Rome – “I express my deepest sorrow before such tragedies. I address a heartfelt appeal to the international community to act decisively and promptly, in order to prevent such tragedies occur again.” He said Pope Francis in an “urgent appeal” during the Sunday Angelus after that, he said, “a boat load of migrants capsized last night”, “and it is feared there are hundreds of victims. They are men and women like us. Our brothers who seek a better life. Hungry, harassed, injured, exploited. Victims of war. They seek a better life. They sought happiness “. Bergoglio then invited the faithful to prayer in silence for those who lost their lives in the night in the sinking.
“We are facing a terrible tragedy that has to shake the international community and recalls the commitment of the EU countries,” said the President of the Republic, Sergio Mattarella , in a statement. “I want to thank and ask publicly praise to the men and women of our military forces and all the rescue workers who are doing their utmost, in international waters, with generosity and professionalism,” says the note. “You can not watch without reacting all’indegna human trafficking which is faced by the refugees often conducted to die at sea by traffickers murderers. The death of hundreds of refugees shows the total failure of the initiatives taken so far by the international community with respect to consequences of war, persecution, famine which afflict many parts of Africa and the Middle East – says the head of state -. The Italian government is making, timely, important steps in European and international level. We need a humanitarian initiative extraordinary involving, in addition to the European Union, international organizations and agencies dell’Onua for policies that address the emergence since the countries of origin. I hope that the sensitivity to human rights prevail over indifference that often borders on cynicism. ”
The mayor Leoluca Orlando proclaimed a day of mourning in Palermo for the day tomorrow. The mourning was proclaimed even in 390 Sicilian municipalities that adopt solidarity initiatives.
Federica Mogherin , High Representative of the Union for business Foreign, called the sinking “unacceptable.” Now, wrote in a note, “it is time for the EU to address these tragedies without delay”, serves the sharing of responsibilities between all 28 that “for too long has been left only to the countries of the South.” For its part, the ‘ EU executive , in a statement, said that “the European Commission is deeply frustrated by the latest developments in the Mediterranean,” a situation “hard that requires decisive action.”
On the political front, however, the first comment is to reach Matteo Salvini , leader of the Northern League, which on Sky TG24 says : “What has changed to 18 months after the massacre of Lampedusa? We need another 700 deaths to block departures? If the EU institutions have a sense, it takes time to organize blockades and identify who is an illegal immigrant and who is a refugee ? I do not know how to say it. The hypocrisy of Renzi Alfano and creates dead “. A theme, that of immigration, on which the leader of the Northern League ‘pushes’ for years: “Other deaths consciences dirty Renzi, Alfano and false gooders”, insists about the barge sank in the Sicilian Channel for which you fear 700 dead. Salvini asks an “international naval blockade immediately, in front of the Libyan coast, and the Coast Guard and Navy to rescue and defend our borders.”
A Salvini responded on Twitter deputy secretary of the Democratic Party Lorenzo Guerini : “While our men collect the bodies and save lives in the Mediterranean, the jackals speculate on live TV. Sickening.”
On the same content the reaction of Fabrizio Cicchitto , President of the Foreign Affairs Committee in the House. “Compared to phenomena of this magnitude Salvini with his polemic unfortunately proves to be only a jackal.”
“It ‘the greatest tragedy of the Italian government. The axis between Renzi Alfano and Boldrini-led this disaster. The only solution that you must put in place right away is that the Italian Air Force and the Navy will equip immediately to sink the boats ready to go as had been done in the past in Albania and that apprestino immediately make the reception centers on the African coast. Let no one think of earning money as are demonstrating the various investigations on the skin of the desperate. Italy can no longer suffer this invasion. ” He said Daniela Santanchè , a Member of Fi.
“Killed by indifference,” wrote Cécile Kyenge , MEP and former Minister for the Democratic Party ‘Integration. “There is no blockade that takes, as proposed by some populist political forces, facing the wave of desperate people fleeing the war: consciously lies. Archive Triton, and immediately activate a new European operation equal to the seriousness of the situation and of the dignity of every human life: ‘Europa Nostra’. “
While the President of the Republic, Sergio Mattarella , follows with alarm since this morning the story of the sinking, the premier Matteo Renzi spoke from Mantua, where today opens the campaign: “The heart beats fast, how do you remain indifferent when the Mediterranean Sea every day there is a massacre? The news of what happened in the north of Libya, even tonight, is still fragmented and the numbers still provisional, but destined to rise: when the dead are recovered 28, but is likely to increase. ” The incident requires, according to Renzi, a reflection on a larger scale: “How can you remain indifferent in the face of those girls who have been kidnapped in Nigeria a year ago by Boko Haram? How do you remain insensitive to the pain of entire generations who die, in a time when the global communication requires us to know everything? But it is here – said the head of government – that is played the drama and beauty of politics. ” Then the President of the Council suspended the election tour and returned to Rome to follow the story: returning to Palazzo Chigi, had a telephone conversation with French President Francois Hollande .
From right, Sen. Maurizio Gasparri Forza Italy spalleggia Salvini and blames what happens to the executive: “The massacres of illegal immigrants in the Mediterranean are the daughters of the false buonismo.Ci wants a strong block ship. The do-gooders are actually murderers, because it is their fault that happens. “
Criticism also came from Alessandro Di Battista of M5S:” The two leaders of the main tragedies are the Minister Alfano, of which we have asked for the resignation at least 800 times, and the former President Napolitano for he pushed especially for the support of the US and the French for the violent destruction of Gaddafi. “
The President of the Left Ecology and Freedom Nichi Vendola has attacked Salvini via Twitter: “It ‘creepy cynicism of those who, for some votes, speculates on tragedy migrants: persecuted alive and insulted by dead “.
According Giorgia Meloni of Brothers of Italy,” The Government Renzi should be investigated for the crime of murder culpable: the tragedy of today off our coasts was caused, in fact, from the crowds and disastrous policy of recoveries at sea fielded with Mare Nostrum and Triton, which allows traffickers to Starting dilapidated boats and totally inadequate to face the sea. “
Alexander Bechini, head of programs in Italy Oxfam , an appeal:” As Oxfam ask all member states of ‘EU to open their eyes and find the resources to develop a mechanism for aid and suitable reception to a phenomenon as that to which we are facing. “
Free commented on the tragedy in a statement: “They died that must weigh on the consciences of all. It should make us say enough, enough traffickers to death, just to the sellers of illusions, just who on these deaths is propaganda, just to those looking for shortcuts with laws that deny rights, fueling lawlessness and despair “:
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