Saturday, April 11, 2015

Chaos in the regional center. Poli: “We are evaluating my … – Courier Salentino

Vitali: “In the last resort I apply myself.” Schittulli: “I feel outrage and disgust”

Photos Antonio Castelluzzo

Photos Antonio Castelluzzo

BARI – center-into chaos, strife and twists are now on the agenda: Berlusconi tried to hunt the name resolver from the cylinder and tried to convince Adriana Poli Bortone with a call . Then, the regional directorate coordinated by Commissioner forzista announced the choice: the former mayor of Lecce has been named as a candidate to the government of Apulia after the split . Adriana Poli Bortone thanked, but officially declared to wait to express the opinion of the leader of his party, Giorgia Meloni. A return came the verdict of the national leader of the Brothers of Italy: “I do not think the case: you can not use an application to break a coalition. It would be a good idea if the coalition agreed to reunify “. Even the leaders of the regional party Giorgia Meloni share: “Vitali fishing from a party that has already come out in favor of the same Schittulli and Poli Bortone said the professor is the best candidate for Puglia”.

The former mayor of Lecce, however, reached on the phone in the evening, explains that the game is still open: “S chittulli ruined All with that press conference: potevca not satisfied with the nominations of all outgoing? On my application will decide the national leaders. I am available to my party, if the national leaders decide that I have to take this step. I have not heard Giorgia Meloni, but soon we will do an evaluation together “. Poli Bortone hopes that everything can still fall, but Luigi Vitali this time we do not think right and says he has other names to spend, making it clear that the board is even his name, as a last resort : “If I wanted to make the candidate would have accepted the proposal of Berlusconi six months ago. I considered that it was appropriate to my application because there was already a candidate in the race. ” Now that candidate that they were ready to support Berlusconi became the candidate of Lease, then opponent, because he claimed that the list forzista were inserted fittiani and not only the outgoing directors: for these reasons, the Commissioner of Forza Italy is ready to go like a caterpillar on everything, even at the cost of bitter defeat.

Meanwhile, Schittulli is disgusted: “ In the light of what is happening in the last few hours, it is my duty to express outrage and disgust expressions riservatemi who today is Forza Italy in Puglia. The respect for the dignity of my person goes beyond any political interest – party: you can not pass, in 24 hours, from being the best candidate to be seriously offended by the same person publicly. For me and for the people of Puglia remains incomprehensible that, for infighting in Forza Italian national, Puglia can be considered a battlefield and the voters of the same tools. ” Even the professor hopes that everything falls. They all hope, but the center remains divided, while fittiani and Berlusconi seem prepare for a final showdown. E ‘war on all fronts: in Lecce, on Sunday morning, the convention is held of fittiani Autoconvocate, that they have no intention to recognize the appointment of Paris Mazzotta.


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