Rome (askanews) – “The Liberation is a celebration of freedom and hope that reminds us of what we have achieved and that we must always consolidate” . Sergio Mattarella celebrates his first April 25 from the head of state. This year is the 70th anniversary of liberation from fascism and the President of the Republic has dedicated to this event his first intervention in the Italian press, an interview with the Director of the Republic, then took part in various ceremonies, that of 24 at the Quirinale with young people and associations of the Partisans, then 25 will be in Milan this year where the event takes place in the national event. Besides his first act as head of state elected, even before going in front of Parliament for the swearing, was to pay tribute to the Fosse Ardeatine.
In memory of yesterday we face the challenges of today
Mattarella to the message of the Resistance and Liberation struggle is still present and draws our country not only to preserve its memory but to impose a “coherence” in addressing the challenges of today, such as terrorism and refugees from Africa . ‘E’ in this logic – explained – should be understood that our contribution to peacekeeping missions in the most difficult areas of the world “. Why “the newfound freedom of our nation, even through terrible suffering, he rooted among Italians feelings of compassion, humanity and respect that are the best antidotes to regenerate the germs of violence and madness” .
The Resistance and Liberation are basic elements of our history
The Resistance and Liberation for the President of the Republic, “are basic elements of the history of the Republic, a hallmark of our national identity and a point of transmission of values between generations,” is why rewarding students who participated in the contest ‘From Resistance to Active Citizenship’, the head of state stressed that “memory and future are intertwined,” , and now the task of building a future and preserve the achievements of values and democracy lies just to the young: “The future is in your hands guys – said Mattarella – you have the task of building an ever better, you have to develop and consolidate democracy and the Constitution that should not be kept in a glass case as if it were a relic, because it is alive and must be continually applied and realized “. Constitution that the President is ” fruit of the anti-fascist struggle “.
You can not let your guard down on the human rights
Today “there is, fortunately, the need to regain the values of freedom, democracy, social justice, peace that animated, as a whole, the Resistance” , but reiterated Mattarella “there is the need to defend those values, as was done against the onslaught of terrorism, as is done and should be done more and more against the Mafia. Democracy must always, day after day, established and implemented in everyday life “ .E however, warned ,” you can never let your guard down on strenuous defense of the rights of man “ .
What if the Nazis had won?
This is also why the head of state, in controntendenza compared to a long debate in the country, states that you can not equate the resistance to the fallen of fascism: “The piety and respect are shared feelings in front of young people who fell in the ranks Salo who fought in good faith. This does not allow us, however, – warned – to equate the two camps: on one side they were fighting for freedom, the other for the overpowering. The question of Bobbio revisionists remained unanswered: what would have happened if, instead of the Allies, the Nazis had won? “.

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