Friday, April 10, 2015

Approved the Def, Renzi: “On dowry from 1.5 billion decide more … – Il Sole 24 Ore

History Article


This article was published April 10, 2015 at 22:30.
The last change is the April 10, 2015 at 23:18.

“There are no new taxes, rather it is finished by the time the tax increase.” So the Prime Minister Matteo Renzi at the end of the Council of Ministers approved the document in the evening of economics and finance (Def) and the National Reform Programme (NRP) with the announced spending review by 10 billion for 2016. The meeting of the 9:30 Friday morning only served to formalize the appointment of Claudio De Vincenti to Secretary to the Prime Minister, replacing Graziano Delrio. As for the “treasure” from about 1.5 billion (that the government define a “bonus”) popped up in the last hour, Renzi said: “We will decide in the coming weeks whether and how to use the spaces according to the priorities that we have.”

On April 21, the first decrees tax draft bill Rai bollinato Monday
The head of government added that Tuesday, April 21 the minister will bring in Padoan CDM a “part of the decrees “prescribed by law and the tax that” the second part will arrive in June. ” While the bill to reform the governance Rai will “bollinato Monday morning” and the same day “will be sent to Parliament.”

GDP at + 0.7% in 2015
The forecasts are in Def growth, albeit slight: GDP gave up 0.7% compared to previous estimate of 0.6%, 1.4% in 2016 and 1.5% in 2017. The nominal deficit will fall to 2.6% of GDP in 2015 and, respectively, 1.8% and 0.8% in the two following years. The structural budget balance is confirmed in 2017 while resetting the deficit-GDP par with full respect for the rule of debt you will have in 2018. The debt / GDP ratio will amount to 132.5% this year before falling to 130.9% in 2016, to 127.4% in 2017 and 123.4% in 2018.

Renzi: on bonus will decide in the next few weeks
“We will decide in the coming weeks whether and how to use the spaces according to the priorities that are there. It is not in the Def you decide “the premier said Matteo Renzi at the end of the CDM speaking of the” bonus “of 1.5 billion. He added: “There are no new taxes, rather it is finished by the time the tax increase. It is a fundamental point, clear, central to the country. We must ensure that the sacrifices they make more citizens. ”

The dowry was already written between the lines in the tables of the Stability Programme of Def, developed and tested by cdm last Tuesday, but only today has risen to the surface. In Def these resources should be counted and “made available” for this year. But their use should be defined in an ad hoc decree. The most likely hypothesis is that Renzi thinking of an intervention on the welfare. Maybe with the extension of the bonus 80 euro also to non-taxpayers, one of the projects in which the government has always taken more, but for lack of resources has so far failed to achieve. Or with a speech on poverty and an equivalent of the “citizen’s income” wanted by the Movement 5 Stars.



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