Sunday, March 15, 2015

Clash -Tosi Salvini, the mayor of Verona announces: “I am applying for … – The Republic

Clash -Tosi Salvini, the mayor of Verona announces: "I am applying for … – The Republic

ROME – Duel distance between Flavio Tosi and the leader of the League Matteo Salvini . After the controversy of recent days and his exit from the League, the mayor of Verona announced his candidacy in Veneto. “The decision we made, now that we are politically free men because someone forced his hand and made a different choice, with respect and affection and thanks to friends, is that we are here to be candidate for governor of the Veneto Region” said Tosi during the convention “Rebuild the Country” organized in Verona. Tosi said that today will not say “the electoral program because otherwise I burn it. But it will be an electoral program based on making and not on to say. We race to finish first.”

During his speech, he also raised some objection room, Tosi was moved recalling his long militancy in the League: “After 25 years are pages difficult to close … But it is also true that things have changed in the League, there is no longer the League of millet or that – stressed – Bossi’s true. ” The now ex League went on to greet “all friends leaguers explaining that when one believes in these ideals, and after twenty-five years in the League, continues to believe in those ideals. I have always been in the League: Today Verona is the most big city ruled by the center. “

Speaking of themes topical, Tosi pointed out the absurdity of the speeches on the output from the euro: “Enough of this nonsense, you do not have to make similar promises to the people. We want to strongly the difference between being concrete or be demagogic. “

Caustic replication Salvini:” Today I am in Veneto to support our Luca Zaia. I bear no malice towards anyone. Tosi has made a political alternative to the League, to Zaia, the Veneto. If you take the compliments of Fini and Alfano enjoys Fini and Alfano. “” I’m not a magician, account that Zaia win, then I wish you to all the others, who have luck on their lives and their path political, but who is defying Zaia wrong because it goes against the Veneto “, he said.

On the candidacy of Tosi has also expressed Luca Zaia :” To say in Tosi Good luck, I say to all the candidates, considering that I hope that all the political ideas of the territories and the Venetians are represented in the regional council. I have never divided the candidates and my collaborators between Tosiani and not Tosiani. I think there are the League, and that’s that. “” We are all here to point to the autonomy, the independence of the Veneto, to having taxes at home – added Zaia -. If someone is lost in the street because the goal is to lose his business, not our business, “he concluded.

Salvini attack . Previously Salvini, speaking on Radio Padania, was heavily attacked the government on immigration: “I’m going to denounce Renzi Alfano and for aiding illegal immigration, indeed we will make a class action against them. We’ll see if there is a judge in Italy that wants to address not only the dinners Berlusconi but who encourages illegal immigration, “said the leader of the League.

Salvini also spoke of the tragic fact of chronicle happened in Terni: “A boy of 27 years in Terni has not seen the sun rise because of a son of Mare Nostrum, one came from clandestine and landed with a Mare Nostrum, and who remained by recourse.” On the same topic , Salvini added: “I am convinced that there is a clear indication to minimize, to talk as little as possible, I think that in many newsrooms this thing has come, to avoid hype about this monstrous murder that threatens to raise awareness”.

Later, then, host of The mosquito on Radio 24, the leader of the Northern League has returned to the attack on gay marriage, Roma and taxes: “Marriage and adoption are not gay a human right. Children must be born and grow as the good Lord decided, the surrogate mother is grim and vulgar selfishness. Think of the child over the selfishness of the parent to the child think. If it grows with gay parents or a parent from a step below. Part handicapped, yes. “Then, speaking of Roma and Muslims, he added:” I have read that in Bologna two Muslims do not find a house to rent. But one will be free to rent the house to those who want? If there comes a rom ragged, with four children who use the traffic lights, I will be free to not rent him the house? “. He continued:” The veil is a symbol of oppression. The woman who wears a headscarf not like, is a symbol of captivity. Maybe for me it proibirei, you go around it openly. “Asked if it is wrong to say that the Roma are the dregs of society, he replied:” To say that all are thieves is wrong, but too many Roma are thieves. When I went in the Roma camps, which we pay, I found big cars, color TV Madonna, latest model mobile phones …. “Then a jab at Fornero:” The Fornero has done damage to thousands of people. If the cross I have to change the sidewalk, “he said.” The Fornero? He’s here … I’m not a violent with everyone, but with her – reiterates the Northern League leader – I do self-control, otherwise … “. Finally a harsh criticism to the Italian tax authorities:” With the tax system that’s in Italy , entrepreneurs do well to escape, “and then, says Salvini talking about Marchionne,” did well with Fiat: if there was a rate equal to 15 per cent for all, many entrepreneurs would return in Italy. You have to pay less to pay all. If the port many Marchionne to pay taxes in Italy, the ‘sciura’ taxes do not pay. “

New Force celebrates ‘political funeral’ the mayor . And, while Flavio Tosi announced in Fiera his descent into the field Forza Nuova, in Piazza Bra, celebrating the ‘political funeral’ the mayor of Verona, complete with a mock coffin deposited on ‘Liston’. “This is the political death of Tosi and the Northern League “said Secretary of Fn, Roberto Fiore -.


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