestimate at all. But for me it represents the future of the left and – sorry to any of you – not even represent the past of the left, trying to insist a tradition that does not belong to that world will be dismissed from reality. ” “The social coalition is an interesting challenge, which not only takes my sleep but that requires a political and cultural reflection more: that world there has never been a majority in the left”, marked by a “wishful thinking that has led to anywhere. “

But there’s also for the Five Star and for the center. The Democratic Party leader says to Beppe Grillo that now “from bogeyman has become Jackal” with “statements of unseemly taste.” The reference is to place the post of leader of the M5s who compared the prime minister to the co-pilot of the Germanwings . “It ‘clear that Grillo has lost centrality” adds Renzi. “Grillo choose not to stand in the discussion on reform: we have tried several times , we have made a table with them, accepting some requests such as the reduction of the thresholds and the majority of the premium to the list and not the coalition . We made an effort to listen to them, too, but we continue to put together a series of waste. With more consistency of the center, continue to get out, to be characterized against whatever , we’ll see if they’ll be right in the facts. “


Forza Italy : “I will just point out that the French right makes choices different from Forza Italy: not chasing Marine Le Pen , choose to stay within the Republican and then – alas – also wins. But he won the right, not the extreme right. In the center-right Forza Italy in the first year he married the line of reforms, with a line Republican, in the constitutional, and voted the reforms in several steps. Then at some point he changed his mind, for a strategic tactical choice that we will see in the coming months. “

Then there was the issue of the direction of the Democratic Party, that the electoral law. The minorities Pd asking for dialogue and avoid the ultimatum and Renzi responds that his “hope is that it is the last direction in which we discuss electoral law “. Of course, “not the last time” because “it may be appropriate that the group of the House has the opportunity to come together.” But the president of the Council reiterates its willingness to bring the Italicum to the final rush and final approval as soon as possible, before the election day of 31 May. “I believe that by April 27,” the Italicum must “be in the Chamber as timetabled and in May we have to put an end to this discussion. If we want to ensure that 41% is an investment in the future, it is time to decide, continue to put off no use to anyone. ” Ultimately, “block the election law now would be a blow to the credibility. Say it is not an either-but it is the result of a work carried out for 13 months because we made an effort to speak with a continuous work in progress. “



Renzi direction Pd rails against Salvini, Landini and Grillo – Leonardo.it

It has a little ‘for all Matteo Renzi , this this morning at direction of the Democratic Party during which she was voted the electoral law, the Italicum , on which the prime minister has called for the end of each discussion, which did turn up their nose at the major representatives of the minority party.

But holding court, at least for the clash indirect with its major rivals, were the utterances of Renzi against Matteo Salvini and Typhoid . The speech was made at a distance, talking about ability to compare, even television: “ I believe in the value of competition policy, I believe in television, but I seem to be one that pulls back .”

An argument that is then slipped in the attack explicit: “ But our main rivals today, both right and left, or Salvini and Landini, are two phenomena television” .

Renzi declined to equate the two representatives of both sides several landmarks, both landmarks balances, having praised the social coalition “ which is a cultural challenge interesting “but that” is not for me but for the future and not the past of the left.

On Salvini judgment is clear, and not even need arguments . Addressing the audience at the Democratic Party Renzi has launched an appeal: “ Stop complaining about Salvini, more goes on TV most Italians know him. We have to stop being worried that Salvini go on TV: we must realize that if the policy has no bearing on reality, if you can not decide anything, then stops being daily life but produces phenomena which are just ornaments from television talk ” .

The reputation of ornament is then also been extended to the union Landini, that would show a shift away from the reality of the facts: “ I did the Mayor, I was aware of the needs of citizens, but when I see Typhoid – whom I respect – eighth transmission of the week, because it had to launch an event and you must serve rightly

television, not knowing that the law of stability we have put measures crucial to support the permanent employment of the people, then it means that the policy becomes merely an ideological clash, a media representation . “

There is not even a fierce criticism at Beppe Grillo , leader of the Movement and megaphone 5 Stars: “ Now cricket is no longer a bogeyman: a year ago we started talking about our directions Beppe Grillo. Now it has become a bogeyman by jackal “. The reference is to the comparison between Renzi and the suicide pilot of Germanwings, which would bring the former comedian to “ statements unseemly taste of international tragedies.

The leader of League has promptly responded to the provocations of Renzi, suggesting one televised debate: “ I’m ready for a confrontation on TV with Renzi, also tomorrow. I would challenge him on the economy, immigration, law Fornero, sector studies, agriculture. To him, however, I like them the monologues. If you are an ornament not understand why the chatterbox always run away and refuse any comparison . “

More discharged but not least piqued response Landini, who criticized the centralization of Renzi and his skills as a communicator: “ The ornaments I treat them with care, however, told by one that tends to control the TV and using the slide to make communication …


All planned: Renzi paves the minority – The Time

Matteo Renzi - PHOTO ARCHIVE


 Everything as expected. Yet another direction Pd farce decreed yet another plebiscite facade for Matteo Renzi. Sull’Italicum ends 120 to zero. The direction Dem votes unanimously the direction of the prime minister-secretary without any abstained or voted against it simply because minorities rather than go to the count and getting humiliated decide not to participate in the vote and refer the battle in the House.

 The line echoed by Renzi on the electoral law is clear: “Neither touches or blackmail.” So the prime minister gives the sack much internal opposition (alleged blackmailer), for the other majority parties who had called for a correction dell’Italium. None of this: the text is not modified and must be approved by May. Stefano Fassina speaks of “the party split” and assures: “We will not vote the electoral law. The rate of nonconformity is comparable to the Communist Party nordicoreano. With two amendments not stravolgevano the sense of the law avremm could unite the Democratic Party. Nn wanted preferences but the single-member constituencies. ” Francesco Boccia is even clearer: “Renzi accelerates to have ready the law and go to early elections.”

 But the prime minister goes straight on their way. “We put the load: the electoral law is a vital instrument for the government’s action and for the legislature,” says Renzi clarifying that one yesterday was “the last” direction Pd sull’Italicum. “In May, we must put an end” is the diktat fer.

