ROME – Matteo Renzi is clear parliamentary assembly of the PD:
“Today I ask for a vote a ratification of what has been done in the last 15 months and for a warrant for the coming months. “
Then move quickly all’Italicum, true point turning point in his term:
“On the electoral law we play public confidence. Someone said that you can not put on the text: we’ll talk at the parliamentary level. But let me put between us confidence on the electoral law because it represents the ability to respond to what we were not able to do so far, “said Renzi yet.
There are two elements placed on the merits ‘Italicum, the first “is the need of remodeling in the House, it is a political necessity, for some it is too technical. I am opposed to this hypothesis retouching, but by understanding the reasons, “stressed the then President of the Council.
” A hundred colleges with a candidate chosen by the party, selected by the ruling class. Out of 340 deputies, 100 colleges and 240 indicated preferences, 71% with the preferences 28% of candidates with college assuming “, within the Democratic Party,” not to do multiple nominees, or to do them all multiple ” , So Renzi also defends the reasons of the list headers blocked.
“In the Democratic Party is a party, a minority, to blackmail, he says,” or do so or is there a secret ballot. ” I say to D’Attorre: this blackmail not even consider because this year we have made progress sull’Italicum and the Democratic Party is not a party in which one says “I am sending you under with the secret ballot”, ” continued Renzi. “It ‘s mometo deciding, continue to put off no use,” he added.
“To argue that in a democracy should not be those who decide it is dangerous; argue that no one should decide is a concept that most anarchist democratic, is the result of a disease of the debate that I consider dangerous, “said Renzi yet.
” There is no dictatorship or democratura – as someone has had the courage to say – in the model that we pursue, but the model that could be defined as democracy deciding, as she was called Violante and on which Calamandrei wrote extraordinary pages “, then the prime minister insisted. “Democracy is the model of organization in which you allow someone to freely decide not with blocks and vetoes, some with checks and balances,” he added.
“In the history of these months – said Renzi – there was a time when someone pulled the plug of the previous government, but the former could not go ahead with the reforms. This is a point established the Directorate of the Democratic Party, and the element of difficulty was just on elections institutional. “
” The electoral law was mired – he added – and was symbolically represented by the fact that the Judgment of Court represented the defeat of politics. Four governments and three terms were not able to change a law that everyone said that was changed. “
” So there was a block – said Renzi – and we started from there, and if not we say that we started from a total plan of reforms are not credible ourselves. We said we make a proposal to the country that held together the constitutional reform that election and a package of other reforms. But the election law was the key that we proposed to the country. “
” On the election law, we started from a model – continued Renzi – that said that the winner the chance to govern. The model of the mayor was always the most convincing, but we also say that we have been burned by the experience of 2013, where a law did not allow those who arrived first to rule. “
” The idea even in
our internal debate, that the left can only represent someone does not agree with it, I do not leave the monopoly of the word left only to those who use it more often, “said the secretary of the Democratic Party again.
“Salvini and Landini, in very different ways, are two phenomena television. But if the policy has no relation to reality and stop being produced daily life characters who are only ornaments from TV talk, “said Renzi yet.
” Cricket is no longer a bogeyman, Grillo from today bogeyman has become Jackal “with” statement of unseemly taste “, then attacked the President of the Council, referring to the post of leader of the M5S who compared the prime minister to the co-pilot of Germanwings. “It is clear that cricket has lost centrality,” he added.
THE MINORITY ATTACKS authoritarianism fer
Meanwhile Pippo Civati, Minority Leader Dem attacks totalitarian atmosphere of the assembly which, according to him, is called only to ratify.
“Riproporrò the need to look to the last mediation for some changes to the electoral law”: if this opening there will, Area reformist not participate in the vote of the Executive. This was explained by the Democratic Party leader Robert Hope. Area reformist sources emphasize that the request to Renzi is changes to the electoral law and would not be considered sufficient possibly opening on constitutional reform.
“At the secretary falls the task of office groped synthesis, addressing the issue and talking about it on the merits,” said Pierluigi Bersani. Ensuring that “as soon as I can go there,” Bersani said he hoped that by the prime minister there is an “either-or, I hope it is not so.”
Bersani said he was “appalled that you continue to do analysis and conspiracy instead of talking about what kind of democracy we want for our children. ” The former leader of the Democratic Party has in fact talked about the “risk of a democracy of investiture, a sort of presidentialism without counterweights, a highway for plebiscite and populist impulses. That all talk about what he will do and no one to discuss the minority of democracy which we leave to our children, I am very concerned. “
Replying to a question on the possibility that behind the promise of a safe seat representatives of the minority may eventually siding with Renzi, Bersani said: “I have my own, I have never been an impediment to new generations, people thinks for themselves. Statements that are not true allude to the idea that everything can be bought. “
According to Bersani short ‘governance can not be regardless of representation” and what is proposed “is a democratic mechanism rather risky: if they are stupid proceed, but not in my name. ” To the question, finally, would you vote for if the mattarellum, Bersani, smiling, replied: “The mattarellum I sign tomorrow morning if we did Mattarella we can make even the mattarellum.”
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