Thursday, April 30, 2015

PA delegation, Confindustria welcomed the Senate: “Vote today … step – The Messenger

 (AGI) – The approval in first reading of the bill in the Senate to reform the public administration is “an important step to realize in Italy an efficient administrative system and modern.”
So Confindustria says what happened today in the Senate with the approval of the text by the House, it passing repeatedly touted as “urgent” by the association of industrialists to follow up the strategy fielded by the Government on reforms. The draft bill – the second Avenue of Astronomy – it outlines a program “of aid measures”, addressing some crucial issues, including the “conference of services, the organization of the administration of the state device, the structure and functions of the system Chambers of Commerce, public management, associated companies “. It is, say the industrial aspects of “closely linked to the operation of the business,” contextual factors “needed to relaunch growth” and the attraction of foreign investment. The hope of the industry is now the Chamber of Deputies approves the draft bill quickly and that the Government will lead to “fulfillment with equal speed the path of the decrees”, following the stated purpose in the recent document of Economics and Finance “close the path of reform by the end of 2015″.

 30 April 2015 19:14 – Last Updated: 19:14







Italicum: pass the third trust Oppositions choose the Aventine – AGI – Agenzia Journalistic Italy

22:02 April 30, 2015

(AGI) – Rome, April 30 – E ‘come to an end the long marathon trre trusts the House posed by government sull’Italicum. The latest confidence, the third, and ‘was collected by the government is 342′ (10 votes less than yesterday), 15 no and one abstained.

The opposition is not participating in the vote.

It does not change the ‘photograph’ of the Democratic Party in the House: confirmed 37 ‘dissidents’ of the minority (38 if it includes in the calculation also Vaccaro, but the group Pd do not know that his participation in the election is not ‘due to “political”). Grow, however, ‘absences in different groups: the Democratic Party if the absentees are 40 (37 Minority more’ 3 ‘justified’), from reading the printouts you record 6 absences in popular area (De Girolamo, who already ‘ yesterday he had voted confidence in dissent, De Mita, Piccone and Minardi, Bosco and Cera) the 3 civic Choice (Galgano, Matarrese, Vezzali) and 2 of Popular for Italy (Caruso and Gigli).

Italicum: list headers blocked by a ballot, that new rules

So, the majority, which now stands at 342, loses 10 votes in the third ballot compared to the first trust, yesterday, becoming 8 than the second, that ‘the first of the day.

Opposition united, to Aventine. Doubts secret vote – The possibility ‘of success are minimal. Unless the minority Democratic Party does not give a substantial contribution. But the opposition they still want groped for broke. ‘Cause the goal shared by a transverse axis running from Sel in League and Brothers of Italy, through the 5 Stars and Forza Italy, and’ ‘blow up electoral reform, “says the leader of Sel Arturo Scotto. And to try to achieve the goal, “we will do everything”, guarantees.

The same determination that animates Forza Italy, with Renato Brunetta to drive the extremists of the Aventine, already ‘put in place during the third and final confidence sull’Italicum.
If the forces of minority appear compact, 5 Stars, so ‘as the league, they would pull back guarantee sources of the two groups. FDI skeptical. It ‘s not a mystery, it has publicly explained himself more’ times, that Ignazio La Russa does not agree with the choice Aventine. But assuming that the line of abandonment of the House at the time of the final vote sull’Italicum, Monday ‘evening, is taken as the final decision from the bulk of the opposition, even then FDI will’ her share. In the Democratic Party flaunts optimism: the numbers so far have proved us right, explain the majority dem. But certainly the Aventine would be better to avoid it. And now ‘and’ it began crafting his waist. Long talk, in Room now empty, including Ettore Rosato and Arturo Scotto.
Currently and ‘one of the hypotheses under consideration: the leaders of the opposition parties have started talking about today, in a series of mini-summits and contacts , and from which ‘resulted in the decision to make a first test of the Aventine in the third trust. They will come back to talk about it and to consider what to do in the coming days. The important thing, it is emphasized, and ‘maintain a united, one chance to try to boycott the Italicum and make a trip up to the government. An axis unusual, what is taking shape in the House, which could be the preamble to a great mobilization of citizens: gia ‘M5S, Sel and FI are united by the intention to promote a recall referendum. It is not ‘not impossible that Monday’ evening, if you decide for the Aventino, the opposition forces come together in front of Piazza Montecitorio (or under the Quirinale) to protest against “the drift of democratic anti Renzi”, and highlight – with the plastic image of a single majority in the House to devote himself to the electoral reform – that now “there is’ a man in command – explanatory FI, and Sel League – that law.” The decision to not participate in the vote could also respond to the objective of groped to lacking a quorum.
Although, after the outcome of the last trust, the possibilities’ are reduced. The majority, in fact, gave no problems.
Among other assumptions, is still explained, the secret ballot. Initially advocated by Forza Italy and not disdained by Sel, now the idea of ​​asking the secret ballot is losing altitude. Too high, and ‘reasoning they do in Sel and FI, the risk boomerang. Just as it ‘already’ happened during the vote on the ruling. Indeed, there ‘significant possibility’ that the majority of Renzi, thanks to ‘rescue blue’ verdiniani and representatives of former or current 5 Stars grillini, may even increase in number.
In short, the secret ballot is not covered more ‘between the various priority. It could, however, ‘come back in vogue, it is explained by sources blue and Sel, if it were possible to sign some kind of pact with the minority dem. The scenario could be as follows: the opposition withdraw Aventine and leave the minority Democratic Party the task of all’Italicum and deliver the final blow to the government. Behind the secrecy of the vote, says a parliamentary blue, perhaps the numbers of ‘dissidents’ dem could rise … “you remember the 101 who affossarono Prodi?” Echoes a deputy of 5 Stars.
However, the possible ‘that the left is dem ricompatti and increases in number (so far and’ stop at an altitude of 38, or 37 if Vaccaro is excluded from the calculation of the non-voters for political reasons) were seen as unlikely by the ‘sappers’ Strength Italy, which in the last hours have more ‘times and had contacts with dissidents abboccamenti Pd. Skepticism, explains, comes from the fact that already ‘the ruling there had been some sort of understanding with the minority dem – to say Blues – who had guaranteed numbers far more’ high (not less than 50-60). Among the dissonant voices inside Forza Italy, who believes that leave the Chamber only give the opportunity to Renzi’s cheer and hold up the others as those that block the change. In short, although at the moment the hypothesis Aventino seems to be the most ‘feasible between now and Monday’ evening, the opposition will return to feel to decide the line.