 The minority Dem, after a flurry of interventions vitriolic, decides to not participate in the vote. The prime minister-secretary, in his speech, putting what he called a “trust between us”, leaves little room to the mediation of the rest: “I must say that I am opposed to the tweaks proposed by the government majority and the minority

to blackmail inside. Remodeling would be a big mistake, a gamble. ” Renzi talking instead of “blackmail” publicly accused Alfredo D’Attorre: “The Democratic Party is not the party in which you do not agree when I send in with the secret ballot, but one where when you disagree is discussed. It is blackmail, blackmail and you do not answer. ” That’s not all, because the real ‘load’ Renzi puts hinting hypothesis to put confidence in the House: “We talk about it at the parliamentary level.” A prospect that sends furious internal opposition: in the history of the Republic has never seen a government that writes the electoral law and puts the bargain the issue of trust.

 With different nuances, therefore, minorities Dem decide not to vote in the direction. The intent of Robert Hope, “to proceed with the mediation. Let’s take every possible edge. I will continue to work at this time, I put provisions in my functions to find an agreement. ” A call for extreme mediation throws also Gianni Cuperlo (“Matthew, trust your party and your parliamentarians’). Toni certainly different from Stefano Fassina and Alfredo D’Attorre: “Matthew, you are not allowed to say that I made a blackmail. I do a battle head on. What do you do, trust, would rather blackmail in to Parliament. “

 But Renzi confirms its determination (“no either-or” but “can not be like the goose game”), convinced that eventually ostracized harder fall. The internal opposition – even spurred by Mattinale Forza Italy not to give up – but is already accounts: first commission in the House, where the process begins today, has the greatest weight in the Democratic Party (12 of 23 members including Bersani, Bindi, Cuperlo and D’Attorre). But already the Senate Italicum went to the House without voting on rapporteur. A slap in the face to the autonomy and the primacy of Parliament. A film already seen this too.


Daniele Di Mario


Monday, March 30, 2015

Matteo Renzi, Or It Makes You Italicum O dies. The PD is Warned – abruzzo24ore.tv


ROME – Matteo Renzi is clear parliamentary assembly of the PD:

“Today I ask for a vote a ratification of what has been done in the last 15 months and for a warrant for the coming months. “

Then move quickly all’Italicum, true point turning point in his term:

“On the electoral law we play public confidence. Someone said that you can not put on the text: we’ll talk at the parliamentary level. But let me put between us confidence on the electoral law because it represents the ability to respond to what we were not able to do so far, “said Renzi yet.

There are two elements placed on the merits ‘Italicum, the first “is the need of remodeling in the House, it is a political necessity, for some it is too technical. I am opposed to this hypothesis retouching, but by understanding the reasons, “stressed the then President of the Council.

” A hundred colleges with a candidate chosen by the party, selected by the ruling class. Out of 340 deputies, 100 colleges and 240 indicated preferences, 71% with the preferences 28% of candidates with college assuming “, within the Democratic Party,” not to do multiple nominees, or to do them all multiple ” , So Renzi also defends the reasons of the list headers blocked.

“In the Democratic Party is a party, a minority, to blackmail, he says,” or do so or is there a secret ballot. ” I say to D’Attorre: this blackmail not even consider because this year we have made progress sull’Italicum and the Democratic Party is not a party in which one says “I am sending you under with the secret ballot”, ” continued Renzi. “It ‘s mometo deciding, continue to put off no use,” he added.

“To argue that in a democracy should not be those who decide it is dangerous; argue that no one should decide is a concept that most anarchist democratic, is the result of a disease of the debate that I consider dangerous, “said Renzi yet.

” There is no dictatorship or democratura – as someone has had the courage to say – in the model that we pursue, but the model that could be defined as democracy deciding, as she was called Violante and on which Calamandrei wrote extraordinary pages “, then the prime minister insisted. “Democracy is the model of organization in which you allow someone to freely decide not with blocks and vetoes, some with checks and balances,” he added.

“In the history of these months – said Renzi – there was a time when someone pulled the plug of the previous government, but the former could not go ahead with the reforms. This is a point established the Directorate of the Democratic Party, and the element of difficulty was just on elections institutional. “

” The electoral law was mired – he added – and was symbolically represented by the fact that the Judgment of Court represented the defeat of politics. Four governments and three terms were not able to change a law that everyone said that was changed. “

” So there was a block – said Renzi – and we started from there, and if not we say that we started from a total plan of reforms are not credible ourselves. We said we make a proposal to the country that held together the constitutional reform that election and a package of other reforms. But the election law was the key that we proposed to the country. “

” On the election law, we started from a model – continued Renzi – that said that the winner the chance to govern. The model of the mayor was always the most convincing, but we also say that we have been burned by the experience of 2013, where a law did not allow those who arrived first to rule. “

” The idea even in

our internal debate, that the left can only represent someone does not agree with it, I do not leave the monopoly of the word left only to those who use it more often, “said the secretary of the Democratic Party again.


“Salvini and Landini, in very different ways, are two phenomena television. But if the policy has no relation to reality and stop being produced daily life characters who are only ornaments from TV talk, “said Renzi yet.

” Cricket is no longer a bogeyman, Grillo from today bogeyman has become Jackal “with” statement of unseemly taste “, then attacked the President of the Council, referring to the post of leader of the M5S who compared the prime minister to the co-pilot of Germanwings. “It is clear that cricket has lost centrality,” he added.

THE MINORITY ATTACKS authoritarianism fer

Meanwhile Pippo Civati, Minority Leader Dem attacks totalitarian atmosphere of the assembly which, according to him, is called only to ratify.

“Riproporrò the need to look to the last mediation for some changes to the electoral law”: if this opening there will, Area reformist not participate in the vote of the Executive. This was explained by the Democratic Party leader Robert Hope. Area reformist sources emphasize that the request to Renzi is changes to the electoral law and would not be considered sufficient possibly opening on constitutional reform.


“At the secretary falls the task of office groped synthesis, addressing the issue and talking about it on the merits,” said Pierluigi Bersani. Ensuring that “as soon as I can go there,” Bersani said he hoped that by the prime minister there is an “either-or, I hope it is not so.”

