Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Funds Valle d’Aosta, the other three acquittals –

(ANSA) – AOSTA, April 28 – The preliminary hearing judge of Aosta Giuseppe Colazingari acquitted President the Regional Council of Valle d’Aosta Marco Vierin, Councillor André Lanièce and former Dario Comé accusations of embezzlement “because the crime does not exist”.

They were alleged to have paid on their accounts – 2009-2012 – 138.600 euro taken from the account of the group of Stella Alpina. Already acquitted on 30 March by the preliminary hearing judge Maurizio D’Abrusco the 24 defendants in the first tranche of the same process on the cost of politics.

The chief prosecutor of Aosta Marilinda Mineccia had requested a sentence of one year and 10 months imprisonment (suspended sentence) for each of the three defendants in the group of autonomist movement of the center. “I can not say anything, look motives,” said Mineccia after the reading of the judgment.

“It ‘acquittal with the best formula possible, because the crime does not exist. He ended in a long legal battle, the source for our customers to hardship and suffering, but we finally got to the end in a courtroom “failing” to demonstrate the absolute strangeness of our customers to the alleged grounds. ” So the lawyer Stefano Marchesini after the acquittal of the three defendants Edelweiss. Expected within 60 days of the filing of the judgment.



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