Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Anas: War for after-Pacifiers, towards privatization (Rep) – BBC

09:05 ROME (Dow Jones) – Peter pacifiers signed the surrender agreeing to resign by Anas -where “reigned” for nine years-after a long and bitter conflict with the Minister of Infrastructure and Transport, Graziano Delrio. Now at Palazzo Chigi, so ‘as the Treasury and Infrastructure, you program the future. The resignation of Pacifiers take effect in a month, on the 15th of May, with the approval of the budget of Anas. That very day the government will appoint ‘the new president. The names that turn, writes Republic, are those of Andrea Guerra, Luxottica and now former economic adviser to the prime minister, and Erasmo De Angelis, close to Renzi, already ‘head unit’ for the hydrogeological Palazzo Chigi and passed to Ministry of Porta Pia with the removal of Delrio. They will also have to be replaced, the other two directors who in recent months have left the board Anas Pacifiers transforming into a man in command. But the game sull’Anas, continues the newspaper, and ‘more’ wide. Also includes a problem of governance that is intertwined with the desire expressed by the Government privatization Letta and not waned with Renzi. To prevent future Anas can return to a strong management staff, the executive plans to split the commission president-CEO, and to increase the number of directors taking them three to five. If it is not excluded that the reform can come already ‘half’ in May with the establishment of the new board, the government could instead wait a few months. Gia ‘why’, the Minister of Economy, Pier Carlo Padoan, despite not having entered the Anas in the list of public companies to be privatized soon, and ‘willing to do the biennium 2016-2017. And then, we reason from the Chigi Palace and the Treasury, he might have more ‘sense to wait to review the governance, writing it at a later time, when the government will have’ decided how to open the market and Anas calibrabdola the new physiognomy of soieta ‘ . vs (end) AFX NEWS 1409: April 4, 2015


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