Monday, April 20, 2015

Italicum, ten deputies minority Pd replaced in committee. Among … – Il Sole 24 Ore

History Article


This article was published April 20, 2015 at 10:04.
The last change is the April 20, 2015 at 19:53.

At the end sull’Italicum prevails hard line: as leaked this morning, will be ten deputies Pd contrary to the electoral law that will be replaced, probably tomorrow, in the Constitutional Affairs Committee of the House. Names weight: Pierluigi Bersani, Gianni Cuperlo, Rosy Bindi, Andrea Giorgis, Enzo Lattuca, Alfredo D’Attorre, Barbara Pollastrini, Marilena Fabbri, Roberta Agostini, Marco Meloni. Only “survivor” Joseph Lauricella that despite being critical of the Italicum said that will follow the directions of the group. Inside is a small group of loyalists among renziani iron, young Turks and franceschiniani. The goal of Prime Minister Matteo Renzi? Approve the text, as it left the Senate, without amendments.

Renzi: “Trust? We’ll see, “
That the head of the Government and Secretary Pd is determined to keep going was clear for some time. This morning, in an interview with RTL, not unbalanced on the assumption of reach even to the trust. “We’ll see when the parliamentary debate. We are one step, we are the last mile, the final sprint: we will do it on the pedals and head held high, “the premier said. Which excluded the new changes, and has warned that the minority Democratic Party, asking touches on colleges and number of list headers blocked: “If the colleges of the electoral law have 90, 100 or 110, is not a decisive issue for citizens. It is for the experts think that maybe the chance to return to Parliament … “.

Orfini: in committee represents the group
“In the commission are going to represent their group and then the line that the group chose to take
“, said the Chairman of the Democratic Party Matthew Orfini. “Who does not feel like leaving the commission and is replaced by someone else.”

Guerini if ​​Pd skips skips the Italian political system
“We must be aware that if the Democratic Party skips skips the entire Italian political system,” he warned Assistant Secretary Pd Lorenzo Guerini, intervening in Pontedera. “I say that because we are a party reformer but also an infrastructure policy which our country can not do without, especially at a time where the forces of anti-populism and are very strong and are likely to undermine the Italian company “.

From tomorrow 97 amendments to the vote
This morning at 9, the deadline for amendments all’Italicum committee. Are 97 amendments that starting tomorrow afternoon (14.30) will be submitted to the vote. It had been presented 135 of which a portion was ruled inadmissible in the Constitutional Affairs Committee of the House. This was announced by the Chairman of the Committee, Francesco Paolo Sisto (Fi). Thirteen are those of the Democratic Party; about twenty of those M5S. Voting will also take place on Thursday morning. The text is expected in the House Monday, April 27.



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