Bersani said he was “appalled that you continue to do analysis and conspiracy instead of talking about what kind of democracy we want for our children. ” The former leader of the Democratic Party has in fact talked about the “risk of a democracy of investiture, a sort of presidentialism without counterweights, a highway for plebiscite and populist impulses. That all talk about what he will do and no one to discuss the minority of democracy which we leave to our children, I am very concerned. “

Replying to a question on the possibility that behind the promise of a safe seat representatives of the minority may eventually siding with Renzi, Bersani said: “I have my own, I have never been an impediment to new generations, people thinks for themselves. Statements that are not true allude to the idea that everything can be bought. “

According to Bersani short ‘governance can not be regardless of representation” and what is proposed “is a democratic mechanism rather risky: if they are stupid proceed, but not in my name. ” To the question, finally, would you vote for if the mattarellum, Bersani, smiling, replied: “The mattarellum I sign tomorrow morning if we did Mattarella we can make even the mattarellum.”

– ->


Italicum, tearing of the minority Democratic Party – The Press

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 Article taken from the edition on newsstands the day 31/03/2015 .


Italicum, tearing of the minority Democratic Party


 The management approves the text after three hours of debate: dissidents desert the vote and launched an appeal to reconsider. But Renzi closes: a chance to reopen the discussion

A unanimous vote, which, however, do not participate in the minority party, to ratify the request of the Prime Minister -segretario Pd, Matteo Renzi: no to the “finishing touches”, nor to “blackmail” the Italicum goes without changes in the House voted to approve it definitively. Thus ends the long-awaited direction of the Democrats, “the last dedicated to the electoral law”: “Today I call a vote on the electoral law as a ratification of what we have done and as a mandate for the coming months,” but al … more

 francesca schianchi

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After the battle, threatens the ultimate weapon in Parliament. But his reassure him: we have the numbers anyway

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The management approves the text after three hours of debate: dissidents desert the vote and launched an appeal to reconsider. But Renzi closes: a chance to reopen the discussion

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Milan, farewell of Mayor Pisapia “I ricandido. After me neither … – Quotidiano.net

Milan, March 30, 2015 – Giuliano Pisapia not be a candidate for a second term as mayor of Milan . “I’ve always said since the primaries that I would one term. I now officially announced – said the transmission ‘Otto e mezzo’ – because they say during Expo would be a disaster for the city, would create fibrillation, nor could I do it shortly before April 25, because in Milan there will be demonstrations of the 70th Liberation with the Presidency of the Republic. ” “After Expo – he added – would be a political folly because it would give time to my coalition to organize.” Pisapia has assured that his political commitment will continue.

On the experience of the first citizen, Pisapia explained that “the mayor has wonderful moments,” citing as examples the meetings with children and students in the suburbs or “unescorted”, but “it is also difficult, whatever choice you face there are always unhappy, but was not fatigue me make this decision “. As for relations with renzi, Pisapia said not to have heard, but admitted that in general “perhaps with the government there was some problems .”

How successors, Pisapia excludes both Berlusconi Salvini : “I do not think Berlusconi will be a candidate. On Salvini, the coalition of center-right will never think of Salvini as a leader.”

At question about

Landini , Pisapia speaks of great esteem, “but it must be untied – highlights – the ambiguity of representing the change of the union or the policy change. If you do not want to do an assemblage of small factions but revive a new project, now must discard the old mummies of the left “. The mayor has also excluded his possible participation in the Coalition’s social secretary of Fiom .

He then focused Pisapia sull’Italicum, which received the go ahead of ‘Assembly of the Democratic Party . “ I would change just one point – he said – and that is what the appointed . With this law 50-60% of MPs would be appointed from above and not by the voters. This should be changed.”


The Democratic Party supports the Italicum without modification. Renzi: “No to readjustments and blackmail” – The Messenger

The Management of the Democratic Party has adopted the report by Matteo Renzi who proposed not to change the Italicum in the third reading in the House. The minority did not participate in that vote was unanimous.

“Today I call for a vote for ratification of what has been done in the last 15 months and for a warrant for the coming months,” said Matteo Renzi opening direction Pd on the law and electoral reforms.

“On the electoral law we play public confidence. Someone said that you can not put on the text: we’ll talk at the parliamentary level. But let me put between us confidence on the electoral law because it represents the ability to respond to what we were not able to do so far, “said Renzi yet.

There are two elements placed on the merits ‘Italicum, the first “is the need of remodeling in the House, it is a political necessity, for some it is too technical. I am opposed to this hypothesis retouching, but by understanding the reasons, “stressed the then President of the Council.

” A hundred colleges with a candidate chosen by the party, selected by the ruling class. Out of 340 deputies, 100 colleges and 240 indicated preferences, 71% with the preferences 28% of candidates with college assuming “, within the Democratic Party,” not to do multiple nominees, or to do them all multiple ” says Renzi bringing out the point of the list headers blocked and defending the reasons.

“In the Democratic Party is a party, a minority, to blackmail, he says,” or do so or there is secret vote “. I say to D’Attorre: this blackmail not even consider because this year we have made progress sull’Italicum and the Democratic Party is not a party in which one says “I am sending you under with the secret ballot”, ” continued Renzi. “It ‘s mometo deciding, continue rimandaer is useless,” he added.

“To argue that in a democracy should not be those who decide it is dangerous; argue that no one should decide is a concept that most anarchist democratic, is the result of a disease of the debate that I consider dangerous, “said Renzi yet.

” There is no dictatorship or democratura – as someone has had the courage to say – in the model that we pursue, but the model that could be defined as democracy deciding, as she was called Violante and on which Calamandrei wrote extraordinary pages “, then the prime minister insisted. “Democracy is the model of organization in which you allow someone to freely decide not with blocks and vetoes, some with checks and balances,” he added.

