Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Italicum, committee approved the reform bill in court Monday to … – The Republic

Rome – The Constitutional Affairs Committee of the House approved the electoral reform that next Monday will be the attention of the classroom. Committee were present only the members of the majority who then unanimously approved the text. Nine of the 10 members of the minority inside the Democratic Party were replaced by as many colleagues of their group.

“I hope that the parties decide together to discuss this measure without the need to resort to the secret ballot which is a possibility for the Regulation and then clearly it is a faculty of the groups to ask, there is no doubt about this. But I think the battles you can play to his face. ” He says the Minister for Reforms, Maria Elena Boschi , who asks whether in the classroom on the electoral law we can find an agreement between the majority and minorities that binds the secret vote no to the fact that the government not put confidence: “Let’s see what happens – adds Woods – but I believe that Forza Italy has already announced the request for a secret ballot in an official manner.”

Not at home in the evening Rentao Brunetta will comment: ” Evidently the government is afraid of the secret vote sull’Italicum, and for this we ask it. We think that MPs should express themselves on a measure so delicate in the fullness of their consciences. So ask the secret ballot. “

SHEET The bill of a thousand tweaks / How will the new law

Meanwhile, in the house Forza Italy – yesterday the party chose the Aventine to not participate in the work of the Committee – Silvio Berlusconi is meeting with his MPs and defines the premier Matthew Renzi “bulimia sufferer of power.” He adds: “This government has failed on all: economy, foreign policy, unemployment and immigration. We were right about everything.” As all’Italicum, the leader of Fi comments: “It ‘a law authoritarian, gives all the power to Renzi. Do not we will vote.”

A talk about Italicum is also the former premier Enrico Letta that talking to Mix24 by Giovanni Minoli on Radio24 said: “If I’m in the parliament will vote Italicum or not? You have to see how it will be the ‘ italicum. We’ll see. I think that an electoral law approved by a majority narrow in Italy there was only one, was the porcellum, it was a disaster. The other, the Mattarellum and those of the First Republic, were approved in majorities broad because, as he said Renzi same, the rules of the game you are all together. We need a large majority. “

Law Electoral
Chamber of Deputies
Constitutional Affairs Committee
Government Renzi
minority dem
Matteo Renzi
Maria Elena Woods
Silvio Berlusconi


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