Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Prescription: tug of war in the majority. Ncd refrains in … – ANSA.it

Popeye in the majority on the bill on the prescription. Ncd, having opposed the article 1 of the text provides inter alia for the increase in half the time of the prescription for corruption, in the end decides to abstain pending possible changes to the text in the Senate. The ok the measure is scheduled for today. Justice Minister, Andrea Orlando, while opening in filings defends the decision: “I reject the accusation that it is an unreasonable increase” the time limitation. With the green light in Article 1 of the text doubling times of the prescription for the crime of corruption.


Ncd, via Article 1 – “Ncd asks so convinced the repeal of Article. 1″ to the bill on prescription and if the majority insisted in defending it, Ncd “would be ready to accept the consequences for a final vote.” He says the deputy Ncd Alessandro Pagano. The party Alfano has also tabled an amendment to the measure that is, however, was rejected by the House. The centrists, in the end, they decided, however, to abstain from the final vote on the measure changes pending in the Senate.

Orlando opens to change but defends the measure – “I reject the ‘accusation to increase unreasonably and without a drawing together of the time limitation, and so consequently the timing of the process. ” Says Justice Minister Andrea Orlando intervening in Parliament in the House during the examination of the bill on the prescription. The ability to “coordinate” the statute of limitations “with interventions that have an impact on the reasonable duration process and changes penalties for certain types of crime will be given to the second reading in the Senate “.

The government meanwhile has developed a handbook anti-tangent of the Ministry of Economy and the Committee on Anti-Corruption. The files open on the front of justice for the government are different from anti-corruption bill that returns from tomorrow in the House to the Senate with a small slip due consideration by the reform measure of banks.



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