“In the history of these months – said Renzi – there was a time when someone pulled the plug of the previous government, but the former could not go ahead with the reforms. This is a point established the Directorate of the Democratic Party, and the element of difficulty was just on elections institutional. “

” The electoral law was mired – he added – and was symbolically represented by the fact that the Judgment of Court represented the defeat of politics. Four governments and three terms were not able to change a law that everyone said that was changed. “

” So there was a block – said Renzi – and we started from there, and if not we say that we started from a total plan of reforms are not credible ourselves. We said we make a proposal to the country that held together the constitutional reform that election and a package of other reforms. But the election law was the key that we proposed to the country. “

” On the election law, we started from a model – continued Renzi – that said that the winner the chance to govern. The model of the mayor was always the most convincing, but we also say that we have been burned by the experience of 2013, where a law did not allow those who arrived first to rule. “

” The idea even in our internal debate, that the left can only represent someone does not agree with it, I do not leave the monopoly of the word left only to those who use it more often, “said the secretary of the Democratic Party again.

Renzi then attaches them Salvini and Landini. “Salvini and Landini, in very

different ways, are two phenomena television. But if the policy has no relation to reality and stop being produced daily life characters who are only ornaments from TV talk, “said Renzi yet.

” Cricket is no longer a bogeyman, Grillo from today bogeyman has become Jackal “with” statement of unseemly taste “, then attacked the President of the Council, referring to the post of leader of the M5S who compared the prime minister to the co-pilot of Germanwings. “It is clear that cricket has lost centrality,” he added.

It’s open challenge meanwhile by Pippo Civati ​​the premier sull’Italicum. In an appeal to other minority leader Dem – Cuperlo, Bindi, Bersani, D’Attorre, Boccia and Fassina – Civati ​​proposes to do “one intervention that represent us” and not participate in the vote in a direction turned into “plebiscite and either-or. “

” Riproporrò the need to look to the last mediation for some changes to the electoral law “: if this opening there will be, Area reformist not participate in the vote of the Executive. This was explained by the Democratic Party leader Robert Hope. Area reformist sources emphasize that the request to Renzi is changes to the electoral law and would not be considered sufficient possibly opening on constitutional reform.

“At the secretary falls the task of office groped synthesis, addressing the issue and talking about it on the merits, “said Pierluigi Bersani. Ensuring that “as soon as I can go there,” Bersani said he hoped that by the prime minister there is an “either-or, I hope it is not so.”

Bersani said he was “appalled that you continue to do analysis and conspiracy instead of talking about what kind of democracy we want for our children. ” The former leader of the Democratic Party has in fact talked about the “risk of a democracy of investiture, a sort of presidentialism without counterweights, a highway for plebiscite and populist impulses. That all talk about what he will do and no one to discuss the minority of democracy which we leave to our children, I am very concerned. “

Replying to a question on the possibility that behind the promise of a safe seat representatives of the minority may eventually siding with Renzi, Bersani said: “I have my own, I have never been an impediment to new generations, people thinks for themselves. Statements that are not true allude to the idea that everything can be bought. “

According to Bersani short ‘governance can not be regardless of representation” and what is proposed “is a democratic mechanism rather risky: if they are stupid proceed, but not in my name. ” To the question, finally, would you vote for if the mattarellum, Bersani, smiling, replied: “The mattarellum I sign tomorrow morning if we did Mattarella we can make even the mattarellum.”

             Monday, March 30, 2015, 16:06 – Last Updated: 20:04


Renzi: I call for a vote on the government. Showdown on the law … – The Messenger

“Today I call for a vote for ratification of what has been done in the last 15 months and for a warrant for the coming months.” He said Matteo Renzi opening direction Pd on the electoral law and the reforms.

“My hope is that it is the last direction in which we discuss the electoral law. Not the last time “because” it may be appropriate that the group of the House has the opportunity to come together, “said the prime minister yet.

” To argue that in a democracy should not be those who decide is dangerous; argue that no one should decide is a concept that most anarchist democratic, is the result of a disease of the debate that I consider dangerous, “said Renzi yet.

” There is no dictatorship or democratura – as someone has had the courage to say – in the model that we pursue, but the model that could be defined as democracy deciding, as she was called Violante and on which Calamandrei wrote pages extraordinary, “insisted the premier. “Democracy is the model of organization in which you allow someone to freely decide not with blocks and vetoes, some with checks and balances,” he added.

“In the history of these months – said Renzi – there was a time when someone pulled the plug of the previous government, but the former could not go ahead with the reforms. This is a point established the Directorate of the Democratic Party, and the element of difficulty was just on elections institutional. “

” The electoral law was mired – he added – and was symbolically represented by the fact that the Judgment of Court represented the defeat of politics. Four governments and three terms were not able to change a law that everyone said that was changed. “

” So there was a block – said Renzi – and we started from there, and if not we say that we started from a total plan of reforms are not credible ourselves. We said we make a proposal to the country that held together the constitutional reform that election and a package of other reforms. But the election law was the key that we proposed to the country. “

” On the election law, we started from a model – continued Renzi – that said that the winner the chance to govern. The model of the mayor was always the most convincing, but we also say that we have been burned by the experience of 2013, where a law did not allow those who arrived first to rule. “

” Cricket is not plus one bogey, bogey from today Grillo has become Jackal “with” statement of unseemly taste “, then attacked the President of the Council, referring to the post of leader of the M5S who compared the prime minister to the co-pilot of Germanwings. “It is clear that cricket has lost centrality,” he added.

It’s open challenge meanwhile by Pippo Civati ​​the premier sull’Italicum. In an appeal to other minority leader Dem – Cuperlo, Bindi, Bersani, D’Attorre, Boccia and Fassina – Civati

​​proposes to do “one intervention that represent us” and not participate in the vote in a direction turned into “plebiscite and either-or. “

” Riproporrò the need to look to the last mediation for some changes to the electoral law “: if this opening there will be, Area reformist not participate in the vote of the Executive. This was explained by the Democratic Party leader Robert Hope. Area reformist sources emphasize that the request to Renzi is changes to the electoral law and would not be considered sufficient possibly opening on constitutional reform.