Italicum, trust also in the third vote Oppositions out – TGCOM


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– After the go ahead on Wednesday at the first, the House voted the second and the third trust placed by the government sull’Italicum Monday night there will be a final vote by secret ballot. Yes the first of the House, to Article 1 of the electoral reform, however, it has split the Democratic Party: 50 of 70 Area of ​​reform have sided with the government, while 38 deputies did not vote Dem. Oppositions absent for the third vote.

Statement of trust in a classroom almost empty – Explanations of vote in the House was started in a classroom practically empty : the Members present in the House, in fact, are less than a dozen.

They spend the second and the third trust – Go ahead and therefore also to the second confidence: yes i have been 350, the no 193, one abstained. In the third vote, 342 votes in favor, 15 against the, one abstention. The opposition did not participate in the vote, with the exception of the historical leader of the Northern League, Umberto Bossi, who surprisingly has responded to par. The final vote will be on Monday evening: the work was suspended to resume its Monday at 12, with 11 hours of debate.

Civati: “Now referendum” – “What the MEPs were not able to do, that is, vote the necessary improvements dell’Italicum, it will make citizens with quite a referendum” . And ‘the proposal of Pippo Civati ​​the minority Democratic Party. “Sovereignty belongs to the people,” he added.

Italicum, the final vote next week

Laura Berlinguer

Pippo Civati ​​




Italicum: ok from the House to trust third with 342 yes. Monday’s vote … –

Go ahead from the House to the third confidence placed by the government sull’Italicum . The yes were 342, 15 i no, one abstention. Absent opposition.

The opposition point to take the fight against the parliamentary Italicum outside the classroom. So M5s, primarily, but also Sel and Forza Italy call into question the possibility of using the recall referendum. “The battle against Italicum continue after its approval,” announces the grillino Danilo Toninelli: “We are thinking of a recall referendum total dell’Italicum. Obviously we do not want to do it yourself and may be of interest to all political forces and civil society who contest this attempt at centralization of power Renzi “.
few hours time and the front also extends to Sel and Forza Italy. “The first stage is Monday when we will try to blow up the law in accordance with a transparent inside this classroom – explains Arturo Scotto, leader of the House Sel – If, as it seems, the law should go after this showdown so new and significant must be put in place all possible measures to limit the impact of the law through parliament or by involving citizens “.
And to walk the road of the referendum say they are ready even Forza Italy. “Fi wants to reform and not to step on the institutions. That is perhaps the only way to go is to turn to the electorate – says Mara Carfagna during the explanation of votes on the third all’Italicum confidence – I appeal to those who disagree with this law: let’s sit down and imagine to promote a referendum, we give the floor to the citizens and ask him what they think dell’Italicum and if they want it repealed. We do not fear the ideas of Italian “.

final grade will be Monday in the evening .

Even today several big minority party did not participate in the voting, among others Enrico Letta, Pier Luigi Bersani and Gianni Cuperlo. Compact with the opposition Movement five-star ready to recall referendum of the law. While the League attacks: “This law is worse than Porcellum”. Fi also deployed for no.

Minimize, however, the deputy secretary of the Democratic Party. “There was a tear smaller than what you might have thought before the vote”, and above all, says Lorenzo Guerini in Transatlantic, “I do not think there will be broken incurable in the party or outputs, choices of this kind should be in the opposite direction to what is the interest of the Democratic Party. ”


If by the left internal – therefore – continue to rain down fiery words against Matteo Renzi, the leadership of the Democratic Party chooses not to dramatize, and indeed He speaks of “mending”, so that even the premier opens on an amendment to the constitutional reform of the Senate. Because a final vote sull’Italicum, probably by secret ballot, leaves still sleep soundly executive.

There is, in fact, even those who Dem opposition has announced that after voting yes the trust could vote no to reform.

Lattuca, I vote no – Yesterday Lattuca voted confidence to the first article of the electoral law, but does not ensure the same attitude for the final vote: “I will not hide myself behind the secret ballot, that’s not my style. So, when next week’s vote, or not participate in the voting or did not give my vote in favor of this law. “

Alfano, review Senate – Made the Italicum, must review the reform of the Senate: it was said Interior Minister and President of Ncd Angelino Alfano, in an interview this morning on RTL 102.5 in the aftermath of the first vote confidence on the electoral law. “Now, after this happened, as I think if everything goes well with the final approval of the electoral law after the two votes of confidence that there will be more today – said Alfano – opens a new phase, and we ask the government and the majority to change the constitutional reform, the Senate “.


M5s, ready to recall referendum -” The battle against the Italicum continue after its approval. ” He says to “Dimattina” of Rainews24, Danilo Toninelli Movement 5stelle: “We are thinking of a recall referendum total dell’Italicum. Obviously – adds Toninelli – we do not want to do it yourself and could affect all the political forces and civil society who contest this attempt at centralization of power Renzi. “

Salvini, law worse than Porcellum -” The last quarter growth for Italy was that of the center-right government. These are dangerous and unable to think of the electoral law. The Italicum is a law that sucks, voters do not matter. If this does schifissimo Porcellum sucked “. This was stated by Matteo Salvini to SkyTg24.

