– Federal Council of the Northern League has unanimously ratified the candidacy of President Luca Zaia in the Veneto. The decision was taken after the controversy inside the Northern League that had been unleashed by the will expressed by the mayor of Verona Flavio Tosi to apply for the race for governor.
The ultimatum to Tosi – A Tosi the Northern League has imposed quickly decide which side to take: continue pursue his aspirations as a leader or align the policy of the Secretary Matteo Salvini. Tosi has a week to choose between the card of its foundation (which supports the primary race in any of the center) and that of the Northern League. Via Bellerio then appointed a mediator, the former leader in the House Gianpaolo Dozzo, to “accompany” the same Tosi and Zaia in the construction of lists and nominations for the regionals. With such alliances still do not know.
Salvini: today won the Veneto not me – “For myself won the Veneto and Salvini, now we start with the projects” to win Zaia “candidate again unanimously, “said the League secretary, speaking at the end of the Federal. “Those who expected cracks or various challenges were bad: nobody won in full, no one lost across the board, but the movement is compact and has a candidate in Veneto,” said Salvini yet. “Today, I hope it’s been put an end to internal squabbles, in a league that grows there is so much room for smart people and Tosi person is smart.”
Tosi: won via Bellerio on Liga – In the evening came the answer annoyed Tosi. “Today has won Via Bellerio the Liga Veneta, if you really want … I’ve won the Veneto, I see a little ‘hard,” he said. Just on the chance to leave the League, Tosi added: “I have to decide what to do, we will reason in while cold.”
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