“At the secretary falls the task of office groped synthesis, addressing the issue and talking about it on the merits, “said Pierluigi Bersani. Ensuring that “as soon as I can go there,” Bersani said he hoped that by the prime minister there is an “either-or, I hope it is not so.”

Bersani said he was “appalled that you continue to do analysis and conspiracy instead of talking about what kind of democracy we want for our children. ” The former leader of the Democratic Party has in fact talked about the “risk of a democracy of investiture, a sort of presidentialism without counterweights, a highway for plebiscite and populist impulses. That all talk about what he will do and no one to discuss the minority of democracy which we leave to our children, I am very concerned. “

Replying to a question on the possibility that behind the promise of a safe seat representatives of the minority may eventually siding with Renzi, Bersani said: “I have my own, I have never been an impediment to new generations, people thinks for themselves. Statements that are not true allude to the idea that everything can be bought. “

According to Bersani short ‘governance can not be regardless of representation” and what is proposed “is a democratic mechanism rather risky: if they are stupid proceed, but not in my name. ” To the question, finally, would you vote for if the mattarellum, Bersani, smiling, replied: “The mattarellum I sign tomorrow morning if we did Mattarella we can make even the mattarellum.”

             Monday, March 30, 2015, 16:06 – Last Updated: 17:09


Civati ​​to minority dem: “Do not we vote towards the Democratic Party, one speak” – The Republic

Rome Goofy Civati ​​ Appeals “Rosy, Pier Luigi, Gianni, Alfredo, Francesco and Stefano” to which addresses “the two proposals.” The first: “We do not participate in the vote today in the direction. The transformation of the direction in a plebiscite and either-no help at all and of itself constitutes a definitive answer to requests for comparison came from many sides. And we make the proposals in the classroom, consistent with what happened in the Senate: we represent the whole issue of the reforms, as indeed I asked you did for the final grade classroom on constitutional reform. “

The second proposal instead reads:” We make a single intervention that represent us (and willingly leave the word): define once and for all the camp of those who are in the minority, because the ambiguities of these months have done nothing but create confusion. A minority that does not worry the acronyms and placements, but content and the quality of our democracy. Not interested at places, but pluralism and guarantees “.

Today, in fact, the Democratic Party faces an important hub for the future of the party and the executive led by Matteo Renzi . It meets the Nazarene the national leadership dem asked to rule on electoral reform before Parliament: an appointment for Debora Serracchiani , which speaks for deputy secretary, will be “a normal direction of the Democratic Party.” A new opportunity to fight for the minority party, very critical with implantation of the text intended, the intent of Renzi, to overcome the Consultellum, the electoral law of proportional footprint that took shape after the rejection of the Constitutional Court against the porcellum. And it is on reforms that Renzi opens the crack: forward with the Italicum – would be the last offer internal opposition – but the new Senate is debatable. One way to divide groped dissidents, reaching out to the wing more open to dialogue and marginalizing the ‘old guard’.

Stefano Fassina , one of the leading figures in the anti-minority Renzi, does not cultivate illusions about the outcome of direction: the Nazarene, he says, will stage “yet another muscle performance because the numbers are overwhelming. I’m sorry that you can not discuss because it is not a problem of the minority. Electoral law reforms and lead Italy to a presidential system of fact. “He continues:” The laws are even in parliament. Without significant changes, as far as I’m concerned the electoral law is not sustainable. “

On a war footing is Corradino Mineo , the parliamentary minority Democratic Party, which this morning to Agora said: “I’m not sure that this afternoon in the direction of the Democratic Party vote is granted. Even bersaniani you are convinced that this is their last battle. I do not know

if the text will go well. Saturday I went to the event of Typhoid . I saw so many gray heads worry about what will be their future. The operation of Renzi at work is just make-up. The apprenticeship, for example, is a mechanism that produces millions of jobs throughout the world. But if we lack a real investment and industrial policy what we could ever produce in a global market? This is the question we must ask ourselves “.

From the microphones of Radio Città Futura , however, is the deputy Bersani Alfredo D’Attorre to say” The underlying objective is to give back as much as possible the choice to citizens, and this can be done in various ways: either with the preferences or the single-member constituency. I have already prepared the amendments that could be included on the installation dell’Italicum. You can not say no to both single-member constituencies that preferences. “In about the direction the Democratic Party:” We will present – continues – and participate in the discussion, the fear is that it can be resolved in the usual performance muscle to use streaming, which circumvents the problems merit and will be resolved with a count. The only result would be to move the real debate in parliament. We are facing a reform the Italian democracy, are matters of constitutional value, issues that are not resolved by references to internal discipline. “Meanwhile, the first direction, the minority dem will meet to discuss the proposals launched by Civati show firmness.

minority dem
Direction Pd
Government Renzi
new Senate
foo Civati ​​
Matteo Renzi
Stefano Fassina
corradino mineo
Pier Luigi Bersani
Rosy Bindi
Gianni Cuperlo
alfredo of attorre
Debora Serracchiani


Pd, the temptation of the left: disertiamo direction – The Messenger

desert the direction of the Democratic Party this afternoon, wanted by Matteo Renzi to put to the vote support for electoral reform. And ‘the proposal that Pippo Civati ​​caters to minority dem. A few hours after the meeting set for today at 14 to the Nazarene, Civati ​​writes to Rosy Bindi, Pier Luigi Bersani, Gianni Cuperlo, Alfredo D’Attorre, Francesco Boccia and Stefano Fassina.

“To the minority of the Democratic Party,” the deputy makes two proposals. The first is not participate in the vote scheduled today, in fact: “The transformation of the direction in a plebiscite and either-no help at all, and of itself constitutes a definitive answer to requests for comparison came from many quarters. We do the proposed amendments in Parliament, in line with what happened in the Senate: we represent the whole issue of the reforms, as indeed I asked you did for the final vote in the House on constitutional reform. “

 The second proposal Civati ​​minorities is: “Let one intervention that represent us (and

 I willingly leave the word): define once and for all the camp of those who are in the minority, because the

 ambiguity of these months have done nothing but create confusion. A minority that does not

 worry of acronyms and placement, but the content and quality of our democracy.