Fi and League away from leaders – Forza Italy and the Northern League have left the work of the Group Leaders of the House to challenge the decision of President Laura Boldrini on the calendar for the final vote on ‘Italicum. The reported reporters the two leaders Renato Brunetta and Massimiliano Fedriga. “There is only the Democratic Party and its internal dynamics – says Brunetta – unfortunately the Speaker of the House is only a notary. At this point I wonder – he added – will serve the group leaders.” Brunetta reported that the deputy leader of the Democratic Party Ettore Rosato has initially proposed to work on Saturday and Sunday: “In this provocative proposal – said Brunetta – I responded with a provocative, inviting them to continue the session today to pass the bill tomorrow. A Then Rosato proposed on Monday, which was the one agreed with the minority inside the Democratic Party. And the President Boldrini granted this request. We are in the authoritarian – said Brunetta – with a single party and institutions supine “. Equally critical Fredriga: “The group leaders – he stated – became a monocratic body, decides only the Democratic Party, at which point if the do it yourself. The president – added the leader of the League fails to protect minorities and we do not feel more represented, so it would be better that he should give his resignation. ”


Giannone (Pd) against Senator Taverna: “Zocc …” – Articolotre

tweet Editor – E ‘clash between the Democratic Party and the Movement Five Stars, especially after the candidate dem to the city council of Casalnuovo, in Campania, Gerardo Giannone, decided to give publicly, on Twitter, the “ bitch ” the senator Paola Taverna.

An offense heavily, who then attempted to remedy stressing that he did it to defend the Democratic Party, against a Five Star Movement that “knows only offend”, “will be true that the term ‘zo ** ola ‘is heavy, but just to see how it works: if you offend is normal? “ hath been asked, in fact the uproar.

Then, unexpectedly, the closing of the controversy: “I heard the sister Paola Taverna, we cleared, I was wrong, but mine was a defense of the Democratic Party deputies to the ongoing offenses,” he said Giannone .


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Agriculture, the government approved the package of measures for the revival – The Messenger

 (AGI) – Green light of the Council of Ministers a package of measures to revitalize the agricultural sector, with the aim of supporting the agricultural sectors in crisis and farms affected by exceptional events.
The decree for the revival of agriculture, approved yesterday, intervenes in particular in favor of the sectors of milk and oil, and contains measures for access to the national solidarity fund for farms that have undergone damage due to heavy rains in 2014 and infections of organisms harmful to plants, such as Xylella fastidiosa. MILK. A first group of provisions concerns the management of the end of milk quotas and the implementation of Community legislation for the payment of the fine the last campaign in three years, with an interest-free installments. For not increasing the burden on farmers, with standard expands the possibility of compensation between producers, as part of the national quota for the last campaign allowing those who exceeded the quota up to 12% to compensate for up to 6%, what that before it was scheduled to take the penalty and he saw the whole percentage of overshooting. As to sales, have to be written and with a minimum duration of one year, contain the price payable for the delivery which can be fixed or linked to certain factors, the volume delivered and the quality or composition of the raw milk. The decree also established un’Interprofessione milk, as in other European countries, to organize the sector and its representation and strengthened the skills of antitrust, through price monitoring, to counter the frequent unfair practices. Xylella. Apulian farmers damaged by the spread of the bacterium Xylella is established derogation for the activation of the National Solidarity Fund, following the declaration of a disaster, and money has been made for 11 million euro for compensatory measures for producers who have suffered damage. It is the first time that this standard applies to plant health emergencies caused by infection of pests, intended only for the elements. OIL. Green light for the national plan to increase production by 25%, after the emergence of this year. In this regard were atanziati 20 million Euros for the period 2015-2017. In particular those aiming at the recovery of the production potential and competitive with 25% increase in the quantities produced at national level over the next five years, reaching a total of 650,000 tons. FLOODS. In the areas affected by adverse climatic events of exceptional intensity in the years 2014 and 2015, farms damaged by heavy rains that have signed insurance policies to cover risks may facilitated access to interventions to promote economic recovery and production. SUPPRESSION Agensud. To streamline and ensure the realization of irrigation systems, particularly in the regions of southern Italy affected by floods, the management commissioner former Agensud is abolished and its functions are transferred to the relevant departments and directorates of the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry.

 30 April 2015 09:55 – Last Updated: 9:55







Italicum, today staged the House two other trusts. Started … – Il Sole 24 Ore

History Article


This article was published April 30, 2015 at 08:30.
The last change is the April 30, 2015 at 10:55.

Archived without too much effort for the executive not the two ruling of constitutionality (Tuesday) and the first of three votes of confidence sull’Italicum (that of yesterday, with 352 yes against 207 no, it’s one of the best results of the government Renzi), today in the House are staged two exclaimest decisive for the fate of the electoral law. By mid-morning the House will decide on the approval, without amendments and additional articles, Article 2 of the reform. In the afternoon will be voted confidence votes on Article 4. Three of relief in two days, therefore, rehearsal of the final grade sull’Italicum, on Tuesday of next week. In that case, it will be by secret ballot.

Before you call mid-morning, a few deputies in Parliament
Very few Members in the Chamber of the House for the first explanations of vote Depending on the confidence The first calls, as expected, began at about 10:45. According to first responders, Psi, for Italy and Ap (Ncd-UDC) will vote yes to the trust-call requested by the government will vote on Article 2. But no Alternative Free, Brothers of Italy and the Northern League, so as Forza Italy and the 5 Star Movement and Sel. For the Democratic Party announced the vote for Congressman Alan Ferrari.

In the spotlight the clash inside the Democratic Party
Spotlight especially the duel inside the Democratic Party, which yesterday saw retreat and thinning of the face not, with numbers that have given reason to Prime Minister-Secretary Renzi in the clash with the minority dem. In particular, you wait to see if the 38 members of the Democratic Party that did not vote yesterday (including leading figures of the old guard like Bersani, Letta, Cuperlo, Bindi, Civati, and Epifani, who have not still going to leave party) or if they will do proselytize prevail soft line of more than 60 members of the minority who have not shared the act of breaking and they said yes to the government.

