“We will decide in the coming weeks how to use the treasure “. So Matteo Renzi at the end of the Council of Ministers, which was slipped from 10 to 20, among much controversy, to launch the Document economics and finance . Yet another postponement of the meeting of government (an identical ballet was staged, for example, to the approval of the Stability Law 2015 ) had given rise to more than one question. Renzi at the end of the meeting, however, has argued that it was only a technical passage: “The Def is the photo of an economic situation and says that the resources are there. I say this not only for those gufa , but we re-read the text page by page to avoid delays in delivery. ” Then the prime minister has confirmed that, as rumors that you were chased in the day, the public accounts has dawned “ Bonus ” 1.6 billion. A “treasure” that comes from the difference of 0.1 percentage points between the ‘ debt programmatic (one agreed with Brussels) and to trend, to which the Italian economy has already started. The first is at 2.6% of GDP, the second at 2.5. 0.1% dancing is worth about 1.6 billion euro.
Video Manolo Lanaro Encrypt that Renzi did not say, however, how it will be used. The orientation would be to allocate it to the welfare, launching an ad hoc decree, or use it to broaden the audience of the recipients of the bonus 80 € . “Let’s see, are assumptions,” argued the President of the Council. “The discussion is open. As suggested by Robert Hope ( Minority Leader dem, ed ), could be used to counter the Poverty or to enlarge the bonus to non-taxpayers. ” Nothing more, which did not fail to arouse ironies and criticism from the opposition. From Forza Italy , which speaks explicitly of “logic from campaign “, because at the end of May are scheduled in seven regions the local elections.
On the spending cuts, which the government hopes to achieve savings for $ 10 billion , are confirmed areas of intervention emerged from drafts of Def in recent weeks: strengthening the Consip for purchases of goods and services , rationalization of 10 thousand items of expenditure contained in the budgets of ministries and investee of the local authorities, the reduction of tax , close on Disability benefits received illegally, reconnaissance of business incentives in view of a reorganization. As for health care, application of standard costs and reduction of the seats in the Asl: “It is not normal that there are regions with seven provinces and 22 Asl , for me it’s an exaggeration,” he annotated Renzi .
After the controversy in recent days with the mayors for the metropolitan cities, however, more concerned for the allotment of the cuts under the last budget package that the Def, Prime Minister then reiterated that the document does not introduce taxes and does not increase the sacrifices imposed on Regions and local authorities. Reassurance theoretically redundant, given that none of the actions foreseen in the Def has the force of law: it is just a programmatic text. A really establish snips and interventions on tax and welfare will be the next law Stability. Yet the Prime Minister has not given up on to explain that the Commons “we are giving so much money eleven billion for underground , to solve the problem that the citizens know well, that the crossing of the city in the morning “.
During the press conference, the prime minister has also answered a question on the political foundations , the subject of several scandals. It said he was in favor of an ad hoc law: “I am not opposed to a Reform that imposes transparency but so far the regulatory framework in Italy has been mixed. Also because it is the theme of the privacy “. Yet “if we intervene with regulatory action must be at the instigation of Parliament. We abolished the loan public, I prefer that the parties are financed by those who go to Celebrations Unit and dinners that not all citizens with funding. “
In the queue, Renzi also spoke of recent surveys that have also affected the Democratic Party: “The investigations shall be carried to the end, I ask the judges to do their work freely, they are happy when the investigation comes to judgment” . Then a hint to the Rai : “The bill that the reform will bollinato Monday morning and will go into Parliament.” In conclusion, the Prime Minister has flaunted optimism: “Things are going forward. The projects that we had put on belt and we will proceed to take home everything. ” ->

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