 Not interested in places, but pluralism and

guarantees. “

Renzi, received the vote of direction, are taking the dossier also reforms to the parliamentary group and to also count the deputies before the arrival in the classroom room, timetabled for April 27, and then proceed to spur beat the final vote dell’Itualicum by early May.

             Monday, March 30, 2015, 10:37 – Last Updated: 10:40


Sull’Italicum another useless direction Pd – The Time

Press Conference minority PD on Stability Law


 The liturgy secular Democrats is now awaiting a new farce: the direction sull’Italicum. The cleavage between the base and the Dem assists the Nazarene is increasingly evident. The direction increasingly prone compared to the dictates of the Prime Minister-Secretary; the belly of the party increasingly impatient in front of such accondiscendeza.

 Today the leadership will meet again to approve the line of Matteo Renzi on the new electoral law that will land in the House on 27 April. After the changes introduced in the Senate on January 27 on the text laid off in January from the Chamber of Deputies March 12, 2014, the Prime Minister expects the final green. And the outcome of direction seems very obvious: a plebiscite for Renzi. The goal of the Secretary and his Praetorian Guard is clear: in the direction you are going to vote and vote on the minority Dem will split again. On the one hand Area Reform – more prone to dialogue – the other the Left Dem for months now on the Aventine. The political message that will be transmitted to the outside will be more or less the following: all the Democratic Party is with Renzi, including the internal opposition; the only voices of dissent to be understood as isolated. So full speed ahead in Parliament, because the Democratic Party – but it would be better to say Renzi – so he decided to Nazareno.

 A film already seen and previous ones are there to witness it: constitutional reforms, Jobs Act, school reform, justice. A good internal debate to enforce the numbers from Bulgarian consensus in favor of Renzi direction; numbers reflecting the outcome of the conference, but that is not confirmed in Parliament. A short inutilte direction, at least

according to the bellicose intentions of Left Dem, who own the House is willing to engage in battle, knowing that the outcome of direction today, given the numbers, is granted. On the electoral law of the minority Democratic Party will battle in Parliament, announced Stefano Fassina, explaining that in the national leadership, “we will act as we always behaved: we will do our proposals but it will be yet another muscle performance because the numbers are overwhelming. Sorry that you can not discuss because it is not a problem of the minority. Electoral law reforms and lead Italy to a presidential system of fact. Everyone should be concerned of the retreat of Italian democracy. It is not a problem of the minority of the Democratic Party. The room must have its autonomy. There will be amendments in committee. There will be a battle. The laws are even in Parliament. Without significant changes, as far as I’m concerned the electoral law is not sustainable. “

 To Fassina is not an isolated location. “My advice to all minorities to do Renzi hundred percent – says provocatively Pippo Civati ​​- The law if the votes he and his majority. If the debate is denied is denied. If you want to annihilate the minorities will give satisfaction. ” For Dario Ginefra “the electoral law is not the cudgel to break down opponents or their own internal minority. It will be for everyone, but especially to the Secretary of the Democratic Party to create the conditions so that everything happens in the full cohesion of the majority party, avoiding initili machismi and proposing the method adopted for the election of the President. “

 But Renzi really waive assert overwhelming numbers in his favor to find a political agreement that goes beyond them?


Daniel Mario


Sunday, March 29, 2015

Landini in Piazza del Popolo, Unions is strength – SenzaBarcode

March 30 2015 / No comment  Unions

Discounted make the differences, the square of the People of February 28 and the March 28, Salvini and Landini fill with roughly the same numbers. Obviously change the colors, green and red, however, have the same principle, just say the government Renzi.

Jobs Act, Article 18, precarious, VAT numbers, emergency home , the many Topics covered by the stage of Unions . The parade procession again when in Piazza del Popolo, already crowded, successive interventions, we talk about discomfort, shame and dignity. Of all that is joining the present under a same flag, that of the FIOM and Landini , the Unions .

internal I amuses those who wonder if drop in politics, as if being in the lead of thousands of people, involving them in a program, create a social coalition and fight for what one thinks is right, against injustice, not politics!

As always on these occasions I focus on the square, SenzaBarcode was created to provide food for thought different and not endorsed, give you back yet another intervention by cutting three minutes would like to make a copy and Paste sterile. In the video there is the square, Unions . E ‘was almost strange to see, while Landini spoke of people forced to work “in the black” or for a few Euros per hour, half a dozen vendor bottles of water, soft drinks and sandwiches that prowled between the flags trying to meet the large demand for thirsty. Even the stall with souvenirs of Rome was not lacking.

‘this is reality, this is Italy we have available, this is the world of work for

src="https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/blogger_img_proxy/AEn0k_tK-q1ejan28bATiG19gy86nQAv0609Ftur5qfegWcmJw_M24OJrmanlO_QrAtJEHzsLGyhGl98N9GMqj_GDlfKkRdW5Gbko0_y7qdmUoLl14gB_GfmFHMWaBvMoZF4iOeKjPxg9Q=s0-d"> Landini is not a commodity but the foundation on which to build , This is the country of Renzi for the leader of the Fiom, is doing worse than Berlusconi because it has removed the article 18. The rider, ahead of the protests of the unions did a step back, the current Prime Minister has not looked at anyone. In the square there is also Fassina and other who did not vote the Jobs Act .

Meeting Marche teacher who tells me “ we want to take back what’s been taken over the years , then a return to the union and that workers join together to defend what we are removing is in the world of private work, both in the public sector, the sense of the event is this. Combine the fathers that are put against the children, join the precarious that are put against permanent workers, the unemployed join with those who work it. “

Other boys arrive from Sicily, tell me who have come all this way to “demonstrate and defend the rights of workers , which are eliminating day after day … If we think of the Fornero that made the Pension Act saying Today it takes 43 years of contributions, is making fun throughout Italy. Today it is impossible to collect 43 years of contributions. I would like to see a nurse pushing a stretcher 70 years, I would like to see a truck driver who in 65/70 years still leads the truck because it has to collect the years of contributions, a guy who works with blast furnaces would like to see how it resists to work for 43 years … and I’d like to see these companies in Italy today who can resist for 43 years and keeps working for 43 years to a worker … “

In the video interviews grains and Unions, the square .

short URL : http://www.senzabarcode.it/?p=33883



The future of the Democratic Party depends dall’Italicum – New Media Magazine

Matteo Renzi choose the day that the leader of the Fiom leads his troops into the square in Rome, and is anathema to the government starvation of peoples and “worse than Berlusconi,” to launch a new offensive of optimism.

