Monday, April 20, 2015

Slaughter migrants, humanitarian organizations: “We need Mare Nostrum … – The Republic

Rome – An operation type Mare Nostrum but European: to ask for are the main humanitarian organizations, who, urged Europe to intervene immediately and incisively to prevent tragedies like the one today in the Channel Sicily, but which now occur almost daily in recent weeks, from reoccurring. “Against the tragedies of migrants at sea need an operation Mare Nostrum European. The demand for over a year and there was no response,” said Carlotta Sami, spokesman of ‘ UNHCR . “We are at a momentous time for the number of people fleeing wars. This requires an intervention strategy shared by all European countries,” added Sami, according to which one must also open “legal channels of entry for refugees concern all European countries. “

READ Renzi asks extraordinary European Council

” You can not stop an operation Triton, which now we have considered and challenged as insufficient to rescue people at sea, you must make a unified effort in Europe, for an operation that has the same characteristics of ‘Mare Nostrum’ and is not therefore a simple control of borders, but truly become a garrison Humanitarian of the Mediterranean, can safeguard people’s lives, “said the microphones of Vatican Radio, Monsignor Giancarlo Perego, director of Migrantes Foundation which belongs to the CEI.

Also according to the director of the Caritas Italian, Don Francesco Soddu, “the idea of ​​a Europe impregnable is staggering under the blows of a humanity that desperately fleeing their countries are showing the face of the worst effects of globalization. Iniquity, conflicts, ideologies are the factors that determine the constant increase in flows of refugees to the European continent. “Olivero Strong, responsible for immigration Caritas Italian adds:” Now we are fed up and angry in counting deaths at sea. There is need for an operation – Italian, European or UN hands – to save these lives, because if we continue to argue over who should do this, in the coming weeks and months ahead will be repeated tragedies of this kind, and we no longer want this to happen. “” The situation – in fact – is worrying, because clearly the flows increase. “

” We knew, and we screamed helplessly witnessing today in this new carnage. Europe can no longer be silent. Mare Nostrum must become a European program. “So the Red Cross Italian about the new shipwreck off the Libyan coast.

With Europe gets angry also Doctors Without Borders : the EU is “proclamations on accommodating” but then “erect walls” against immigration and so “dig a mass grave sized crazy in the Mediterranean,” said Loris De Filippi, MSF Italy. “We had asked Renzi to engage in Europe because the operation Mare Nostrum was wholly taken by the EU; we had had assurances, in reality what we see is a continuous dripping daily. “

The Italian Refugee Council expects Europe knock once.” This shameful indifference must end – says director Christopher Hein – must be immediately convened an extraordinary meeting of the European Council, because the EU will eventually assume the responsibility to provide answers policies and operational “.

” Europe, helpless, fails to give an adequate response “is also accused of Amref , NGOs working in Africa, while Mare Nostrum European but also the opening of humanitarian channels are requests for which the Italian government, according to Terre des Hommes , has to be the spokesperson in Europe. And an “urgent European cartel” is invoked even by Emma Cavallaro, President of the Convol (Conference of voluntary associations). It goes beyond Europe the Sant’Egidio Community : if the EU does not live up to stop the unacceptable carnage of the sea, they say, is that the UN should take the field using all possible means , until the convening of an urgent meeting of the Security Council, because “it is facing a number of victims that resembles that of a war.”



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