Monday, March 2, 2015

Padoan: “I do not deal with Mediaset ‘- BBC

Padoan: "I do not deal with Mediaset '- BBC

Milan , March 1, 2015 – 8:19


Minister Padoan, because the state has fallen to 25.5% Enel and Eni to 30% but it can not go below 51% of Rai Way, the company of transmission towers?
“Since the control of a company does not require 51%, in this case 51% is maintained to give an additional signal that the state does not intend to lose control of Rai Way: 51% is also a symbolic number. In the case of Enel the state was already around 30%. “

The start of the sale of 5.74% of Enel fell on the same day of the offer of Ei Towers (Mediaset) for 66% of Rai Way. A case?
“The operation Enel is purely financial: the evolution of the market has been a decisive factor in defining the times. The behavior of the title after the sale says that it went very well. The fact that it coincided with Ray Way is random. There is a Big Brother of privatization. “

The launch of the Public purchase and exchange (Opas) Mediaset marks the beginning of a negotiation ?
“For me there is no negotiation. We were surprised when we saw what was happening. We have not undertaken or actions or countermeasures except to reiterate the limit of 51%, demonstrating that there is no intention of losing control of Rai Way. ”

Without the limit of 51%, there may be a condition to the which can be a negotiation? For example if Mediaset share falls below 66% ?
“I repeat there is no negotiation, there is none intention, nor have been approached by someone for this. A share has been put on the market, there you will make choices: there are several operators that may be interested in the exchange of investments available. “

There is a plan of Rai Way which provides converged on a single pole with Ei Towers and Inwit, or just with the latter company Telecom ?
“I do not know about it.”

What strategy is behind the sale of Rai Way? Does the plan on broadband that the government is about to launch?
“The operation is part of the logic of the government to see which investments can create a value that serves to bring down the debt and increase efficiency through greater exposure to market management. The operation Rai Way was born with this philosophy and keeps it. Then the market was manifested with un’Opas: why is no question that I leave to others. The intention of the government is the one. “

We are moving towards a decree to reform Rai? What place will the Treasury shareholder in the new governance ?
“The government is putting into focus the objectives of the reform. Defined these, we will clarify how to implement, governance , financing and other specifications. “

Italy sees shooting. The reforms will slow down?
“The recovery comes from a favorable international macroeconomic environment, thanks to the decision of the ECB on quantitative easing (QE ), but also by policy choices and the reforms that we are implementing. And that, in contrast to what many think, will increase if the spread down. Otherwise the recovery may not be consolidated. “

You’ll see the figure of gross domestic product? Istat expects growth of 0.1% in the first quarter.
“I’d wait a moment. The GDP is the result of several variables that are going in the right direction, everything is assumed that this will result in a better than expected. Perhaps we are at a turning point, so we insist on the reforms. “

What will happen if the QE will not give the expected results?
“The operation of the ECB has some aspects that recall the QE of the US central bank, in particular the idea that in a period of time there will be an important and continuous injection of liquidity and may be extended if the goal has not been reached. I do not see the risks: the announcement of how monetary policy will behave over the next 18 months has been very clear. And the fact that markets react well proves it. “

The EU Commissioner French Moscovici gave “yellow light” on the public accounts: we must accelerate.
“As a child I was told that the yellow slows. Maybe in France is not so. Joking aside, the message is important because the EU Commission says that Italy must continue on reforms but, unlike a few months ago, acknowledges that efforts have been made in completing the structural adjustment that the government has taken additional measures Stability in the law. ”

An encouragement?
“The recognition of the fact that the government is setting a strategy of debt reduction that takes into account the exceptional circumstances of the crisis, whilst making a significant effort on structural reforms.”

A breakthrough on flexibility.
“The clarification on flexibility prepared by the Commission in January is also the result of the work of the Italian presidency and allows you to recognize the efforts of all countries that are engaging in change, like us. Thanks to this we have taken a structural adjustment of nearly 5 billion and avoided a maneuver of 40 billion that would kill the recovery. “

The Greek emergency has eclipsed the Italian?
“On the contrary: the fact that Italy is proving that even with conditions Debt difficult a reform strategy is effective, it is a signal to other countries that, even in front of the great difficulties, you can find a way out of the crisis. I have a feeling that the attitude against Italy in many countries, including those in which “do not trust” of us, is changing because we are doing important things. “

Do you like the agreement with Greece?
“It is a path difficult but it will go from strength to strength over time if the actions that will take the greek government will also create a climate of trust. Trust is crucial but it is still insufficient in Europe, we must make efforts to increase it otherwise we can not assume that the integration process is irreversible. “

The expected growth in Italy in 2015 remains below 1%. Domestic demand is weak.
“The recovery in household consumption will be supported by the increase in income due to tax cuts and increased confidence. So for companies that benefit from the cancellation of IRAP on labor and tools to support non-bank loans. I expect that companies make investments to increase employment. Data on equipment are divided: the companies have decided to expand the production capacity. “

But the 80 euro have already exhausted their push?
” They have not yet begun to show their impact. So far, the families used them to repay debts and repair balance sheets. When they were introduced, the critics said they were a weak and temporary measure that would not work. Now that has been made permanent and therefore accumulates, thanks to greater confidence, spending will start again. ”

The taxes on the house will fall?
“If you have to bring down taxes, my preference goes to productive investment, so again the occupation.”

But at least there will be a “local tax” only in 2016?
“We are putting hand to a general reform of the local finance in which the local tax will have a crucial role. The local finance will be based on the principle of a balanced budget of institutions rather than on the internal stability pact, which proved to be an inefficient mechanism. The picture is very fluid. I can not make advances. “

Chapter spending. The spending review is dead?
“No, indeed. These days we are anticipating reflection in view of the new law of stability. Will serve to defuse the safeguards that many consider the signal that the tax burden will increase. Rather the opposite is true: the measures on spending and there will not increase the pressure. “

The Court of Auditors doubts that this year it will cut as required .
” The dialogue with the regions and local authorities is intense and will ensure the achievement of the objectives and our deadlines. We did this with the safeguard clauses of last government, we will do it again. ”

The experience of the Commissioner to the spending review ended?
“The work done by Carlo Cottarelli was useful, must continue regardless of whether there is a commissioner. I’d like to think that we are moving toward a normal considering the rationalization of public spending a permanent duty. “

We will read the cards never Cottarelli?
‘will soon be made public, but there are secret papers, mysterious measures, there is the testimony of the work a year. “

The decrees tax finally see the light ?
“We are working on the implementation of the entire tax delegation, by the development of the decrees discussed December 24 at the completion of many others.”

The non-punishment clause of 3% for tax offenses will?
“The issue is how to deal, in criminal tax, distinguishing between a crime, a fraud, and the fact that, as a result of material errors, an entrepreneur who makes a mistake in the declaration, faces jail. This is done by establishing thresholds, percentages, specifying the profile of tax fraud. “

Percentages and thresholds will cover tax fraud?
” No, tax fraud will continue to be punished criminally as now. “

March 1, 2015 | 8:19



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