Boldrini: the House no rules violated
Among the topics of the day, even the self-defense of the House speaker Laura Boldrini, who in a letter published today by “Republic” has explained the reasons for authorizing the vote of confidence on the rules for election. Boldrini cites in particular Article 116 of the Rules of the House listing the subjects on which it can not be given a vote of confidence, “and among these subjects – he said – do not include the election. Confidence, according to the same article, it can not be put on the measures for which the secret ballot is required; It can instead be placed on the matters for which the secret ballot is permissible only on request, as is precisely the electoral law. ” Also, remember, “the electoral law can not be finally approved by the Commission alone, but must get the vote of the House. How it was done. “

Alfano: response to the abuse of confidence by secret
On whether or not to resort to a confidence vote on a sensitive issue like election rules is intervention this morning the minister and leader dell’Iterno Ncd Angelino Alfano, who spoke to the microphones of RTL 102.5 stressed that “those who want to use the secret ballot, perhaps to bring down the government or to embarrass , it should not then be surprised that the government uses the trust, because trust is the response to the use and abuse of the secret ballot. ”



Italicum, ok the first confidence. The 352 yes, 38 no vote dem – The Messenger

The Plenary of the House confirms the confidence in the government on the first article of the electoral law with 352, 207 and no one abstained. There are 38 members of the Democratic Party who did not vote confidence in the government on the electoral law, including the former secretary Pierluigi Berani and former Prime Minister Enrico Letta. According to records, the 36 who are not participants in the call, be added Robert Hope and Guglielmo Epifani who are on a mission but have issued a declaration of non-voting.

“Thank you to the Members who voted for the first trust . The road is still long but this is #lavoltabuona. ” So Matteo Renzi says tweet on the outcome of the first vote of confidence on Italicum.

“I’m satisfied,” the trust on Article 1 dell’Italicum “is a first step. We are in line with the numbers of the other votes of confidence, the highest was 354 “yes, said Reforms Minister Maria Elena Boschi, moving away from the Chamber after the first yes to the electoral law.

“It is not a simple day or serene. Embittered and grieved not vote confidence because I feel part of a community but is a legitimate and necessary signal for a tear incomprehensible. ” So Gianni Cuperlo speaking to reporters in the House.

“It’s a good result, a sign of a government in health, allowing us to pass the bill.” He said Ettore Rosato, deputy leader of the Democratic Party in the House vicar, commenting on the vote of confidence sull’Italicum. “Of course – he added Rosato – I feel sorry for colleagues in the Democratic Party that did not vote. We note the difference but I’m sure we will mend this tear. “

It is” incomprehensible “the decision not to vote confidence on the part of leaders of the Democratic Party, as Bersani and Letta, who led the party” in times much more complicated, during which it was placed confidence without threads. ” He said Matthew Orfini, president of the party.

The premier meanwhile remains under fire from the opposition and the minority Democratic Party for putting trust but keep the point. Former Secretary Bersani attack: do not go out by the Democratic Party, the tear did Renzi, not me. Even Gianni Cuperlo, who did not vote the trust remains in the Democratic Party. “I appeal further to Renzi – says -. A field should never be divided, a party should never be broken. In this we need above all the commitment of who leads the party. “

” On the electoral law are days of controversy and discussion. I respect the positions of each and every one. It hurts to hear that we are arrogant and overbearing: we are only doing our duty. We are here to change Italy. We can not stop at the first difficulty, “wrote today Renzi. “If we accept, as has happened too often in the past – said the premier enclosing a letter published this morning on Print – vivacchiare and return, we betray the mandate received in the primaries, the Parliament, the European.”

“The evidence does not lead away muscle. Whoever the face. No vote of confidence is not a demonstration of courage. It is a political choice. And our choice is always, consistently, rather than measures to improve and build the conditions for dialogue and unity in the Democratic Party. So stubborn. Against extremists and the fans. ” The state in a document of 50 deputies Area reformist minority of the Democratic Party which has seventy MPs, in disagreement with those colleagues like Robert Hope and Bersani, who decided not to participate in the vote of confidence on the electoral law. The 50 claiming a “strong minority position of the party, a minority firm, independent choices and responsible behavior.”

“In 38 in the Democratic Party against authoritarian Matteo Renzi. Forza Italian compact in reiterating the no to a bad and dangerous electoral law. ” Writes on Twitter Renato Brunetta, leader of Forza Italy in House.

“Those who have asked for the trust and those who have decided to give it are pigs and vile pigs because they have turned the parliament into a pigsty and infamous because they hold the promise to respect the rules of democracy. ” This was stated by deputy Fi Maurizio Bianconi, spoke at the program of Rai Radio 2 A Day of Sheep.


Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Annuities, to stop the checks to the condemned: get the okay of the Democratic Party – The Messenger

Ok of the Democratic Party to the resolution of the bureaux of the House and Senate for the cessation of annuities to MPs who have been convicted of serious crimes. This is shown by a private meeting between the representatives of the Democratic Party in both chambers with the presidents Pietro Grasso and Laura Boldrini held this morning in the House.

The meeting, learns the agency Ansa, this morning was preceded by another meeting between all the members of the Democratic Party of the bureaux of the House and Senate. To meet Grease and Boldrini have been the leader in Palazzo Madama Luigi Zanda and the commissioner of Deputies Paolo Fontanelli. The resolutions, which no longer allow the provision of annuity in favor of former parliamentarians who have been convicted of serious crimes, will be approved next week by the bureaux of the Senate and House.

In recent weeks, there had been a debate on the need, supported by several constitutional experts, to block the annuities to those convicted with an ad hoc law or that’s more a simple resolution of the bureaux of the two branches Parliament. Today comes the hard road to the Democratic Green Party of the resolution.


Before you trust sull’Italicum 38 rebels in the Democratic Party – AGI – Agenzia Journalistic Italy

First trust on Italicum am 38 rebels in the Democratic Party 00:01 April 30, 2015

(AGI) – Rome, April 30 – “At least 50 deputies in the reformist Area will vote confidence”, while considering “a mistake” to Renzi shutting sull’Italicum. The document, whose meaning is advanced to reporters in Transatlantic, photographing the turning point ‘political’ of the game suffered in the Democratic Party opened dell’Italicum approval and, in fact, the choice of Renzi to put confidence. In essence, behind the first vote of confidence, the front of the no ‘retreats’ and thins and the prime minister-secretary of the Democratic Party is going to close with a successful challenge to the minority Dem. Meanwhile Renzi collects the first of three trusts sull’Italicum: 352 is’ against 207 no. In 38 representatives of the Democratic Party who do not vote, including Bersani, Letta, Cuperlo, Bindi, Civati, Epifani. But the prime minister continues to keep going and after the vote tweets: “Thank you to the Members who voted for the first confidence. The road ‘still long but this and’ #lavoltabuona”.

