Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Fight against terrorism: from the web to smugglers, what provides the Dl –

As approved in the Commission, the police will be able to acquire “remote” communications and data in a computer system. To discourage dangerous journeys, go ahead with an “anti Greta and Vanessa.” Consideration resumed on Thursday morning

from the obligation to arrest the smugglers fragrance for the most effective measures on the activities online. Are some of the measures that could end up in the anti-terrorism decree. The Chamber has suspended the examination of the text which will resume Thursday morning at 9. In the face of the 250 amendments tabled in the majority was initially thought to resort to a vote of confidence, but in the afternoon began negotiations to avoid it. The opposition was asked to cut the number of the amendments so as to close tomorrow night’s vote on them, and play Tuesday examination of agendas and the final vote.

Less privacy for social data and Pc –
As approved in the Commission, the police may use programs to acquire “remote” communications and data in a computer system. It is also authorized the interception prior on computer networks. The prosecutor may retain traffic data for up to 24 months. Providers on the Internet will be obliged to obscure illegal content related to terrorist offenses, published by users. The use of the Web and IT tools to perpetrate terrorist offenses (enrollment of foreign fighters, propaganda, etc.) becomes an aggravating factor that entails the obligation to ‘arrest.

For the smugglers ‘arrest –
An amendment adopted instead provides the obligation to’ arrest for the smugglers. The rule applies to “promoters, organizers and financiers” as well as “those who actually provide transport” of immigrants (all pictures).

Travel dangerous, “individual responsibility” –
Today was also approved a rule informally called “anti Greta and Vanessa.” States that those who undertake trips abroad the danger zones or organizes them will have “exclusive individual responsibility” on the consequences. The amendment, wanted by the rapporteur Andrea Manciulli (Pd), states that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs “make public, through its corporate website, the conditions and the possible risks to the safety of Italian citizens who undertake trips in foreign countries “. The Foreign Ministry “also indicates, also through its corporate website, behaviors addressed reasonably reduce risks, including the recommendation not to make travel in certain areas.” “It is understood – so says the norm – that the consequences of travel abroad fall within the exclusive responsibility of the individual who takes the decision to undertake or to organize trips themselves.”


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