Milan , March 3, 2015 – 9:14
There will be no decree on” good school. ” After months of waiting, announcements, theme days on the reform that was to revolutionize the Italian school, a few hours after its launch in the Council of Ministers, the Prime Minister Matteo Renzi last night decided to give up the decree, preferring the parliamentary way: school Today the government will introduce only a bill asking Parliament’s approval in certain times. “We are working on a radical change, but we want to involve the majority and the opposition – said Renzi his -: school I want to give a message to Parliament, taking up the spirit of the declarations of the opposition and the President of the Republic. We will propose a bill, asking certain times in the parliamentary work. If everyone will be respectful and careful, if there is no obstruction, then the reasons for urgency will be respe cted by the normal parliamentary debate. ”
A choice to Renzi , explain in environments of the Presidency of the Council made to involve more and opposition but also to answer charges of conduct “dictatorial”: “We’ll see will act as the opposition. ” And now comes the first applause with the chairman of the Members of Forza Italian Renato Brunetta that is satisfied by “the intentions of not more muscular Renzi.”
But it is the Ministry of Education that the decision the premier has left everyone speechless. Where now there were filing the latest details of the draft decree that afternoon would come before the Council of Ministers. A bolt from the blue for the same minister Stefania Giannini who has been able to stop the decree just hours before his presentation.
The choice of Renzi has instead put everything into question. The time to begin with. With the decree, the technicians of the Ministry of Education could start working immediately for the recruitment of 120 000 temporary school from September 1, the heart of the educational reform of the government: “No more precarious,” said the premier just 9 days ago from the stage of the Democratic Party in the day of pride of the Good school in Rome. But with the bill the times are not so certain: you will have to wait until the end of the parliamentary procedures and with the chaos of the hiring of te mporary schools, including rankings, competitions and appeals, you are likely to slip beyond September 1.
Not only. According to the decree , thanks a billion for the School of Law of stability, were strengthened subjects such as English, music and art; most laboratories were built, it was increasing digitization of the school; is favored greater alternation between school and work in all addresses. And finally, there was the establishment of a fund experimental for the deduction of school fees of the private schools, one of the most debated nodes. Back in Training. Now the ball is in the Parliament.
March 3, 2015 | 9:14
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