Saturday, February 28, 2015

Matteo Salvini in Rome with his ‘League’ with CasaPound – CATANIAVERA.IT

Matteo Salvini in Rome with his 'League' with CasaPound – CATANIAVERA.IT


Matteo Salvini in Rome with his 'League' with CasaPound

Matthew Salvini doing a rally in Rome? And what’s more with CasaPound? No, not fantasy, or a movie, it’s reality! It ‘happened yesterday in Piazza del Popolo, where the federal secretary of the Northern League, has gone to seek approval from the non-leaguers throwing the challenge to Prime Minister Matteo Renzi. A demonstration blindatissima, as we imagined unrest of any kind, riots, and instead the end, according to the organizers came to Rome to hear the words of Salvini, over 100 thousand people. There are those who talk of not less than 20 thousand, the fact is that the league perhaps for the first time in its history, was able to find support in the “thieving Rome”, called so many years ago by the founder of the Northern League party, Umberto Bossi. But things change and now, after many years of that sentence, and in particular Roma Piazza del Popolo where there took place the event was renamed the League’s secretary, “the sq uare of the new resistance.” The capital was put into extraordinary coverage by security forces for fear of clashes between protesters and members of the League against the demonstration organized to repel the invasion of salviniani. Eventually won pacifism. According to Matteo Salvini, the problem in Italy, is not the other Matteo Renzi, as a “puppet in the hands of the powers that be, as the Confederation of, as Marchionne, as Brussels.” “Renzi is a pawn – Salvini thunders from the stage in Piazza del Popolo – Renzi is the foolish servant available to someone who has no name. Brussels wants to control the lives of each of us and Renzi is the tool of the left, the sympathetic, which is available to anyone who wants to destroy what remains of the Italian economy. The problem is not the Renzi or Alfano, the problem are the policies that advance. ” “Today in the newspapers – is keen to stress the League Secretary – th ere was talk of a triumph because Istat said that in the first quarter of Italy, thanks to the reforms of Renzi, up 0.1%. A blockbuster, but to make matters worse there is the spread much lower. And thanks to this as I have done to pay less coffee at People’s Square today because the spread is very low? “.

Event ‘League’ and against the event
Meanwhile the streets of Rome, at 15 began against the event, organized by the social centers to say” no “to the policies of Matteo Salvini and his ‘League’, but also to the government Renzi. Many choirs were directed precisely against the other event, choruses shouting “never with Salvini.”

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