Satisfied also the minister Woods, which minimizes the 38 missing votes to the Democratic Party: “We are in line with the numbers of other trusts. It ‘s the first step.” In all, the majority are in ‘missing’ 44 votes: 41 votes less than the Democratic Party (38 representatives of minority inside who did not vote confidence, more ‘absences justified). The other votes ‘missing’ come from the ranks of the People Area: Beatrice Lorenzin in mission, De Mita, De Girolamo and Cera who did not participate in the voting. Even the deputy secretary of the Democratic Party, Lorenzo Guerini, resizes what happened in the House: “The vote of confidence and ‘very high, the second most’ top of the whole legislature. Has’ also contained the tear in the Democratic Party.” It reassures the ‘rebels’: “Do not ever expel anyone.”

Moreover, the last and perhaps the most ‘challenging obstacle that the government must’ face and ‘the final vote by secret ballot. Li ‘, behind anonymity, would’ unite ‘the dissidents of the opposition Democratic Party. And in fact, in view of the appointment, Guerini explains: “we will confront politically in the coming days, we will work with great responsibility ‘and intelligence.” Therefore, no accidents or excesses, despite the hot climate of yesterday, passed the first of three votes of confidence (tomorrow the other two) on electoral reform. The current climate in the Palazzo Chigi is already sensed ‘, for that matter, from the shoulder of Maria Elena Boschi he told reporters that, on arrival in the House, to feel “confident for the confidence.”

Trust of Article 1, backbone of the reform

From list headers blocked a ballot, that new rules

“We are not overbearing and arrogant, we are just doing our duty – in the morning Renzi claims in its enews – We are here to change Italy. We can not stop at the first difficulty ‘. If we accept, as happened too often in the past, to subsist and to postpone, we betray the mandate received in the primaries, the Parliament, the European “. If this is not ‘tear’, the groove in the Democrat still there ‘, and Pier Luigi Bersani confirms. Marks, the former secretary, “I do not go by the Democratic Party, no cleavage. We need to return to the Democratic Party, did not come out” and accuses: “The tear I did not I, did Renzi putting confidence.” “Now we are told that we must be loyal, just ’cause we are former secretaries and leaders of the Democratic Party, but they remember us only now, not when we have removed from the commission or not they invited to the Unity Party’”. From the front of the opposition do not get surprises: no minority party chooses the Aventine, but both FI (“today and ‘over the Democratic Party, but I would say more’ and ‘over the term”), says Brunetta) that Sel, League , FDI and M5S confirm the ‘no’ to the trust. In the evening, the grillini do know that they are reflecting on the possibility ‘to collect signatures for a referendum to repeal dell’Italicum: “we will decide in the coming days,” says Danilo Toninelli. (AGI).


Italicum, Room ok at first trust – TGCOM


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– Pass the House the confidence placed by the government on the first article of the electoral reform in the House. In favor of the document have come out 352 deputies, while against were in 207, there was also one abstention. The vote was nominal. Among the opposition, members of Sel was absent with a black armband in mourning. They also voted honorable of the M5S. Renzi: “Thanks to those who voted.”

The premier on Twitter: “road still long” – “Thank you to the Members who voted for the before confidence. The road is still long but this is #lavoltabuona “. So Matteo Renzi said via Twitter the outcome of the first vote of confidence on Italicum.

There are 38 Democratic Party MPs who did not vote – 38 am Members of the Democratic Party that did not vote confidence all’Italicum. And ‘what emerges from the records, taking into account the justified absences. The House Democrats who did not vote the Jobs ATC had been 29.

Who did not vote in the ranks of the Democratic Party – Here are the names of the 38 deputies of the Democratic Party minority who did not vote confidence in the government sull’Italicum: Roberta Agostini, Albini, Bersani, Bindi, Bossa, Bruno Bossio, Capodicasa, Cimbro, Civati, Cuperlo, D’Attorre, Fabbri, Gianni Farina, Fassina, Folino, Fontanelli, Fossati, Carlo Galli, Giorgis, Gnecchi, Gregori, Laforgia, Letta, Lever, Masters, Malisani, Marco Meloni, Miotto, Mugnato, Murer, George Little, Pollastrini, Stumpo, Vaccaro, Zappulla, Zoggia, Epifani, Hope

Cuperlo: “No confidence vote was a necessary signal” – “is not a simple day or serene. saddens and grieves not vote confidence because I feel part of a community but is a legitimate and necessary signal for one Tear incomprehensible “. This was stated Gianni Cuperlo the House. “I appeal further to Renzi – he added -. A field should never be divided, a party should never be broken. In this we need above all the commitment of who leads the party”.

Woods: “Numbers in line with other trusts” –
“We are in line with the numbers of other trusts. It ‘s the first step.” So Reforms Minister Maria Elena Boschi coming from the Chamber after the first vote of confidence in the government on the electoral law. The minister expressed “satisfaction” at the outcome. Thursday the other two votes.

Orfini: “Bersani and Letta incomprehensible” – E ‘”incomprehensible” the decision not to vote confidence on the part of leaders of the Democratic Party, as Bersani and Letta, who led the party “in times much more complicated, in which was placed the trust without question.” He said Matthew Orfini, president of the Democratic Party, speaking to reporters in the House, after the approval of the first confidence on electoral reform.

Bersani: “The tear was not my Renzi”
– “I do not go out by the Democratic Party, we must return to the Democratic Party. The improper gesture to put the confidence he did Renzi, not me. And ‘he who has the tear. ” So Pier Luigi Bersani has denied the specter of the split before the vote on confidence all’Italicum, speaking to reporters in Transatlantic.

Opposition on a war footing – even the opposition are up war after the government has placed trust, Tuesday. Congressman M5S Danilo Toninelli had asked the minority Dem “no exit from the Chamber, but to vote no confidence, to send aa house Renzi”. For Toninelli “the premier showed his cowardice could face the classroom and on the other hand … the only previous comparable is to Mussolini in 1923″.

