21:13 April 21, 2015
(AGI) – Rome, April 21 – “Next, on the whole.” On the day when the controversy raging sull’Italicum, Matteo Renzi plays the position. The decision of the Democratic Party to replace in constitutional affairs committee of the chamber of the ten members of the minority critical reform with ten deputies of the majority dem sent furious opposition who have decided to go up on the Aventine, abandoning the work of the committee. A decision by the Assistant Secretary Pd Lorenzo Guerini branded as a “mayhem”.
But the prime minister on Facebook call to order his party and consistency Forza Italy and explains his line: “For years, we say that ‘a priority’ change the electoral law.
Pd has discussed during the primaries, in the national assembly, in the direction, to the parliamentary groups, everywhere. The proposal, which ‘was always voted overwhelmingly, and’ was also approved by the rest of the majority and by the senators of Forza Italy. Stopping now would deliver the entire political class to the swamp and say that we are equal to all those who in recent years have stopped before the finish line. ”
“But no, we are not so ‘- ensures Renzi -. It’ s time to decide, then. ‘Cause we were taught that when you vote in a community’ will respect the decisions taken together. Who cries today scandal ’cause some members are replaced in the Commission should remember that this is’ not only normal but also necessary if we believe in democratic values of respect for the majority: that is called democracy endorsing laws desired by the majority not one in which they win the blocks imposed by minorities. Next, on the whole. ”
The call of the Prime Minister but ‘does not flatter the oppositions that remain on the barricades. M5s, Sel, FDI, the League and Forza Italy are outside the classroom of the committee that so ‘out in the afternoon the consideration of amendments and tomorrow will give’ to the rapporteur’s mandate for the classroom. Renato Brunetta “the replacement of Pd deputies in constitutional affairs committee knows so much about ‘deportation’. It ‘a fact aberrant democratically and constitutionally unacceptable.”
M5s not to deviate from criticism: ” Well out of commission other oppositions. Positively Renzi that purge its statutes and purple Pd. Read and share. ” In the coming days, when the Italicum will land ‘in the classroom, Forza Italy recur’ its amendment in court on which ask ‘the secret ballot. Tomorrow Silvio Berlusconi meet ‘his MPs. But the line that you are assuming and ‘ask the secret ballot on the final vote, even if the government wants to put confidence.
On this hypothesis are recorded but ‘some discontent in the party’ cause you fear a breach in the secret of the urn and a ‘blue rescue’ of verdiniani Renzi. Even Ncd, however, keen to see the choice to put the issue of trust. A choice that yesterday had said Gianni Cuperlo risky for the legislature. But on which the Quirinale has already ‘made it known to the groups that are addressed to him that is not going to intervene, since the matter of strict parliamentary competence.
In the same line, even more so, on the choices of these hours, even pertaining to parliamentary rules. Many bet and hope that the President exerts a moral suasion on the premier, but the only line that leaked so far and ‘Mattarella that will be formed’ an opinion sull’Italicum only when the final text will land ‘on his desk.
And not forgetting his words at the time of the oath to the Chambers, when, without going into the merits of the “individual solutions”, he expressed the hope that the process of reforms costuizionali were completed and had defined the approval of a new electoral law “another priority ‘.”
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