Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Banks, green light by the Senate to the trust: the Decree Law – Il Sole 24 Ore

History Article


This article was published March 24, 2015 at 18:22.
The last change is the March 24, 2015 at 22:02.

It reads the decree reforming the banks: the Senate voted confidence placed by the Government with 155 yes and 92 no. The dl had been fired by the committees of Finance and Industry of the Senate without further changes to the text passed by the House. The announcement of the trust was given at the meeting by Minister Maria Elena Boschi. It sparked immediate protests by the opposition.

Woods: “I do my job,”
In front of the allusions of the opposition on the alleged conflict of interest of the minister (daughter of Pier Luigi, vice president of Banca Etruria, commissioner ), Woods has not broken down: “The Minister of Relations with Parliament does its job. The protests are all the times that we put trust, now we have become accustomed. ”

What’s on popular and portability account
The first decree modifying the governance of banks, providing for the transformation of the nine major Spa (with assets of more than 8 billion ) and the overcoming of one vote at the meeting. The House was also introduced for the first time a deadline for the change of the current account: portability must be made no later than 12 working days and will be free. The new rules also provide for fines from EUR 5,160 to EUR 64 555 for those who perform “functions of administration or management” but also for “defaulting employees.”

Benefits for innovative SMEs
The measure also contains measures for small and medium-sized enterprises, defining the concept of SMEs ‘innovative’ and extending partially to SMEs laws on innovative start-ups.

Baretta (MEF ): the criteria for popular Spa “open debate”
In his reply in Parliament, in response to an intervention of Paola Pelino (Fi), Economy Undersecretary Pier Paolo Baretta stated that the debate on the criteria for the transformation in the popular Spa “is and will remain open”: “It is reasonable to say that there are issues aside. We now choose a solution but we do not consider a priori to remove from future consideration other criteria, such as that of listed companies. ” Replying to Senator Federico Fornaro (Pd), Baretta said
the Dl banks does not restrict voting of 5% for the folk who turn into Spa ‘at 24 months, but it allows for the first 24 months is adopted by qualified majority. ” Finally, Baretta shared the hope of Massimo Mucchetti (Pd) on the reaction of popular at risk “climb”, expressing the hope that “18 months assigned to which overlap the 24 to the threshold of voting rights are well used by the system of popular to make the system more mature and more competitive for the challenges that lie ahead. “

M5S: true intent is to put banks speculators
Convinced voting against the Decree of the Five Star Movement. “The true intent of dl is putting some of our banks in the hands of financial speculators or save others,” said Senator Laura Bottici. “The requirement of transformation in Spa will hit only banks with assets of more than 8 billion.”

Salvini (League): the Government conflicts of interest
“In the government there are some conflicts of interest to be solved,” attacks Matteo Salvini (League), guest in the evening to Ballaro always about the minister Woods. “There is an investigation opened on the banks of the Consob. I do not know if it is correct that there is a minister who has a dad who works in a bank while the government makes a decision on the banks. ”



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