Salvini: vote tomorrow – “rating in 2016? Hopefully. Even in the morning, because it is a government of incompetent and dangerous hired. I hope that this cabal pathetic electoral law is the antechamber of the vote.” This was stated by Secretary of the League, Matteo Salvini, on Radio Padania, according to which “the country and ‘hostage of a party”.

Alarm robes: so you change form the government – Area, the group representing the robes left, follows with “concerned attention” dell’Italicum the process and reports the “substantial risk” that “through an ordinary law will change the form of government”; an ‘operation that “alarming” especially as there are no “adequate institutional counterweights.” And if it were approved reform of the Senate, the risk is reduced to “an expression of the political majority of the time” constitutional bodies, as Head of State, Consult and CSM.

Italicum, Pd split but passes the trust

Paul Scarlata

Vote of confidence




Italicum before confidence by the House. Bersani against Renzi: “So … – The Republic

Rome – The final approval dell’Italicum approaches. The government has got to the House the first trust, that Article 1 of the reform of the electoral law, with 352 votes in favor, 207 against and one abstention.

Numbers in hand, the majority that supports the government Renzi (that part, on paper, by 396 votes) lacking 44 votes, but should be considered justified absences. The margin therefore remains high for the executive even if it weighs the break in place in the Democratic Party: as many as 36 deputies of the current dem Area of ​​reform did not vote. It is eaten as the rift between Renzi and a part of the minority Democratic Party considered unjustified affixing the question of confidence from the Prime Minister. “I’m satisfied, the numbers are in line with other trusts,” said Minister for Reforms Maria Elena Boschi .

The vote also establishes a rift within ‘Area reformist’, with 50 deputies who have signed a document in favor of the trust while considering it “a mistake” by the premier. Last night, however, after a discussion lasting over four hours and a half of the largest of the minority Democratic Party, Robert Hope , leader and guide of the resigning member, had not confirmed his vote, precluding cleanly shadow of cleavage by the Democratic Party.

In the party wound seems more and more difficult to heal. Among those who did not vote, there are names that have shaped the history of the party: the former premier Enrico Letta , the former president of the party Rosy Bindi , the former Secretary Guglielmo Epifani , the candidates in the last primaries Gianni Cuperlo and Pippo Civati ​​. Gianni.

Bersani against Renzi. Premier: “We do not stop at the first difficulty” . “I do not go out by the Democratic Party, we must return to the Democratic Party. The improper gesture to put confidence Renzi did it, not me.” The day after ripping the premier with the confidence placed by the government sull’Italicum and the brawl in the House ( Video ), the former secretary Pd Pierluigi Bersani denied any possibility of split from the Democratic Party minority dem contesting the electoral law under discussion in the House.


L ‘ former secretary of the Democratic Party has expressed his bitterness against the prime minister and the current leadership of the party: “They remember the former leaders to ask their loyalty when it comes to voting these trusts, not when removed from the commission or not you invite to parties “. He rejects so the sender’s call to responsibility came at this time from the top Pd. “No, I do not think you will go now to vote if it passes the Italicum, but it is clear that from now on will Renzi Parliament in its availability,” warned the former secretary.

A Bersani and his critics replied by return the prime minister Matteo Renzi through its enews: “We are not overbearing and arrogant, we are just doing our duty.” Then clarifies: “We are here to change Italy. We can not stop at the first difficulty – wrote the prime minister -. If we accept ourselves – as happened too often in the past – to just get along and put off, we betray the mandate received in the primaries, by Parliament , to Europe. ” “If the electoral law and the government will be able to continue its mission, it will open a fascinating stage for all of us”, he concluded. The Prime Minister, in a letter to the newspaper La Stampa , but had offered an olive branch to the minority Democratic Party re-launching the proposed changes come to the constitutional reform to balance the effect of the new election law: “If we deem it necessary there will be room in the Senate to balance the constitutional reform still paying attention to the necessary checks and balances.”


The malaise in the party has spread. If Guglielmo Epifani and Alfredo D’Attorre announced directly in court taking the word non-participation in the voting, others have announced that they will adapt not without some stomach ache. As with prodiani Sandra Zampa , vice president Pd, and Franco Monaco , which announced their yes to trust only “mere regulation”.

In the morning had called former Secretary dem and former leader of the Minister for Cultural Heritage Dario Franceschini : “You can agree or not on the electoral law, and this is normal. You can agree or not to put on a vote of confidence, and this is normal because it is part of a party that discusses and compares the inside. But not vote confidence in the government led by its secretary really is an act of proportion, too strong and I think that the Italians, our voters, they do not understand what’s going on. ” Bellyache there are also other groups that support the majority: the deputy national secretary of the UDC, Giusepe De Mita , has announced it will not participate in the vote of confidence. Same decision taken by Nunzia De Girolamo, former leader Rev, who will leave the courtroom: “The rules of the game are written together and vote without forcing nor abuse.”

The protest of the opposition . Even the opposition parties are up in arms after ripping yesterday: “We ask the minority Democratic Party not to leave the courtroom but to vote no confidence and no all’Italicum to send home Renzi” asks the deputy M5S Danilo Toninelli , the man who follows the path of reform for the Five Stars. “Among the various hypotheses there is a recall referendum dell’Italicum”, tells the same Toninelli. The strategy of pentastellati for the first vote seems definitia: MPs will participate in the vote and will vote ‘no’ “also to check how many of the Democratic Party will not vote or will come into the courtroom and will vote no.” It remains open but the choice on the other two votes of confidence in tomorrow. Sel, very critical about the choice of asking the trust, has participated in the voting with a black armband in mourning.


Italicum to test confidence. Minority dem divided. Bersani: “I do not go by … – Il Sole 24 Ore

History Article


This article was published April 29, 2015 at 10:44.
The last change is the April 29, 2015 at 13:14.

