Monday, March 16, 2015

Tav procurement and infrastructure projects, four arrests, 50 suspects. Also stopped … – The Messenger

More than 100 searches, more than 50 suspects and four arrests in public procurement. And ‘the result a big operation of the police officers of the ROS, coordinated by the prosecutor in Florence . Among those arrested is also the former director of Infrastructure super Hercules is pressing, for fourteen years in the control room, with seven different governments and five ministers from each side (see picture). The others are his collaborator Sandro Pacella and entrepreneurs Stephen Perotti and Francesco Cavallo.

Politicians investigated Among the suspects are also political. According to sources close to the investigation, however, it would not be politicians’ of the first order. “

The charges in the viewfinder management unlawful procurement of so-called Great works. Suspects are charged with the crimes of corruption induction embezzlement, obstructing the charms and other crimes against the Pa. The arrest warrants are being executed in the early hours of this morning in Rome and Milan part of the ROS. Searches in different regions of public offices and corporate headquarters due to suspects, as well as in their homes and even in the offices of several companies including RFI and Anas international Enterprise.

System corruptive, Tav and Expo The investigation showed a Florentine ‘complex system bribery involving public managers, procurement contractor companies and firms carrying out the work “(that’s how it worked). All the major department works – in particular contracts for the Tav and also some about the Expo, but not only – would have been the subject of ” complex system corruptive “set up. In the foreground in the survey, the relationship between the entrepreneur and is pressing Perotti which would be entrusted in time the design and construction management of several major works along motorways and rail, for a fee.

“This type of construction management changes allowed, with works that lievitavano even 40 percent,” said the commander of the ros, Mario Parente. At the press conference after the arrests made was also attended by the prosecutor of Florence Giuseppe Creazzo: “The total number of contracts awarded to companies linked to Perotti ‘is 25 million euro.

” The survey found also as the engineer Stefano Perotti influenced illegally on awarding the work to implement the so-called Palazzo Italian Expo ‘write the pm. “The magistrate did not consider that there were elements of gravity to challenge the conspiracy and was rejected.”

The role of dominus is pressing According to the indictment would have been just Incalza – called “powerful leader” of the Ministry of Public Works, the main architect of the “corrupt system.” He would be, in particular, as ‘dominus’ of the Technical Mission Structure of the Ministry of Public Works, to organize the illegal procurement management of Great works, with the direct contribution of Perotti, which was often entrusted with the direction of works contracts indicted. As for the other two arrested, Pacella is a Ministry official, a close associate of Incalza, as part of the department also gravitated Cavallo, president of the board of Centostazioni Spa, a subsidiary of Railways.

The investigation The surveys are coordinated by the prosecutor in Florence, because it all started from the contracts for the high-speed node Florentine and the under-crossing of the city. From there, the investigation has expanded to all the most important sections of the High Speed ​​of north-central Italy and a long series of contracts relating to other major works, including some related to the Expo.

             Monday, March 16, 2015, 08:37 – Last Updated: 15:40


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