Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Italicum first ok: the Chamber rejects secret vote the rulings – The Messenger

The Italicum exceeds the first hurdle. The Chamber of Deputies rejected it, by secret ballot, the questions of Constitutionality and presented about opposition all’Italicum. The ruling of constitutionality have been rejected and no 384 209 yes, those of about 385 with no and 208 yes.


The four ruling of constitutionality all’Italicum had been presented by Forza Italy, Sel, the Northern League and M5S. Voting was by secret ballot, requested by Forza Italy and granted by the chairman of the House Laura Boldrini.

“It will fall on the government electoral law? We are committed to making the reforms and if we can not make them is also right that we go by the President of the Republic is to say what the situation is, “said the Deputy Secretary of the Democratic Party Debora Serracchiani to 24Mattino on Radio 24.

A long were seen walking through the Transatlantic discuss the Deputy Secretary of the Democratic Party and Lorenzo Guerini Andrea Giorgis, the constitutionalist minority that it will not support the Italicum.

It is still unclear if and when the government decide to armor with confidence the electoral law. According Velina Rossa, the agency Pasquale Laurito, may be placed directly in the afternoon.

“If this does not pass the electoral law is the very idea of ​​the Democratic Party as a vehicle for change that Italy is less, “wrote yesterday the Prime Minister Matteo Renzi managers circle of the Democratic Party, speaking of the divisions within the party on the electoral law. “In the vote of these hours there is dancing in the electoral law, of course. But also the dignity of our party, “he said.

” Forza Italy against this electoral reform, Forza Italy against Renzi, Forza Italy united and compact to give a strong signal to the country and Parliament ‘ . He said Renato Brunetta, leader of Forza Italy in the House, in the press room at Montecitorio. “No – he added – in this electoral law that will produce a man in command, Renzi, in an authoritarian. We compact, united against this electoral law. “

” We see that Forza Italy has a short memory: the Senate voted in favor of this law against which now makes the barricades. That said the best way to avoid the vote of confidence is represented by an open vote, discarding any request for a secret ballot. ” This was stated Fabrizio Cicchitto, Ncd.

With the Italicum “we are moving towards a presidential system of fact.” This was said in the courtroom in the House Congressman M5S Emanuele Cozzolino. “With the Italicum – continued – there will be the direct election of the head of government, although formally the choice of the electorate does not qualify as such. This, if so approved, is a law that will affect the actual functioning of the institutions. In short, a presidential system but Italian, ie without checks and balances. ”


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