The event is scheduled for this afternoon at 15.25, when the calls start to the first (on ‘Article 1) of the three votes of confidence sull’Italicum. It will be the first test of the estate of the majority. Other two votes tomorrow, then the next week the final vote, by secret ballot. Yesterday’s win, with two votes on secret ruling of constitutionality, which ended with a difference of over 170 votes between the majority and the opposition, was not enough to Matteo Renzi, who has decided to lock down the Italicum with confidence. A move that surprised and divided the minority Democratic Party, split between inside not participate in the elections and to ensure confidence. No split horizon for now. “I do not go out by the Democratic Party, we must return to the Democratic Party. The gesture improper to put confidence Renzi did it, not me. It is he who made the tear, “said former Secretary Pier Luigi Bersani, who has not announced the participation in the vote of confidence sull’Italicum.

The area dissent dem
In disagreement with the choices of Renzi have spoken for the vote of no confidence the two former secretaries Pd Pierluigi Bersani and Guglielmo Epifani, in addition to the former parent company Robert Hope (who is reputed to “dove”), in addition to historical dissidents Stefano Fassina, Pippo Civati ​​and Alfredo D’Attorre and the leader of Sinistradem Gianni Cuperlo. But they are not deployed to the vote even former Prime Minister Enrico Letta and former chairman of the Democratic Party Rosy Bindi. Some deputies of the left dem will follow them, many others probably not. Eventually it may be about thirty dem they will not vote the trust (the minority has about 110 deputies).

Area reformist divided between yes and no confidence vote
Last night, after a discussion lasting more than four hours, the deputies of Area reformist split between the yes and the no participation in the vote of confidence on the electoral law. The meeting was attended by about 50 members (absent Pier Luigi Bersani) out of a total of 80 participating in the. Robert Hope, leader resigned and Area reformist leader, confirmed that no vote of confidence sull’Italicum because he considered an “unnecessary and excessive force.” On the one hand it is deployed who, along with Hope, is oriented to not participate in the vote. On the other those who openly criticized the tear on trust and announced that the government will say yes. More than one has hinted that it will retain until the last possible minute to decide.

Appeal M5s to minority Pd: remains in plenary votes and no
An appeal to the minority Democratic Party was launched by Representative M5S Danilo Toninelli, “the man reforms” Movement: “We ask the minority Democratic Party not to go out from the Chamber – said Toninelli – but to vote no confidence and no all’Italicum to send home Renzi.” But the appeal is expected to be rejected. David Zogg, Bersani doc, confirmed the line of non-participation in the voting, excluding spin-offs on the horizon.



Italicum, in the afternoon the first vote of confidence. Minority Democratic Party split – Il Sole 24 Ore

History Article


This article was published April 29, 2015 at 10:44.
The last change is the April 29, 2015 at 11:07.

The event is scheduled for this afternoon at 15.25, will begin when the calls for First (article 1) of the three votes of confidence sull’Italicum. It will be the first test of the estate of the majority. Other two votes tomorrow, then the next week the final vote, by secret ballot. Yesterday’s win, with two votes on secret ruling of constitutionality, which ended with a difference of over 170 votes between the majority and the opposition, was not enough to Matteo Renzi who decided to lock down the Italicum with confidence. A move that surprised and divided mainly the minority Democratic Party, split inside.

The area of ​​disagreement dem
In disagreement with the choices of Renzi have spoken out for the vote of no confidence the two former secretaries Pd Pierluigi Bersani and Guglielmo Epifani in addition to the former parent company Robert Hope (who is reputed to “dove”), in addition to historical dissidents Stefano Fassina, Pippo Civati ​​and Alfredo D’Attorre and the leader of Sinistradem Gianni Cuperlo. But they are not deployed to the vote even former Prime Minister Enrico Letta and former chairman of the Democratic Party Rosy Bindi. Some deputies of the left dem will follow them, many others probably not. Eventually it may be about thirty dem they will not vote the trust (the minority has about 110 deputies). And many renziani, recording the explicit criticism in recent days even Romano Prodi, see the shadow of the split, though denied by all.

Area reformist divided between yes and no confidence vote
Last night, after a discussion lasting more than four hours, the deputies of Area reformist split between the yes and the no participation in the vote of confidence on the electoral law. Area reformist not give an indication of its MPs to vote for the election law, it is explained, it is a matter on which there can be no party discipline and so much less power. Therefore, each Member will make its individual assessment. The meeting was attended by about 50 members (absent Pier Luigi Bersani) out of a total of 80 participating in the. Robert Hope, leader resigned and leading reformist Area, both opening to the end of the meeting confirmed that no vote of confidence sull’Italicum because he considered an “unnecessary and excessive force.” On the one hand it is deployed who, along with Hope, is oriented to not participate in the vote. On the other those who openly criticized the tear on trust and announced that the government will say yes. More than one has hinted that it will retain until the last possible minute to decide.

Renzi: trust gesture of seriousness towards citizens
The premier Renzi in a letter today to the press defended the decision to put the trust on the electoral law, defined as “a gesture of seriousness towards the citizens, “because” after making changes, mediated, discussed, agreed, or decide or you return to the starting point. ” And again: “If Parliament decides, if a government decides, this is democracy, not dictatorship.” Renzi reiterated that “if the government does not pass the confidence goes home,” while “if the electoral law passes, it means that the Parliament wants to continue on the path of reform.” And he annotated: “If you need a premier who face Melina, are not the right person.”

“Ready to discuss the Senate”
But the prime minister also raised the possibility of amending the bill of constitutional reform with the new unelected Senate, while not entering into the merits of possible changes. “If we deem it necessary, there will be room in the Senate – he assured – to balance the constitutional reform still paying attention to the necessary checks and balances: no armor, no forcing.”

Bersani: this is no longer my party
The whole left Democratic Party, however, is in turmoil. “There is a great sadness, this is a ‘else, another party, is no longer the company I helped build,” said the former secretary of the Democratic Party, Pierluigi Bersani, in interviews with the Press and Courier Sera and Repubblica. “Here we are not talking of Bersani against Renzi – he explained – and even the government has nothing to do. Here it is a game little thing called democracy. ” Confidence? “There was no reason to put it, not on such an important issue for democracy.”

