Friday, July 31, 2015

Rai bill in the Senate the government defeated on Article 4 – TGCOM

– The government has gone under in the Senate to vote on Article 4 of the Bill Rai. With 121 votes in favor and 118 against were approved the amendments tabled by the minority Dem, from Fi and M5S suppressive article with the delegation to the government on the rent.

Rai draft bill in the Senate the government defeated on Article 4

There are 18 senators who voted in the minority Dem repealing amendment, accompanied by two senators to Wing, the new group Verdini that should be the “crutch” of the government, at least in terms of numbers in the Senate. Significant absences of verdiniani. In a group of 10 votes in the desert 7. They did not vote 12 instead of Pd (one of them, however, is the chairman of the Senate Grasso). The “yes” to the suppression were 121 “no” 118.

“We had asked him in every way to scrap the article 4, but they have not heard. The delegation to the canon so how they had designed was too general. So we voted our repealing amendment and were decisive “. So Senator Minority Dem Federico Fornaro says the vote in the Senate on one of the most important powers of the text, that the resources (ie the fee).

For the president of the Democratic Party Matthew Orfini instead, “what happened today in the Senate is incomprehensible. If the vote in dissent from the group becomes not an exception limited to extraordinary cases but a custom, means that you have chosen an improper ground for a political battle. So you do not work for a party but to strengthen dismantle it. “

Woods: the Democratic Party related to the past, but we forward – ” I think having a part of the Democratic Party who vote against the Democratic Party is to have a part of the party more anchored logics outlets belonging to the past than to the interest of Italy, we go ahead anyway. ” This was stated by Minister for Reforms Maria Elena Boschi to the Unity Day Democratic Party in Rome.

“No problem numbers but all FI votes” – “I hope you change your mind again FI and return all to vote on the reforms in the Senate. There is no problem of numbers but of values. I do not think that in the final votes on the reforms we will have problems “of numbers, he added.

Lots” Backstab, method coward “- The vote of the Democratic Party was” a stab in the back, using a method coward “. So the Secretary to the Prime Luca Lotti.

Go ahead article on governance tv – Go ahead Thursday by the Senate reform bill article 2 of the RAI, with new rules for the governance of the TV public. The votes in favor were 149, 69 opposites.

Government in the Senate still struggling

Henry Laurelli

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Ddl Rai

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