Saturday, April 25, 2015

“If it passes the Italicum government falls” – the Journal

RomaMostra muscles and safety in the living room television Gruber La7. Renzi speaks all over the field on everything but we would point out once his position sull’Italicum. “If the law does not pass I’m leaving,” says looking into the eyes of the owner. Maybe you do not care much of the decline rather than physiological of his government in the popular consensus. Now the popularity of his team fell below the psychological threshold of 30%. But the former mayor of Florence goes on. In spite of everything and everyone. Beginning from his own party colleagues who continue to point out (read “arguing”) on the constitutionality of the electoral law, as did Letta, or the fact that the electoral matters not strictly a matter of Palazzo Chigi (copyright Massimo D’Alema ). The minister said Woods agencies its counter-clarifications. But Renzi is to give the coup de theater. “If the electoral law does not pass I’m going back home.” Strong words? More than anything words in effect. “Tuesday will decide whether to put the trust – explains in the living room TV – but I am more than confident. Especially the support of my party. ” Then chased by Gruber agrees to say a few jokes on Prodi and Letta. “The joke of Henry on methadone? Unhappy. But we can all make mistakes. ” And if that were not enough, here is the fatal blow: “Besides, he and Prodi woke up just now because they have two books coming out.” Ie would speak – is the attic – because eager to appear and to advertise their books, otherwise they would be silent. It is not enough. If anyone still had doubts about his prose vitriolic seraphic adds: “I prefer to redo Italy, rather than redoing the Olive Tree.”

His hosted television is also a test muscle: “The lords of parliament have a good opportunity to send me home, are not attached to the chair. I’ll settle for compromises to stay at Palazzo Chigi. ” And here’s the little dig for D’Alema: “The Italicum is an essential reform. Rather it is a precondition to remake Italy. This does not admit doubts and hesitations. Moreover, if now people are talking about and even parliamentary passage of this law is because Berlusconi has pulled back. In the Senate this text is passed with the votes of Forza Italy. Party which has now pulled back because. The Knight has affected the election of Mattarella to the Quirinale. “

The agenda of the government, however, recalls the urgency of other issues. Since the reform of RAI alarm terrorism, until the Expo (“No, I say, even the Chinese have had delays!”). There is another poison on the reform of the RAI, at its former ally of the Covenant of the Nazarene: “I do not care whether you like Berlusconi. I’m interested in whether you like Italians. Besides, after twenty years the duopoly no longer makes sense because we can see the best American TV series on the Internet. Indeed the more urgent is the ultra-wideband. “

Even when you can be ecumenical, even when the topic is the less risky, Renzi can jab with taste. Bersani complained that they have not invited to the celebrations of the Liberation? “He’s right – explains with velvety voice – The mistake was to invite only the ministers. But if it keeps us so we can send a car to pick him up. In fact I’m sure it can be even alone. The door is open for him. God forbid. ” Subtext? Pleased him, the important thing is that it does jokes in the classroom when you vote on the electoral law.


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