| Story Filed: 04/24/2015 – 18:36 | Article read 2201 times
“ The Liberation is a celebration of freedom and hope that you remember that they have won through the sacrifice of so many and we have the right and duty to conserve and preserve .” To say it is the President of the Republic, Sergio Mattarella, on the eve of the 70th anniversary of the festival on April 25, during a meeting with school students, winners of the “From Resistance to Active Citizenship” promoted by the Ministry of Education . “ You young – continued – you have the future in the hands, for a world always better .”
For the head of state, “ the values of freedom, democracy, social justice, peace must be defended and Resistance Democracy is always established and implemented . “
Speaking of the Constitution and its importance, Mattarella urged not to keep it in a glass case as a relic.
A thought, then, terrorism and the role of Europe in contrast all’immigraizone: “ Europe must become aware of its historical responsibility and must work for a new political initiative to the countries of Africa and the Middle East. We must unite efforts in humanitarian relief with an uncompromising fight against traffickers in human beings and terrorism . “
The President finally wanted to tell the company “Ugetto” . “ I do not know if you’ve ever heard of Ugo Oven, killed while Nazi troops were leaving Rome after the occupation. His friends called him Ugetto. The Nazis wanted to blow up a bridge near the Salaria to delay the advance of the Liberation Army . Ugetto, who was 12, he gathered friends largest – continued Matterella -, took up arms and attacked the Germans. Not killed any German but they routed them. The Nazis threw grenades going off. A Ugetto killed and his friend. That railway bridge now bears his name. I say that because it is no longer necessary to take up arms to defend democracy as did that kid to get freedom and democracy. The memory and the future are connected deeply . ” – Newspaper registered at the Court of Palermo n ° 15 Del 27/04/2011
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