Fassina: over 30 (and many big) not to vote confidence
“I do not know exactly how many will not vote confidence, because there are colleagues who are still reflecting, but I think that eventually we will have to be a large group, probably more than thirty “assured interviewed Stefano Fassina, on the very eve of the first vote of confidence in the House sull’Italicum. “In addition to the quantity – he said the representative of the minority Dem – must consider the political significance of those who will not vote: the former secretary, the former president, the former prime minister, the two challengers in the primary and the former parent company the Democratic Party. “

Cuperlo because Renzi forced hand?
Embittered also the leader of Sinistradem Gianni Cuperlo, among members of the minority who will not vote confidence. “The idea of ​​ensuring a structure more convincing would guarantee reforms, joined the Democratic Party, guaranteed the system. Because you have not wanted to do? I wonder about this even with a sudden bitterness, “said Cuperlo. He added: “I think you could make some adjustments and not necessarily sull’Italicum but also on constitutional reform.”



Funds Valle d’Aosta, the other three acquittals –

(ANSA) – AOSTA, April 28 – The preliminary hearing judge of Aosta Giuseppe Colazingari acquitted President the Regional Council of Valle d’Aosta Marco Vierin, Councillor André Lanièce and former Dario Comé accusations of embezzlement “because the crime does not exist”.

They were alleged to have paid on their accounts – 2009-2012 – 138.600 euro taken from the account of the group of Stella Alpina. Already acquitted on 30 March by the preliminary hearing judge Maurizio D’Abrusco the 24 defendants in the first tranche of the same process on the cost of politics.

The chief prosecutor of Aosta Marilinda Mineccia had requested a sentence of one year and 10 months imprisonment (suspended sentence) for each of the three defendants in the group of autonomist movement of the center. “I can not say anything, look motives,” said Mineccia after the reading of the judgment.

“It ‘acquittal with the best formula possible, because the crime does not exist. He ended in a long legal battle, the source for our customers to hardship and suffering, but we finally got to the end in a courtroom “failing” to demonstrate the absolute strangeness of our customers to the alleged grounds. ” So the lawyer Stefano Marchesini after the acquittal of the three defendants Edelweiss. Expected within 60 days of the filing of the judgment.



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Tuesday, April 28, 2015

CISL Taranto-Brindisi, LABOUR PARTY 1 ° May 2015 –

“The Solidarity makes the difference: integration, employment, development. We respect the rights of all, without exception “is the slogan chosen by the CISL with the other confederations, to celebrate Labor Day 2015, and to characterize the national demonstration unit that will be held Friday, May 1 in Pozzallo (Ragusa). Emblematic choice, that of Sicily, natural border of Italy, which for over 20 years is a destination for people from the African continent, sustained only by the hope of a possible integration that can restore their dignity, to live a future free from starvation, from violence and wars.

Sicily as a scenario in which Europe helplessly, almost a new holocaust, to huge tragedies like the incessant drowning of thousands of immigrants because of selfishness abject of human traffickers; but also a place from which move and come to Taranto many of those who have had the opportunity to save and where they generously welcomed.
The CISL Taranto Brindisi will be in Pozzallo, with a large delegation and with knowledge to be able to reproduce, in a general with claims already reported to the government, also vertenzialità in place in this area to ask that the institutional action to return to these central areas of the country still enmeshed in recession social, economic and employment.
The hope is that May 1, 2015 raises the big questions Mezzogiorno (Plan for the South), Pensions, Employment, Industrial Policy, Good School, tax reform.
On the latter issue the Cisl continues, with all their structures, the collection of signatures in support of the proposed law of popular initiative promoted by the same Confederation, called “For a tax more fair and just” with the strong awareness that the country needs is a fairer tax compared to a evasion of more than 100 billion a year and 82% of the taxes are paid employees and pensioners, both of a growth cycle, virtuous and energetic. Only if the government will hand in a tax reform shared with the union, actually useful to change the country, will strengthen the incomes of employees and pensioners and to restart consumption.
Taranto Brindisi The territory is home to industrial systems important for the national economy, such as steel, refining, cement, shipbuilding, defense and also manufacturing and sectors linked to it, dall’Aeronautico all’Impiantistico, from a chemical pharmaceutical all’Energetico, determining a decisive contribution to GDP country and a significant rate of employment that can and must be safeguarded, together making the whole production system environmentally friendly.
Against all mystification of reality, for the CISL Taranto Brindisi sustainability of production and employment are not antithetical issues but opportunities as favorable as possible to carry out, as has happened elsewhere in the world.
regard to the Adriatic, between the objectives vertenziali priority include the reclamation of Sin, the new concept of environmental system as a catalyst for development additional consolidation of the industry by reducing the cost of energy, the possible establishment of free zones, the full recoverability of the polluted areas not accompanied by an affordable and flexible contract.
The CISL Taranto Brindisi has always proposed and implemented the value of social responsibility and that of resilience, that is to start from the productive potential of the area to address the crisis typical area of ​​South lagging.
possible site has been identified in the Committee for Economic and work (Cpel), which has not produced the desired results nor an interest of institutions and employers’ associations to address issues of development according to the direction given by the union, at least so far weakening the claim of an inter-institutional table for the development of the Brindisi area , to be set up at Palazzo Chigi with the direct responsibility of the Government.
The territory needs not only to defend the industrial production system, making it compatible but also to open sites, to create jobs, to find the legitimate expectations in the present work strongly ‘contract engineering, construction and services, to better use the potential still unexpressed – from food to tourism, dall’Aeronautico all’Impiantistico, from a chemical pharmaceutical all’Energetico … – and also assume a bargaining favor of facilitating the economic recovery.
All this would fully realized if there were a strong and enforceable institutional cohesion, a strategic vision of what we really need the local economy to make it palatable.
The crisis of recent years having negatively affected, here, the fates social and employment of thousands and thousands of single-income families, only partially comforted by the use of social welfare when they are resorted and conditions of solidarity contracts.
The hope is that the CISL International Workers’ Day on 1 May 2015 is experienced by citizens, workers, pensioners, women, young people, as capacity and hope that a different future is possible, with the full knowledge that only by exercising shared responsibility and active participation, it will be possible to find a positive the hopes and expectations of persons and communities.

In pictures: Daniela Fumarola, Secretary-General
