(AGI) – Rome, April 22 – Go ahead without changes to the text dell’Italicum by the Commission for Constitutional Affairs in the House and sent to the speakers, Gennaro Migliore (Pd) and Francesco Paolo Sisto (FI), to introduce the measure in the House. At the time of the vote in the Commission, absent all opposition groups: M5S, Sel, Forza Italy, Lega and FDI. The reform of the electoral law will be ‘, then, before the House of Deputies from Monday’, April 27.
Works, those of the House, who are set to be particularly tense, with the opposition determined to using secret voting hoping to embarrass’ government and majority. Silvio Berlusconi and ‘very critical of a law that says, gives a total power to Matteo Renzi with just 30 percent of the vote. “Berlusconi should explain why ‘voted the Italicum, a law that rewards the list instead of’ the coalition, giving the prime minister a chance ‘to command, even before deciding’, and ‘the response of Rosy Bindi. Try to throw cold water on the Minister for Reforms and Relations with Parliament, Maria Elena Boschi: “I hope that the parties decide together to discuss this measure without resorting to a vote secrets and ‘a chance’ granted by Regulation and therefore clearly and ‘a right’ groups ask, on this there is no ‘doubt. But I think the battles you can play head-on. Let’s see what happens – adds Woods – it seems to me, however,’ that Forza Italy has already ‘announced the request for a secret ballot in an official manner. ” Words that are read by the leader of Forza Italy, Renato Brunetta, as “fear from the government. One more reason ‘to ask the secret ballot. We think that MPs should express themselves on a measure so’ delicate in the fullness of their consciences . Then ask the secret ballot, “adds Brunetta. On electoral reform also involved former Prime Minister Enrico Letta, speaking on Radio24, explains how one time in the history of the Republic has approved an electoral law to narrow majority: ‘happened with porcellum and “e’ was a disaster . The other, the Mattarellum and those of the First Republic, were approved in large majorities ’cause, said Renzi same, the rules of the game you are all together. There’ need a large majority, “said Letta . (AGI).
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