Sunday, March 22, 2015

Saltamartini: “Angelino has it all wrong” – The Time

Press Conference ncd on Stability Law


 “Ncd is no longer a center-right party. Now we must not waste time and build a real alternative to Renzi. ” Barbara Saltamartini, former spokesman of the party Alfano, he understood everything in the aftermath of the election of Mattarella to the Quirinale. It is not surprised by the case-Wolves.



  Sir, what do you think of the resignation of the former minister?

 “I have to admit to Maurizio Lupi the great dignity of having made a choice that was not absolutely necessary nor granted, and that they will continue in political action without shadows and protecting his loved ones. He caught the nodes and the contradictions of politics today. With his resignation, there was a further chapter of the film that sees Ncd increasingly dominated by the will of Renzi. Who says the government today is stronger wrong: it is the premier stronger because the minister has resigned as independent, Wolves. “



  Alfano claimed that the resignation there have been also because Renzi did not take off their minority that invoked.

 “I do not disagree, the prime minister has never done constrain internal opposition. Renzi wanted the resignation of Wolves not put the face with hypocrisy and applied a double track: Maurizio off, Poletti inside, De Luca candidate in Campania. “



  In short, she does not regret having given up Alfano.

 “Looking at the incident I claim the goodness of my choice. I left because the original conditions had failed, by force of the center has turned into center area and with clear intention to become a member of the Democratic Party. “



  It is very tough with Alfano …

 “I immediately expressed the inappropriateness and the inconvenience of the dual role. He had to choose between the government or the party, as it had just been founded. Staying minister has effectively trapped the party in the government losing the energy and vitality that early in the territories had been manifested in the draft Ncd. “



  There Quagliariello.

 “Gaetano has done the most to the given conditions, is inevitably crushed on the government.”



  Now she is in Misto. Until when?

 “We need to create an alternative to the national front left of Renzi. We can not wait because the phase of fragmentation of the center is already safe levels. You have to reset everything and propose a new project, putting together all those energies and environments that share values ​​and programs. “



  We Salvini with?

 “After the European elections Salvini certainly showed more initiative and ability to talk about the real problems of the people of whom Renzi is not interested. The new draft Salvini is intriguing and the only one currently in the scope of the competitive game of the center. But so is winning will confront politically important to extend it to the whole country and all those cultural and political sensitivities that have passed through the center in the previous two decades and now are struggling to find themselves under a common roof. “


Daniele Di Mario


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