While the Minister Maria Elena Boschi announces an increase in growth forecast, from 0.6 to 0.7% (and in fact the government is held lower than forecast in other entities), the prime minister is felt via Facebook: “They continue the positive signs for Italian families,” he announces. It puts them in a row: the decline of the electricity bill and gas, the “historical turnaround in the market ‘announced by Confcommercio, that with a nearly 3% more are to report a” recovery of consumption “; the “historic agreement” of Carnival with Fincantieri to produce cruise ships. And of course the 79 thousand permanent contracts more. “All signals,” he concludes, “that have the drive to do even more and accelerate reforms.” Beginning with the election, in which the prime minister does not want to be dragged into the “swamp” the internal resistance to his party.

The counts Monday in management approaches, and Renzi knows that the minority of the Democratic Party is about to raise against him the red card by voting no to his request to close the game on the electoral law approving permanently Italicum.

But he also knows that those potential no organ of the party does not turn into the same number of no in Parliament. The minority is divided into a thousand streams, as we saw yesterday in the square Fiom: we have gone the Pasdaran type Civati, Bindi and Fassina, who look at “social coalition” landiniana as a lifeline to give up the Pd-wheel drive renziana not remain on foot. The same people who probably will desert the Directorate, as

announced yesterday Civati: “Do not participate in a debate already defined at the start.” The bulk of bersaniani instead (following the line of the CGIL Camusso rather than that of Landini), if they were at home. O took dryly distances, as the chairman of the Labour Cesare Damiano: “I do not go because I do not share the contents of that event.” And on that division, which is also largely generational tip Renzi to finally pull the new recruits from the old parliamentary leaders like D’Alema and Bersani and convince them to free themselves from a protection that is now close to many. The stakes should be clear: the final approval dell’Italicum is a key hub of the legislature, and decide on its duration. If the reform were to be sunk, maybe shots of secret votes as threatening by the minority, the prime minister would be ready to accept the consequences. Whether it is the final battle is clear to all: once brought home the Italicum, with the award of the list and the list headers blocked, Renzi will have in hand the steering wheel of his own party. And time will frond continues finito.Il Prime Minister Matteo Renzi

​​News Source: ilgiornale



Fiom, Landini: “At work Berlusconi has stopped, Renzi no” – ANSA.it

In terms of labor, “is worse than Berlusconi, definitely yes: Renzi has deleted Article 18 , Berlusconi in the face of protests by unions, the demonstrations that were stopped, not canceled Article 18 and took note that he had the majority of people and more with the union was confronted. ” Thus, the general secretary of Fiom, Typhoid replied to those who asked for confirmation of the words yesterday in Rome, especially if Renzi was really worse than Berlusconi.

Meanwhile, is scheduled for Monday the leadership of the Democratic Party . “Many from the Democratic Party have gone away, members and activists who quit the Democratic Party and yesterday were in the streets,” he tells Qn Stefano Fassina stressing that he does not abandon the party but must “change course.” “In the square there were those who did not vote the Jobs Act. We are consistent,” says about the event FIOM. “The coalition of Social Landini is not a political entity,” says, “attempts to answer questions that the Social Democratic Party is no longer relevant. The Democratic Party does not have to coincide with the president of the board nor with the parliamentary groups, no longer represents the rights workers, but the interest of the stronger. ” And the direction of the Democratic Party of tomorrow “is an unnecessary show of muscle Renzi”. Sull’Italicum adds Fassina, “the minority expressed a different position, and I think that will continue.”

The Fiom took to the streets under the guidance of the leader of the blue-collar CGIL, Maurizio Landini , against the Jobs Act, to defend the work, rights, democracy. Renzi against the government and its policies are wrong about these points with the support of the CGIL, present with the number one Susanna Camusso: an executive who is doing well “worst of the Berlusconi government”, attacks the same Landini the stage in Piazza del Popolo . Where promises the beginning of a “new springtime” of labor and human rights, launched the challenge not only to the executive “master” but also to the Confindustria (the “recipe”, he says, will not appear in either the country or occupation ) and where the proposal raises the social coalition: “We combine what the government divides,” putting together “associations, movements, people.” The need for union, from “all workers”, which is in the same slogan chosen for the event ‘Unions!’. Landini, closing the speech from the stage, says “a new model of development, democratic reform of the union, involving other parties and broadening the representation: it is what we must do, is the strongest response to a government that has already made its social coalition with Confindustria and the ECB. “

On the social coalition with the distance Camusso remains. Then right at the number one industrial, Giorgio Squinzi, or Venice speaks of the “politics” of the blue-collar CGIL, replication is not long in coming both from the number one of the Fiom CGIL. With a vision that is shared on the defense of labor and workers, but not on the relationship between trade unions and politics, which in recent days Camusso had strongly wanted to keep distinct. “Yes, it is a political demonstration made by the union,” retorts immediately Landini, arguing that always “the union politics”, a “nonsense” theory to the contrary, (but “does not become a party”) as well as the CGIL ago ” for 100 years “,” would not exist if it were not also the CGIL political subject, “says clearly. And how does Confindustria, continues: “Squinzi has already gone to the

government and are bringing home all he wants. His political subject has already been very successful.” Camusso emphasizes, however, the character all the trade union of the event: “In this square there are metalworkers entered the CGIL, which rightly are fighting because the enabling law on the rights and reduces work because they want to renew the contract of employment.” This is “the answer enough of the reason we’re all here,” he says in his only statement during the event.

