Friday, July 17, 2015

Migrants: clashes in Rome residents in revolt, 14 injured – AGI – Agenzia Journalistic Italy

18:31 July 17, 2015

(AGI) – Rome, July 17 – Voltage, scuffles and finally the police charges. In Casale San Nicola, north of Rome, and ‘been a difficult morning between police and some residents who demonstrated against the arrival of a bus of migrants directed to a reception center. Fourteen policemen were injured on completion of the transfer of foreign citizens, as announced by the Rome police. The final budget also speaks of two arrests, a complaint and 15 persons identified on which further investigations are in progress.

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Investigators have acquired numerous movies from view to reconstruct the sequence of events and check any responsibility ‘of individuals. The Rome prosecutors automatically boots’ investigation to shed light on the incident today. Casapound has collected several dozen residents who confronted hard with police deployed in riot gear.

Immigrants: EU source, not yet figure reached 40 thousand welcome

“The operation, which began early in the morning under the control of law enforcement, are immediately proved difficult, to the interference of extremist elements who attempted to dissuade guests “Do you know the Rome police,” On arrival at the convoy, escorted by the police – says the police – and ‘it was blocked by members of the neighborhood committee, backed also by external elements.

The Police, after you try every possible avenue of dialogue, and’ intervened to remove several cars parked at the site street, considering also charged to the owners the existence of responsibility ‘criminal and administrative. The initiative is creating considerable inconvenience to residents of the area also. ”

In another tone reconstruction Casapound, “I came the armored vehicles of the police, while residents with arms raised say ‘no refugees’”. “Arms Up and tricolor in hand, residents of Casale San Nicola protest against the arrival of hundreds of refugees in the former school Socrates, who now all signals is imminent.”

From the right-wing movement explained that, “in the open space in front of the structure that should house the refugees, citizens are in permanent garrison for almost three months: the 250 families in the small area between the Braccianese and Retort on the border between XIV and XV Hall, consider not only the building and the area, very isolated, inadequate reception, but also fear that the arrival of migrants percent of a population of little more ‘than 400 people from becoming a real ‘invasion’, unmanageable in terms of security.

This is why they are determined to not stop fighting even now, when in front of them are deployed with great grandeur means the forces of ‘order, “conclude from CasaPound, talking about” a peaceful protest, of course, but that will not stop’ until you will have ‘certain that Casale San Nicola will remain’ in them. “


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