Sunday, March 1, 2015

Northern League in Rome, Salvini accusation: “Renzi foolish servant of Brussels” – TGCOM

Northern League in Rome, Salvini accusation: "Renzi foolish servant of Brussels" – TGCOM

– “Today we took to the streets against two enemies, conformity and fear,” said Matteo Salvini, speaking from the stage of Rome, the event Northern League. “It is not the problem Renzi – he added -. Renzi is just a pawn, is the foolish servant of Brussels, who wants to destroy the Italian economy.”

Northern League in Rome, Salvini accusation: & quot; Renzi foolish servant Brussels & quot;

All vaffa Salvini – A “vaffa” Matteo Renzi, one by Angelino Alfano, one former Minister Elsa Fornero and a large banner reading “Berlusconi politically dead, only better.” The secretary of the Northern League is galvanized by the square of the People crowded and launches a sort of Opa on the center-right. The proof is the announcement that the league is ready to go to the regional alone, with their candidates: “If there is FI, is welcome. If you look to the Minister Alfano and illegal invasion, for we can not do anything “. Salvini speaks half hour and touches all the major themes of the rally: the single rate of 15% for the treasury; no to war in Libya; stop the embargo against Russia. Crush his hand on security policies and the fight against immigration. Receives the ovation of the crowd, in which there are many on the right and the extreme right. And ‘this is the new policy of the Roman event: the secre tary of the Northern League “opens” the participation of Casapound (an exponent speaks from the stage) and far-right groups such as the French “Bloc Identitaire” and Germany’s “Pegida” (these last known in Germany for the marches anti-Islam).

A presence that creates confusion even among members of the League (Bossi supports Salvini but stresses that he would never have made arrangements with CasaPound). Perplexity, in any case, “silenced” by the success of the event. “I do not ask the identity card to those who participate,” repeats Salvini. And from the stage Giorgia Meloni, president of Brothers of Italy, said that “the one today is a manifestation of all the opposition to the government Renzi that will be repeated on March 7 in Venice.” As for the center – says Meloni – “would appropriate the primaries.”

From the stage, Matteo Salvini if ​​it is taken with everyone. And if there is someone, who is angry a lot, see the former minister Fornero, but also Ncd, there are those who took care of another. One for all: the Prime Minister Matteo Renzi. While Salvini screamed the square that the prime minister was none other than the “foolish servant of Brussels”, he twittava. But not on the League, but on a rugby match: the one in Edinburgh saw the victory of the Azzurri.

For all indifferent, however, the Fornero, also today in the “naughty list” of Salvini. “We will cancel the Law Fornero and vaffa her and those who brought it to the government,” shouted the leader of the League from the stage. Frosty the answer: “The merit of the reform on pensions speaks for itself. I think and hope that the Italians are able to understand the low level of politics to Salvini.”

Alfano: “Salvini is a problem in itself” – On the hard-line, no doubt Ncd, party quell’Angelino Alfano that Salvini has called “a problem for himself “. Speaks of “flop”, Cicchitto, “with only 13 thousand in the square” and warns: “With the League of us Popular Area we can not and we must not have any relationship of alliance politics.” There are, then, the vaffa. A Ncd are not liked: “For fuck like there was enough political program Grillo, did not feel the need for a replicant …” quips the national coordinator, Quagliariello.

Fi “Our center without Casapound” – Forza Italy, with ups and downs, love and hate, now steps back are a lot ‘. “Well demonstrate against the government, but the center-we think we are far from Casa Pound and portraits of the Duce and close to the League of Bossi and Maroni,” warns Mariastella Gelmini. While Osvaldo Napoli Salvini also gives a hint: “The League secretary made his bathroom ‘Roman’ crowd so long prepared. Salvini will decide sooner or later to leave his arsenal to move to the policy of reasons and reasonableness? “.

The far right leaning Salvini – A hold stand politically, however, is the participation of the extreme right in the demonstration of the League. In front of the maxi-stage have not escaped some invocations such as “Duce, Duce!” (A picture of Mussolini was seen parading) nor some Celtic crosses that are “mixed” to teasing banners anti-Renzi. The scenic “descent” of the “supporter” right from the Pincio hill, just behind the stage, when interventions were just starting in mid-afternoon.

The tribute to the two marines – A march compact, tricolor in hand, opened by two giant Massimiliano Latorre and Salvatore Girone, the Marò “to be released.” Applause. The flags CasaPound, right behind, you are wedged in the Green League arrived well before, in the morning, with the usual “toolbox” of identity. Who in the car, those with the buses (200) and trains (3). There was also one who wore horns Viking like in Pontida.

Maintained distance with antagonists – The Roman square, separated from the rest of the city to avoid clashes with those who did not want the rally League 15 years after the last with Umberto Bossi, present with Roberto Maroni, has seen mixing traditional regional banners brandished the tricolor from the right. It is praised for Italy, but also the autonomy of the territories. There were banners from Varese, but also from Reggio Calabria. They started booing against the mayor of Rome, Ignazio Marino, but also applause for breeder Lombard that the stage has defended the reasons of the mountain against the EU that did pay fines for milk quotas. At one point, also spreads the news of an attack on youth forzisti arrived in the square, but it is not confirmed nor between the League, nor among the police. Then explodes punctual war of numbers: for law enforcement is 20 thousand protesters, while the League of 100 thousand.

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Northern League
Matthew salvini

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