The leader of the confederation of course Italy, returning from Reggio Calabria to Congress of Democratic Judiciary, reaches the procession, but not parading along with Landini, who then greeted with a kiss and a hug when you reach Piazza del Popolo; listening to the various interventions and the final of Landini on one side of the stage but without taking the floor. In addition to workers, temporary workers, students and other categories of the CGIL, the streets also a part of the political in the narrow sense: there are minorities Pd Stefano Fassina, Pippo Civati, Barbara Pollastrini and there is the chairman of the Anti-Mafia, Rosy Bindi who choose to stay in the square in the crowd and then Landini thanked from the stage for his presence “for the law.” And then there Sel in full force, from leader Nichi Vendola; among others, the magistrate and former leader of the Revolution and Civil Antonio Ingroia the national secretary of the Communist Refoundation Paolo Ferrero. From the stage also speaks constitutionalist Stefano Rodotà. Leading the procession are the workers of Fincantieri, behind the banner “Fincantieri, jungle tender”. From the square many applause for Landini: “We are tired of election commercials, slide and bales – debuted in the attack on the government – because we must have the courage to tell the truth and to really change the country,” but “without us this country does not change, it gets worse. ” It promises that the fight will go on, for the “re-conquest of the rights deleted”, as stated on the t-shirt by Fiom prepared for the occasion: “We want to counter the Jobs Act both on the contractual and legal and legislative, not excluding any kind of intervention “(a recall referendum), adds Landini noting the aim of defending the rights and the reinstatement of Article 18 with a new Workers’ Statute. As well as on pensions says that “we have to reopen the battle: get the reduction of the retirement age and restore retirement pensions”. You have to think about the “reduction of working hours” and make “investments, public and private”, otherwise jobs “do not create them.” Because “we are fighting not for 79,000 recruitments, but for the creation of millions of jobs.”


“Unions”. With the Fiom and CGIL the square turns red, the … – Jobsnews.it

It’s called the coalition Social Unions. The media these days have done everything to credit the fact that Typhoid with the excuse to organize a demonstration with the center’s work and rights, in fact proposed as head of a new party of the left. Some people have even believed in the CGIL and controversies that have arisen had no reason to exist. Well, who in the wake of Matteo Renzi, now undisputed dominus media, fascinated by Selfie and tweets, they talked, in negative terms of “baptism” of the social coalition, vade retro Satan, are served. The social coalition, which, mind you, there is, as the same the same Landini, was able to fill a historic square in Rome, mondandola dirt orgy of racist left by Matteo Salvini. A square that was lit in red, the hundred and a thousand flags of the union, blue overalls with red sweatshirts, red color work. The counts in these events is always difficult, but starting from about thirty thousand “booked”, buses, trains, planes, ferries, by many workers in Rome and Lazio, who went directly to the streets, students in particular, by the fact that capacity “official” is about 65 thousand people, the chance of a presence of 50 000, considered the space occupied by the stage, is not far away of reality.

We are many, many, the new springtime of the country

We are many, many, said the organizers of the Fiom and CGIL. Landini what he called “the new springtime of the country”, has given a clear and unambiguous impression of how the Fiom intends to move. What did Landini when he made the proposal approved almost unanimously by the National Assembly of the delegates and delegates, living people, blue collar in the flesh, was represented by the long procession coming down from the Pincio and seemed endless. Even those journalists, many, too many, which these days are drilled in the most fanciful hypotheses about the “treacherous” intentions of the “treacherous” Landini – a leader who has a great affection, true affection -, took notes, whispering to each other As is the custom, have material to reflect on the significance of this day, this Saturday with the square of the People, beautiful, sunny, a chill wind of the north who was waving red flags. Prime Minister Matteo Renzi, secretary of a party that is part of the European Socialists, should have at least some respect for a great union, Fiom, which represents more than 350 000 workers and employees, the CGIL, which represents just under six million .

Landini, “We are of the CGIL, not another thing.” The embrace with Camusso

Landini says: “We are of the CGIL, not another thing.” The embrace with Susanna Camusso is not only a sign of affection, hope will be the start of a debate tended to be stronger than the CGIL, to renew the forms of participation, the relationship with the complex world of work that is not only made from employment. Matteo Renzi does respond to his clone, the Deputy Secretary Guerini, with a phrase that is all a poem: “the event there were a few members of the

Democratic Party.” And the minister Poletti, now incontinent, speaks three times a day: “By the logic of Fiom results obtained.” Maybe the Democratic Party, which holds the direction Monday to incense the premier and annihilate the minorities, could have an opportunity to reflect on those words uttered some hard by the general secretary of Fiom, “Renzi worse than Berlusconi.” Even the secretary of Fim Cisl should be more careful because in all elections for union representatives Fiom also won by a wide margin.

The union, the CGIL, the only major democratic force organized

The interventions from the stage of “outsiders”, to overspend to Zagrebelsky, with a message read by Sandra Bonsanti, students, had nothing of “alien”. Because the event was also their event, as well as many others who were present, the students, the VAT numbers, temporary non-unionized. The reality, is the meaning of “social coalition”, that Landini has also tried to explain to the Piazza del Popolo, is that today the union is the only democratic force organized. They are not parties, now evaporated, circles of patronage, it is not the Democratic Party, takes many votes, on little more than fifty percent of the voters, but its organized force is now reduced to a flicker. Fiom CGIL calls for all to begin a process of renewal, and puts his organization and its presence in the workplace and in the territories to “disposal” of associations, movements, individuals, who are fighting for change, to defend, implement the Constitution, not spoiling it.

The meaning of the reference to Giuseppe Di Vittorio and Bruno Trentin

This means doing the FIOM union , politics, labor policy, which is the foundation of the Constitution. No coincidence Landini drew Di Vittorio, the union general representation of the world of work, “inventor” of the Statute of citizens’ rights workers. And so the call to Trentin, who do not understand why it has aroused the ire of his wife, the Union of Councils, rights and participation.

Unions will be the name of the social coalition, when it is born and in forms that will be decided. In mid-April there will be a first meeting “seminar”? We hope. It will not be a new union, there is already the Fiom, there is already the CGIL that will become stronger, more participatory. He overspend that “what’s good for workers is good for Italy.” The demonstration in Piazza del Popolo said what will be: Unions, in fact. And our colleagues if they make a right.

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