In the Council of Ministers have been illustrated only the guidelines of the interventions that the Government has devised for school . The examination of the bill is postponed to a later council of ministers. It ‘a “surreal debate” what takes place in these hours that school reform is a decree or a bill, the premier said Matteo Renzi in a press conference at Palazzo Chigi.
“ There is no risk that the assumptions sledding” in the school, then assured the President of the Council.
“There ‘ is no step back the government, “he said Renzi talking of the measures on the school.
And again:” In the coming hours we will have ministers proposals for bill that will be approved next Tuesday “.
“To say that there are not the money” for recruitment in the school “is impossible.” The premier said that there are covers for both this year (one billion) is fully operational (3 billion in 2016).
“It ‘s quite surprising: if we do it ourselves’ dittatorelli’ if do we undemocratic decrees, if we make the bill are not enough shipped, we are late. It is a surreal dialogue. Let’s peace and find a middle ground. ” School the government has listened to the people and now does not make “any step backwards: we are simply showing to be the most transparent and ready for comparison possible,” he added.
“There are conditions for Parliament to legislate, not enough time but not biblical, can legislate without the need for tools of urgency, “said Renzi on the bill on the school:” We pass the ball to the Parliament, “he adds. “The comparison is clear”, but knowing that “obstructionism” would block the intakes.
A mistake by blue pencil. He reported the premier about the slide on the school presented tonight by the Ministry of Education. “Curriculum in the plural becomes curricula” warned, adding that it is an “extremely serious, from blue pencil inside a great job done”: VIDEO
In addition to the ability to earmark 5 per thousand to the school, on the school steps provide the fiscal one School Bonus for those who invest in projects related to the school and the deduction for those attended private schools. This was confirmed by the Minister Giannini talking about “cultural change very important” .
“Communication on ultra-wideband” in the Council of Ministers, “which comes after a process of listening and comparison with European institutions” is “the ABC of new alphabet loss “of the country. So the premier Matteo Renzi in a press conference at Palazzo Chigi.
In Piano on ultra-wideband provides public resources by 2020 of “6 billion” . He said the Secretary to the Prime Minister Graziano Delrio .
With the Plan of the Government on the ultrawide band and digital growth “for the first time Italy was equipped with a plan that brings together different ministries, different sources of finance, capital of Regions, the private: a mix and an attempt to make unity a range of skills and resources in a strategic framework that will allow this country to finally make its digital revolution, and achieve the objectives of the European agenda. ” So the Secretary to the Prime Minister, Graziano Delrio, emphasizing that are planned “important public funds”.
The Council of Ministers approved the Strategy for the Italian ultra-wideband and digital growth 2014-2020. The two strategies, says the press release of the Palazzo Chigi, “aim to bridge the digital delay of the country in terms of infrastructure (Strategy For Broadband and Ultrawide) and services (Digital Strategy for Growth).”
A specific measure to include a series of ad hoc measures, “the ‘digital service universal’; a guarantee fund; the voucher to accompany the migration to the optical fiber; and the convergence of the price for fiber optic connections made State subsidies, the price of copper connections. ” You read it in the press of the CDM.

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