Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Ecoreati, the Senate approved the bill. In favor also Sel and M5S, FI … – Il Sole 24 Ore

History Article


This article was published on March 4, 2015 at 10:55.
The last change is the March 4, 2015 at 15:06.

The classroom of the Senate approved with 165 yes, 49 no and 18 abstentions, the bill in the field of crimes against the environment. In favor of the majority with Sel and Movement 5 Stars, while the League abstained and Forza Italy voted against. Many of the changes approved by the Palazzo Madama, which will report the bill on pollution ambiental and intentional crimes against the environment, to the attention of the House for third reading. Highlights amendments FI-Gal, approved yesterday against the advice of the government, on the techniques authorized for inspection of the seabed aimed at the search for hydrocarbons. Then to debut a new offense relating to the prohibition of using the air-gun or other explosive techniques for the activities of oil exploration and inspection.

Amendments adopted with bipartisan vote
Among other amendments adopted yesterday, even with bipartisan vote, the proposed amendment of the speakers Pasquale Sollo (Pd) and Gabriele Albertini (Ap) which excludes the confiscation to people outside the environmental crime: “The confiscation of the things that make up the product or profit of the offense or which served to commit the crime will always be ordered unless they belong to a person unrelated to the crime. ” Proposal by the speakers and also approved the amendment relating to penalties for pollution offenses and environmental disaster committed to blame. In the case of administrative liability, the entity will apply (provided legal personality and to companies and associations without legal personality), a fine of two hundred to five hundred shares. A share – according to the current legislation – varies from a minimum of 258 euro to a maximum of 1549 €, thus the maximum pe nalty that can be applied will be 500 euro 774mila.

Among the new aggravating environmental crime of omitted clean
Go ahead, always vote with cross, even to an amendment of the Democratic Party, before signing Felice Casson, the entry into the aggravating environmental bill with increased penalties. “When a fact already considered a crime is committed in order to perform one or more of the offenses provided for by law no. 152 of 2006 or any other law for the protection of the environment is worth – reads in the amendment – in the first case has increased by a third to a half, and in the second case is increased by a third. ” In any case the offense is automatically prosecuted. Also yesterday, at the proposal of grillino Paul Nugnes, the House approved an amendment introd ucing in the Criminal Code the new offense of failure to reclamation. The amendment provides that “whoever, being supposed to by law, by order of the court or of a public authority, does not provide for remediation, restoration or recovery of the locations shall be punished with imprisonment from one to four years and a fine ranging from 20,000 to 80,000 euro. ” Two other similar amendments M5S-Pd approved by feature rather than the prosecutor, when they proceed to investigation for crimes against the environment, they give ‘notice to the national anti-Mafia prosecutor. ” In the package of amendments grillini approved an amendment to the bill in the part that regulates the active repentance. Who is working to restore the state of the polluted sites will not be entitled to exemption from punishment but a milder reduction by a third to half of the sentence for the offense committed.



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