ROME Tito Boeri receives us in his office on the second floor of the tower block INPS Eur. When we talk about the Social Security Institute, of which the 56-year old economist at Bocconi University became president, everything is enormous, not only the seat. There is no other institution in Europe, perhaps in the world, underlines the same Boeri, that handles virtually all private and public workers’ pensions and welfare benefits and parassistenziali, from civil disabilities to layoffs. Suddenly the professor, who yesterday gave a speech to employees, found himself at the top of everything. “I had an hour to decide.”
What she said Chairman of the Board, Matteo Renzi, offering the presidency INPS?
“What I asked not only to manage, but also to reform the Institute. He did it in the morning that the government had approved the contract to increasing protections for which, as a scholar, I am so beat. This gave me the measure of the credibility of its commitment. ”
She first earned more. How will INPS? Hand me the joke: he accepted because she was promised a raise?
“No, I accepted because I consider it a civil commitment. And because I have been assured that the Institute will also play a proactive role, except that the decision is up to the government and Parliament. In short, it is not true as someone wrote that I’d done silence. INPS will take 103 000 euro gross per year, a salary higher, but still less than it takes an executive with second INPS and much less than it was earning before. With the exception of the Festival of Economics in Trento, for which this year is still the scientific director, I suspended all my previous work on this assignment that I have already changed my life. ”
What are your priorities?
“start from the transparency. INPS suffers from an external image is not good, you can not appreciate its qualities. People perceive us as those who decide, instead we apply the laws. Let me give an example: there was rightly scandal on pilots in layoffs for seven years. But it depends INPS but by the rules governing the operation of the special fund aviation that we will make public, together with the performance data provided by this fund, because it is right that citizens know that, among other things, the provision is fed with a contribution of 3 euro that we all pay every time we take the plane. ”
The image of INPS also suffers from the various dysfunctions in services by users complained.
“The quality of services can be improved with a more efficient form of organization. But we will do it by starting the operation finally “orange envelope”. A definition actually exceeded because the letter with the account contributory and estimation of the board will send only to workers without an Internet connection. For others, there will be a “pin” by which access through the site INPS to their account and simulate future retirement, according to different scenarios and career growth of the economy. ”
They can do it all? And in that time?
“In 2015 we will give this possibility to all private sector employees. For those public it takes more time because it is more difficult to reconstruct the payouts. In 2016 it should be possible also for the quasi-employees. ”
Those who have so far blocked the operation, because as he said the former president Antonio Mastrapasqua, if we say to the workers as temporary workers take retirement, we risk a social upheaval.
“Wrong. We will not stop us from constraints of a political nature. It is necessary that workers are aware of their situation and what will be expected to pay their pensions so they can plan for the future. The databases are a public good. ”
That means that there will be an internal restructuring?
“What, for example, will intervene on the central management are too many, fifty. So the situation is difficult to manage. Valorizzeremo who deserves, without looking at the union card. ”
The government announced shortly reform of “governance”. His proposal?
“Together with the president of Inail, because the reform concerns both entities, we have presented to the government a scheme that provides for the end of the dual system, which somehow has so far opposed the president to the Director General. We propose a board of three members, including the chairman, and a general manager chosen by the board of directors rather than by the government. It should also be revised Civ, Board of e vigilance. That needs to be streamlined, made up of members of the organizations of employers and workers actually representative, and attributed to an oversight role, preventing functions of co-management. ”
The INPS 2015 budget foresees a deficit of 6.7 billion, due to the legacy still managing Inpdap (civil servants). Should we be concerned?
“No. It is clear that if in the past the State did not pay the contributions of its employees because it was a game-turn, this still weighs on the budget, but the imbalance is gradually reabsorbed. The real issue is that of the welfare costs that must inevitably fall back on general taxation and on which it made a reflection, also to address the increase in poverty that, in these years of crisis, hit more bands d ‘ before retirement age. ”
That is, even those who remain out of work in old age but is still far from retirement. No coincidence that there is a broad consensus, Minister Giuliano Poletti to the President of the Senate Committee on Labor, Maurizio Sacconi, through trade unions, on the need to re-introduce a flexible retirement age.
“This issue, as I said, you can face especially on the side of social safety nets. So far the theme of esodati was faced with six decrees safeguard (involving an expenditure of 12 billion, ed) that often but also help those who have high incomes while there are many other situations that are not protected. In short we should better spend public resources, providing for a minimum income to combat poverty, financed by general taxation. Then, on the side of security, it is clear that, using the contribution-based, you could introduce forms of flexibility. ”
That is allow early exit from work, but with pensions proportionally lighter?
“Yes. But first you need to convince the European Commission, because, unfortunately, the public accounts are considered in their annual size instead of the medium to long term. For the EU if you allow early retirement stands out only the immediate increase in spending, but not the fact that then you will save because the pension amount will be lower. We need to fight in Europe to get an assessment of the intertemporal budget. ”
You economist argued the desirability and feasibility of a recalculation with the contributory pension in payment and a higher contribution on checks to obtain about 4 billion that could go to the lowest pensions . It’s always this idea?
“We’ll work. We will also be an operation transparency: a study by categories by comparing the amount of pensions in payment with what you get from the recalculation with the contribution method. Based on these data we can formulate proposals for action. It is the proactive role of INPS mentioned at the beginning, and I claim. The Institute, through its expertise and wealth of data available to it, can be a consultant of quality of governance, a bit ‘as the Bank of Italy. ”
When this study will be ready? Before the next law Stability?
“Yes, I’d like to succeed by the summer.”
March 3, 2015 | 7:13
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