Friday, April 24, 2015

Blitz against Al Qaeda in Sardinia, among the 18 arrested two … – Il Sole 24 Ore

History Article


This article was published April 24, 2015 at 07:09.
The last change is the April 24, 2015 at 11:01.

CAGLIARI – The day after the announcement of Obama apologizes for the death of cooperating Italian Giovanni Lo Porto, hostage mujaddin killed by a CIA drone in Pakistan, Italian police announced that was dismantled a branch of Al Qaeda in Sardinia linked to acts of terrorism in Pakistan. Islamic terrorists who possessed “weapons in abundance and many of the faithful who were willing to carry out acts of terrorism in Pakistan and Afghanistan, and then return to Italy” the statement said police.

Police arrested 18 people – many are the orders of arrest – in seven provinces. The organization discovered by men of counterterrorism police prevention preached armed struggle against the West and organized attacks against the government of Pakistan. Among the arrests, 6 or 7 were performed in Sardinia, namely in Gallura. The investigations date back to the period of preparations for the G8 summit in La Maddalena in 2009.

According Digos anti-terrorism and the main role was played by a leader of the movement pietistic Tabligh Eddawa ( Company Propaganda ), which, thanks to its authority religious Imam, and trainer Koranic, operating between Brescia and Bergamo, stimulated fundraiser at pakistano- Afghan communities, rooted in the Italian territory.

“Base in Italy , actions in Pakistan ‘
According to the police, some of the suspects are responsible for numerous and bloody acts of terrorism and sabotage in Pakistan, including the massacre in the city market Meena Bazaar in Peshawar on October 28, 2009 , where an explosion killed more than a hundred people. To ensure you were investigators of the Central Service of the police anti-terrorism prevention and Digos of Sassari. From some interceptions that two members of the organization have been part of the network of supporters who protected in Pakistan Sheikh Osama Bin Laden.

The system ‘Hawala’
How was financing the terrorist network? According to the police: “The funds were sent to Pakistan by members of the organization who roamed the control systems on the export customs of money. In one case it was found the transfer of 55 268 euro by a flight to Islamabad from Rome Fiumicino, failing to make a declaration of ownership to the customs authorities. More frequently, however, the system was used so-called “hawala”. It is a mechanism to transfer risk and occult, based on the bond trustee widespread in Muslim communities in Europe. This system allows you to transfer a sum of money abroad by delivering it to a terminal present in the foreign country, said “hawaladar”, which provides an identification code secret. The beneficiaries of the remittance, by this law, can obtain funds at the ” hawaladar “of the office of destination. ‘

Trafficking of migrants
The terrorist organization provvedeva to fuel the criminal network by allocating a portion of its commitment to the phenomenon of introducing illegal the national territory of Pakistanis or Afghans – says the police – which in some cases were also sorted in some northern European countries. To circumvent the legislation governing the entry or residence in the country of non-EU citizens – say the investigators – the suspects were using simple systems and tested. In some cases resorted to labor contracts with employers complacent in order to obtain entry visas. In other traveled the road of political asylum by passing stakeholders, through false documents and fraudulent claims for victims of ethnic or religious persecution. The organization provided financial and logistical support to illegal immigrants, ensuring their patronage to the competent immigration offices, instructions on the statements to be made to get political asylum, and sim phones, personal contacts.



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