Monday, March 16, 2015

Anti-corruption bill, the text of false accounting comes in Commission … – The Republic

Rome – The much awaited text of the government regarding the amendment that reintroduces the crime of false accounting was finally presented in the Senate Judiciary Committee, where the discussion of the anti-corruption bill. The President of the House Pietro Grasso, who was prime sponsor of the bill, welcomed the news with these words, particularly emblematic of the story of the measure: “There is good news. Alleluia, alleluia! The famous amendment on false budget has arrived and this is an important development. “

From the preliminary information, the text is exacerbated imprisonment for listed companies guilty of false accounting: 3 to 8 years imprisonment. For the same offense, however, non-listed companies are punished with penalties ranging from 1 to 5 years, the maximum period that excludes the use of wiretapping during the relevant inquiries. A reduction (above for unlisted had been planned for 2 to 6 years) who had just been criticized by the Democratic Party, when in the beginning of March, the parent company dem in committee, Giuseppe Lumia, urging the government to present the text, had simultaneously demanded the return of the crime “6 years”.

On the false accounting, the text of the government expected to proceed ex officio, except in cases involving non-listed companies below the limits fallibility, where the procedure is introduced to the lawsuit. In case of false accounting, the financial penalties ranging from 400 to 600 shares for listed companies, from 200 to 400 for those not listed, while the text of the government establishes the penalty from 100 to 200 shares for non-listed companies to which recognized the fact minor. Enters, in fact, in the text of the government anti-corruption bill to the rule on tenuous nature of the act, passed by the last Council of Ministers, which introduced in the Criminal Code, Article 131 bis, with the filing of some facts of slight entity.

The tweet of Matteo Renzi: “Against Corruption Government proposals: increased penalties and prescription doubled. And the Authority is now law with pres Canton”.

E ‘was the deputy Minister of Justice Enrico Costa to deposit the text in the Commission, but the session was suspended for lack of quorum. In particular, several members were absent dem organism. So the president Nitto Palma has decided to suspend the sitting. Meanwhile also came also the Keeper Andrea Orlando and the session of the Commission is taken. The Commission will now have to set a deadline for the sub-amendments. The work on the bill corruption most likely continue into the night, trying to respect a scheduling that would like the bill in the House in the Senate tomorrow.

For the minister Orlando “can do”. “There are all conditions to meet deadlines for the Chamber – said the Keeper -. The text is balanced, effective and incisive that fills the gaps. It can bite the phenomenon of corruption.” “It ‘s hard but you can do” instead, for the rapporteur Nico D’Ascola (Ncd), for whom “the text could be fired already within this session.” Decidedly pessimistic Senator Enrico Buemi (PSI): “It is difficult to close tonight. Possible in the coming days.”

It pushes to the attainment of the M5s. “No reservations on our part in supporting the bill Grasso, even if we have already presented five, six proposals on the topic that would improve it and now still could become amendments,” he told a news conference Senator Enrico Cappelletti, a member of the Committee on Justice , which echoed the deputy M5S Alessandro Di Battista, present at the meeting: “We are ready to calendarizzarlo tomorrow, after which we will amend it to make it a text even harder.”


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